巧妙设计文本 专练“七选五”


教学考试(高考英语) 2016年1期


巧妙设计文本 专练“七选五”



Passage 1

新鲜度:★★★★☆ 难度:★★☆☆☆ 体裁:说明文

话题:开发才能 关键词:improve your memory

短文词数:371 正确率:/5 建议时间:5分钟

Ways to Improve Your Memory

The human mind is a remarkable thing.In many ways we could consider it the original super computer,capable of astonishing feats when it’s working optimally.Some of the secrets of getting the most out of our minds are quite simple to carry out once we are aware of them._1_Check out these ways to improve your memory,and you may never find yourself wondering where you left your car keys again!

Cut Stress_._2_This means when anyone with these things is running wild in your life your memory will suffer,sometimes greatly.Some methods that have worked again and again:meditation,yoga or even spending relaxing time with a pet._3_

Get the Blood Flowing.Exercise isn’t only great for your body,but it’s equally good for your long and short term memory._4_Then what you thought was a bad memory will likely be replaced by a more youthful mind that is less forgetful.So running,swimming,riding the bike or clocking in on the rowing machine are all good choices here.

___5_This is a trick used by all of the world’s top memory contest winners,so you know that if we accept it we should take it very seriously! Instead of thinking of words and numbers when we try to remember something,make an effort to think in visual terms.By associating what we would like to remember with images,we are much,much more likely to remember what we wish to without struggling.It’s a law of how our minds work that can be easily used to improve our memories in seconds.Get in the habit of drawing pictures in your mind and a memory contest may be in your near future too!

A.Image Association.

B.Eat More Fish and Legumes.

C.Give these a try and see what you think.

D.Have you ever wished your memory was more sharp?

E.Get moving,keep your blood flowing in a healthy manner consistently.

F.In fact not sleeping well one night can take up to three good night’s sleep to recover from.

G.Depression,stress and anxiety all tax the same area of your brain that is responsible for memory.








4.E。本段主要介绍运动和记忆的关系——让血液流动起来对改善记忆力有好处。选项E意为“运动起来,让你的血液以健康的方式持续地流动”,其中的关键词“get moving”和“keep your blood flowing”与本段的主题句意义吻合。

5.A。此处为本段的中心句。通过选项A中的关键词“image”和“association”与本段中的关键词“associating”“images”和“drawing pictures”吻合对应,由此可知答案为A项,说明本段主要介绍记忆力竞赛者常用的增强记忆力的方法——形象记忆。


meditation n.冥想;legume n.豆类,豆荚;remarkable adj.不平常的,非凡的;associate vt.使发生联系,使联合


原文:This is a trick used by all of the world’s top memory contest winners,so you know that if we accept it we should take it very seriously!


分析:这是一个表示因果关系的并列复合句。在第一个分句中,“used by all of the world’s top memory contest winners”是过去分词短语作定语,修饰trick;第二个分句是一个主从复合句,“you know...”是主句,“that if we accept it should take it very seriously”是由that引导的宾语从句。宾语从句本身又是一个主从复合句,“if we accept it”是条件状语从句,“we should take it very seriously”是主句。

原文:By associating what we would like to remember with images,we are much,much more likely to remember what we wish to without struggling.



Passage 2

新鲜度:★★★★☆ 难度:★★☆☆☆ 体裁:说明文

话题:结交新朋友 关键词:make friends

短文词数:396 正确率:/5 建议时间:5分钟

Ways to Get More Friends

It can be difficult to meet new people and make friends,especially when you move to a new city or find yourself out of your comfort zone_._1_There are several ways that you can meet people that you might not have considered in the past.

★__2__You probably have several acquaintances that you see on a daily basis or a weekly basis.If you get along well with certain people,you can see if this acquaintance would like to go out and do something socially with you.If you have common interests,you might suggest that the two of you do something together that involves your interest.

★Make an effort to accept invitations.Sometimes people that you know may be having a barbecue or other type of social gathering.Try to ensure that you are able to attend and then show up at the appointed time_._3_If you meet people that you click with,you can invite your friends to your own event and ask them to extend the invitation to the friends that were at their gathering too.

★Go out,even when you don’t feel like it.It turns out that when people invite someone to join them for dinner or a movie or something else,they really want to hang out with you._4_

★Consider joining local clubs for things that you are interested in.This is a really great way to meet new people who have similar interests to you.Joining these kinds of groups gets you out of the house,out of your shell and out socializing at least once per week.

___5_But once you have used the same methods a few times you will know exactly what works and what does not.Don’t give up,everyone is different and it just takes time to get to know people.

A.Expand on current relationships.

B.Trying to make new friends can be frustrating at first.

C.Do you work with people that you get along well with?

D.If you get someone’s contact information,try contacting them.

E.Making new friends can make your life more exciting and fulfilled.

F.If you tend to say“no”often,people will eventually stop asking you to go with them.

G.These types of gatherings often lead to meeting different people who are friends of friends.





1.E 本段第一句意为“当你离开自己熟悉、舒适的环境,到达一个新的城市时,结交新朋友可能会有一些困难”。空白处后面的一句话说明“有一些你以前可能没有想到的结交新朋友的方法”。因此该空白处起承上启下的作用,应该着重讲述结交朋友的重要性或结交朋友的意义。由此可见,选项E“拥有朋友的生活会更令人兴奋、更充实”最适合。

2.A 空白处后面的信息“在日常生活中,你可以建议和自己有共同兴趣爱好的熟人一起去做一些与兴趣爱好有关的事情”说明我们可从熟人中交朋友。由此可推知,本段的主题是拓展目前的关系。故A项正确。

3.G 本段主题句为“要接受朋友的邀请”。选项G中的关键线索词“These types of gatherings”与其前面的关键信息“having a barbecue or other type of social gathering”吻合。所以答案为选项G,意为“这种聚会经常能遇见朋友的朋友”。

4.F “Go out,even when you don’t feel like it.”意为“即使你不喜欢去的时候也要接受邀请,要出去逛逛”,这说明本段的主题为“在不喜欢的情况下如何处理朋友间的邀约”。空格处前面的一句话从正面说明积极接受邀请所带来的好处。由此可见空白处应该是从反面说明拒绝邀请所导致的不利影响,即“如果你总是拒绝,人们最终会不再约你一起出去”。所以选项F符合题意。

5.B 通过空格后的But可知,空格处与后句之间为转折关系,B项中的“frustrating”和“Don’t give up”呼应。故本题选B。


acquaintance n.相识的人,熟人;barbecue n.吃烤肉的野餐;click vi.(与with连用)情投意合


原文:If you have common interests,you might suggest that the two of you do something together that involves your interest.


分析:这是一个较为复杂的主从复合句。“you might suggest...”是主句,“if you have common interests”为由if引导的条件状语从句,第一个that引导的从句“the two of you do something together ”作suggest的宾语,第二个that引导的从句为定语从句,修饰先行词something。

Passage 3

新鲜度:★★★★☆ 难度:★★☆☆☆ 体裁:记叙文

话题:分享成功 关键词:management lesson

短文词数:396 正确率:/5 建议时间:5分钟

A Leader Should Know How to Manage Failure

Former president of India APJ Abdul Kalam was once interviewed.

Question:Could you give an example,from your own experience,of how leaders should manage failure?

Kalam:_1_In 1973 I became the project director of India’s satellite launch vehicle program.Our goal was to put India’s“Rohini”satellite into orbit.

_2_As the project director,I went to the control center for the launch.One minute before the launch,the computer showed some control components were not in order.

My experts told me not to worry,they had done their calculations and there was enough reserve fuel.So I switched to manual mode and launched the rocket_._3_In the second stage,a problem developed.Instead of the satellite going into orbit,the whole rocket system plunged into the sea.It was a big failure.

That day,the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization,Prof.Satish Dhawan,had called a press conference_._4_He said that the team had worked very hard,but that it needed more technological support.He assured the media that in another year,the team would definitely succeed.Now,I was the project director,and it was my failure,but instead,he took responsibility for the failure as chairman of the organization.

The next year,we tried again to launch the satellite—and this time we succeeded.Again,there was a press conference.Prof.Dhawan told me to conduct the press conference.

_5_When failure occurred,the leader of the organization owned that failure.When success came,he gave it to his team.The best management lesson I have learned did not come to me from reading a book;it came from that experience.

A.In the first stage,everything worked fine.

B.He conducted the press conference himself.

C.I learned a very important lesson that day.

D.Let me tell you about my experience.

E.That is a great story;thank you for sharing it.

F.By August,1979,we thought we were ready.

G.Kalam was among India’s best-known scientists before becoming the President.

【文章来源】 article/former-president-apj-abdul-kalam-a-leadershould-know-how-to-manage-failure/




1.D 通过空白处前面的提问可知,记者采访APJ Abdul Kalam 的目的是想让他结合亲身经历谈谈作为领导者应如何处理失败的问题。空白处后面几个段落的内容都是APJ Abdul Kalam 的亲身经历。选项D中的关键词“my experience”与提问句中的线索词“your own experience”高度吻合。由此可知,在具体回答记者提问前,APJ Abdul Kalam用“Let me tell you about my experience.”作为过渡句引出下文详细内容最为合适。

2.F 通过空白处后面的信息“As the project director,I went to the control center for the launch.” 和“One minute before the launch,the computer showed some control components were not in order.”可以推理出答案为选项F。

3.A 通过空白处后面的信息“In the second stage,a problem developed.”可知,本段主要讲述火箭发射后在不同阶段的运行情况。既然下文已经说明了第二阶段的情况,那么肯定APJ Abdul Kalam得先说明第一阶段的情况。所以本处答案为选项A。

4.B 选项B中的关键词语“the press conference”与空白处前面一句话的线索词“a press conference”对应一致。所以本处答案为选项B。

5.C 通过倒数第三段和第二段两次新闻发布会上Prof.Dhawan处理失败与成功的不同方法可知,作为领导者,Prof.Dhawan表现出了出色的管理技巧,这给了APJ Abdul Kalam深刻的教育。所以本处答案为选项C。


component n.成分,部分;calculation n.计算结果;reserve n.贮藏,储备;plunge vi.投入,跳进


原文:The best management lesson I have learned did not come to me from reading a book;it came from that experience.


分析:这是一个并列复合句。其中第一个分句是一个主从复合句,“The best management lesson did not come to me from reading a book”是主句,“I have learned”是修饰先行词“lesson”的定语从句;第二个分句是一个简单句。

Passage 4

新鲜度:★★★★☆ 难度:★★☆☆☆ 体裁:说明文

话题:人体基因 关键词:Genes 短文词数:392

正确率:/5 建议时间:7分钟

Can Our Genes Be Making Us Fat?

Most food scientists admit the quality of fat plays a bigrole in how fat is recognized in the mouth.For example,ice cream is typically“rich,smooth and creamy.”And certain fats,scientists have determined,can be discovered by smell._1_Researchers are now studying the gene (CD360)that is responsible for discovering the taste of fats (fatty acids)in the mouth.

In the recent Journal of Food Science study,researchers focused on one racial group to limit genetic difference that could reduce the ability to discover associations with the gene of interest._2_The researchers from the New York Obesity Research Center discovered a genetic variant present in 21 percent of the African-Americans that was associated with higher preferences for fats and oils (e.g.salad dressings,cooking oils,etc).They also found study participants with this genetic variance preferred Italian salad dressings.

The other gene explored by these researchers,TAS2R38,is the receptor for bitter taste compounds.About 70 percent of U.S.adults and children are “tasters” of these compounds._3_Results show that nontasters of these compounds tend to be poor at telling apart fat in foods;therefore individuals who can’t discover fat’s presence may consume higher fat foods to compensate.This is in part due to the fact that nontasters have fewer taste buds than tasters.

_4_Once studies like these are more fully developed,there may be a role for genotyping study participants when it comes to testing a new product.For example,a company wanting to test out a dressing may include people with different genes relating to fat perception in order to get a more accurate opinion._5_

A.However,the remaining 30 percent are “nontasters”.

B.Genetic testing within the food industry may not be too far off.

C.Only recently have food scientists explored that most fats have a taste too.

D.Food scientists may be able to help people with trouble controlling how much fat they eat.

E.Two specific genes may play a role in some people’s ability to taste and enjoy dietary fat.

F.In addition,the food industry will be able to create different kinds of foods for certain populations.

G.They determined the fat preferences and CD360 condition of more than 300 African-American adults.





1.C 空白处前面的一句话说明“对于某些脂肪而言,科学家已经确定可以通过气味检测其存在”。而空白处后面的一句话“目前,研究人员正在研究基因(CD360)是如何能发觉口中脂肪(脂肪酸)味道的存在”表明大多数脂肪除了有气味外,“也有一种味道”。所以此处只有选项C能把前后句有机地联系起来。

2.G 本段主题为介绍有族群限制的遗传变异对脂肪物质的感知研究情况。选项G中的关键词“African-American adults”和“preferences”与空白处前后句中的线索词“racial group,the African-Americans”和“preferences”密切相关。所以答案为选项G,意为“他们确定检测了300多名非洲裔美国成年人脂肪的喜好程度和体内CD360的状态”。

3.A 本段主题为介绍另一种基因——苦味觉受体TAS2R38对脂肪物质的差异研究情况。选项A中的关键词“remaining 30 percent”和“nontasters”分别与前后句中的关键线索词“70 percent”和“nontasters of these compounds”形成呼应。故选A项。

4.B 本段主要是介绍基因测试对未来食品行业可能会产生的作用。既然空白处后面的一句话说“一旦这些研究得到更充分的发展,那么当一种新食品种类产生时,测试新产品中的基因分型是很有可能的”,因此食品行业内的基因测试可能不会太遥远。故选B项。

5.F 通过空白处前句内容可知,新食品种类有助于基因分型研究;但通过创造出针对特定人群的不同种类的食物的方式,基因分型研究又会反过来促进食品行业的发展。故选F项。


variance n.变化,变异;dressing n.调味品,加味品;receptor n.接受器,受体;compensate v.偿还,补偿


原文:The researchers from the New York Obesity Research Center discovered a genetic variant present in 21 percent of the African-Americans that was associated with higher preferences for fats and oils (e.g.salad dressings,cooking oils,etc).


分析:这是一个主从复合句。“The researchers from the New York Obesity Research Center discovered a genetic variant present in 21 percent of the African-Americans”是主句;“that was associated with higher preferences for fats and oils (e.g.salad dressings,cooking oils,etc)”是一个分裂式定语从句,修饰先行词“a genetic variant”。另外,“present in 21 percent of the African-Americans”是形容词短语,也修饰“a genetic variant”。




“七选五” 阅读解题方法谈