

文化软实力研究 2016年2期









“天”是中国古代思想中具有神圣性和终极意义的一个概念。主要有三种不同的含义 :其一,指自然意义上的天空或人世之外的整个自然界,其运行呈现出一定的规律和秩序;其二,指主宰万物的具有人格意志的神灵;其三,指万事万物所遵循的普遍法则,同时也是人的心性、道德以及社会和政治秩序的依据。

Tian(天) is a sacred and fundamental concept in ancient Chinese philosophy. It has three different meanings. The first is the physical sky or the entirety of nature (not including human society),the operations of which manifest certain laws and order. The second refers to a spiritual being,which possesses an anthropomorphic will and governs everything in the universe. The third denotes the universal law,which is observed by all things and beings,and which is also the basis of human nature,morality,and social and political orders.

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Heaven acts according to its inherent laws. It does not exist due to the virtue of Yao,nor will it disappear because of the tyranny of Jie. (Xunzi)



Heaven trusts and blesses the people. (TheBookofHistory)



Heaven is the overarching law of the universe. (WritingsoftheChengBrothers)

2. 道/dào/


本义指人所行之路,引申而有三重含义 :其一,指不同领域的事物所遵循的法则,如日月星辰运行的规律称为天道,人事活动所遵循的规律称为人道;其二,指万事万物所遵循的普遍法则;其三,指事物的本原或本体,超越于有形的具体事物,是万物生成的基始,又是万物存在和人类行为的根据。儒家、道家、佛教等都谈论道,其内涵差异甚大。儒家之道以仁义礼乐为基本内容,佛教和道家之道偏重“空”“无”方面的意义。

In its original meaning,dao(道) is the way or path taken by people. It has three extended meanings :(1) the general laws followed by things in different spheres,e.g. the natural order by which the sun,moon and stars move is called the way of heaven;the rules that govern human activities are the way of man;(2) the universal patterns followed by all things and beings;and (3) the original source or ontological existence of things,which transcends form and constitutes the basis for the birth and existence of all things,and for the activities of human beings. In their respective discussions of Dao,Confucianism,Daoism,and Buddhism imbue it with very different connotations. While benevolence,righteousness,social norms,and music education form the basic content of the Confucian Dao,the Buddhist and Daoist Dao tends to emphasizekong(空 emptiness) andwu(无 void).

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The way of heaven is far away;the way of man is near. (Zuo’sCommentaryontheSpringandAutumnAnnals)



What transcends form is calleddao. (TheBookofChanges)

3. 理/lǐ/


本义指玉石的纹理,引申而有三重含义 :其一,指具体事物的样式或性质,如短长、大小、方圆、坚脆、轻重、白黑等物理属性;其二,指万事万物所遵循的普遍法则;其三,指事物的本原或本体。后两种含义与“道”相近。宋明时期的学者特别注重对“理”的阐发,以“理”为最高范畴,因此宋明时期占主导地位的学术体系被称为“理学”。

The original meaning ofli(理) was the texture of jade;later it was extended to contain three meanings :(1) the physical forms or proprieties of things,such as length,size,shape,tensile strength,weight,and color;(2) the universal laws followed by all things and beings;and (3) the original source or ontological existence of things. The last two meanings are similar to those ofdao. Scholars of the Song and Ming dynasties were particularly interested in describing and explaining the philosophy known asli(理),and considered it as the highest realm,giving rise to the School of Principle which dominated academic thought in the period from the Song to the Ming dynasties.

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Nothing happens at random;each follows its ownli(laws). (Wang Bi :ABriefExpositionoftheBookofChanges)



Everything exists according to its objective law but all things must follow the commonli(law). (WritingsoftheChengBrothers)

4. 气/qì/

Qi(Vital Force)


Qi(vital force) has a material existence independent of subjective consciousness and is the basic element of all physical beings. It is also the basis for the birth and existence of life and spirit. In addition,some thinkers have given a moral attribute toqi.Qiis in constant motion and change,and has no specific shape. Its concentration gives birth to a thing and its evaporation signals the end of that thing.Qipermeates all physical beings and their surroundings.Qi,as a philosophical concept,is different from what is commonly understood by the wordqi(气),namely,air. Although things in liquid or solid form are different from things in air form,from the perspective of the ancient Chinese philosophy,their formation and existence are the results of the concentration ofqi.

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It isqithat permeates everything under heaven. (Zhuangzi)



The convergence ofqiof heaven and that of earth gives life to all things. (Wang Chong :AComparativeStudyofDifferentSchoolsofLearning)

5. 虚/xū/


“虚”指世界或者心灵的一种状态。大体有两种不同的含义 :其一,指世界的本原,万物皆由虚无中来。但古人对“虚”的这一含义又有不同理解 :或认为“虚”就是空虚无有;或认为“虚”指“气”的存在状态,因为“气”的存在隐微无形,故以“虚”称之,但并非完全空无。其二,指虚静的或没有成见的内心状态。

Xurefers to a state of the cosmos or a state of mind. Basically,it has two different meanings. The first refers to the origin of the universe,indicating that everything originates fromxu. Different ancient thinkers have different interpretations of this notion :some takexuas being devoid of anything;others believe it is the state of existence ofqi(气). Becauseqiis invisible and formless,it is said to be empty,but not a vacuum totally devoid of anything. The second meaning ofxurefers to a state of mind that is peaceful,not preoccupied or simply free of any preconceptions.

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Xuis formless;it is the original state ofqi. (Zhang Zai :EnlightenmentthroughConfucianTeachings)



Daogathers and presents itself in an unoccupied and peaceful mind;being unoccupied means the pure state of the mind. (Zhuangzi)

6. 阴阳/yīnyánɡ/


本义指物体对于日光的向背,向日为“阳”,背日为“阴”。引申而有两重含义 :其一,指天地之间性质相反的两种气;其二,指两种最基本的矛盾势力或属性,凡动的、热的、在上的、向外的、明亮的、亢进的、强壮的为“阳”,凡静的、寒的、在下的、向内的、晦暗的、减退的、虚弱的为“阴”。“阴”“阳”或“阴气”“阳气”的相互作用决定着万物的生成及存在状态。阴阳理论后来成为古人说明和理解宇宙万物、社会和人伦秩序的基础,如天阳地阴、君阳臣阴、夫阳妻阴等,阳贵阴贱,阳主阴从。

The primary meaning ofyinandyangis the orientation of things in relation to the sun,withyangmeaning the sunny side andyinthe shady side. There are two extended meanings :(1) two opposite kinds ofqi(气) in nature;and (2) two basic contrary forces or qualities that coexist,thus the active,hot,upward,outward,bright,forward,and strong areyang,while the passive,cold,downward,inward,dark,backward,and weak areyin. The interaction betweenyinandyang,oryinqiandyangqi,determines the formation and existence of all things. The theory ofyinandyanglater became the basis for ancient Chinese to explain and understand the universe and everything in it,social order,and human relations. For example,heaven isyangand earth isyin,ruler isyangand subordinates areyin,husband isyangand wife isyin,noble isyangand ignoble isyin,leading isyangand following isyin.

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All things stand,facingyangand againstyin. The interaction betweenyinandyangcreates a state of harmony. (Laozi)



Yinandyangcannot work without each other. (Dong Zhongshu :LuxuriantGemsoftheSpringandAutumnAnnals)

7. 一/yī/

The One

“一”有三种不同含义 :其一,指万物的本体或本原,即“道”的别称,或称“太一”。其二,指天地未分之时的混沌状态。“一”分化形成天地,天地万物都产生于这样一个混沌的统一体。其三,指事物的统一性,与“多”“两”相对,意在强调有差异或对立的事物之间的统一性。

The term has three meanings. First,it indicates the original essence of all things. It is another name fordao(way). It is also referred to astaiyi(the supreme one). Second,it refers to the state of chaos before the separation of heaven and earth. The one was divided and transformed into heaven and earth. All things in heaven and on earth were produced from this chaotic entity. Third,it indicates the unity of things,as opposed to “many” or “two.” The idea is to emphasize the unity among things which are different or opposite.

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The one is the origin of everything. (Dong Zhongshu :RepliestotheEmperor’sQuestionsafterBeingRecommended)



Unity cannot be seen without the contradiction between two opposite sides,while the two opposite sides cannot exist without unity. (Zhang Zai :EnlightenmentthroughConfucianTeachings)




The primal source from which all things originate,both animate and inanimate,including human beings.Yuan(元) manifests itself in different forms. In the Han Dynasty,it was considered to be a kind of primal physical material that both produced and made up the myriad things of the world.TheBookofChangesdividesyuaninto two primal sources :the heavenly source which gives birth to the sun,moon and stars,and the earthly source which brings forth all other things on the earth. InTheSpringandAutumnAnnals,the term denotes the “first year” in its chronologies. It signifies the start of a new historical period,and is the manifestation in the human world of the natural process in which things begin,end,and are replaced.

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Yuanis a kind of vital force,without shape in the beginning,but then takes on form to create both heaven and earth,and is the source of all their transformations. (He Xiu :Gongyang’sCommentaryontheSpringandAutumnAnnals)



The mighty heavenly source is the source from which all things are formed,and controls the movements and effects of heaven.(TheBookofChanges)



Why doesTheSpringandAutumnAnnalsgive such importance toyuanand write so much about it? Because it is the primordial source of all things. (Dong Zhongshu :LuxuriantGemsoftheSpringandAutumnAnnals)

9. 命/mìnɡ/



The earliest meaning of the term was mandate of Heaven,that is,the intentions and instructions that Heaven expressed to humans. The implication was that Heaven bestowed rewards and punishments on human beings in accordance with their moral conduct. The mandate of Heaven was considered to be an irresistible force that determined dynastic changes,the rise and fall of nations,and even the good luck and misfortunes of ordinary people. Later,the link with Heaven became weaker,and instead the sense of unchangeable destiny or fate came to the fore. For human beings,the term implies the external limits that constrain and determine what is possible. In one sense it expresses the helplessness of being human.

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Themandate of Heaven is not immutable.(TheBookofSongs)



Knowing that change is not possible,one faces things calmly and submits to destiny. (Zhuangzi)

10. 诚/chénɡ/



Sincerity is among the core concepts of the Confucian school of thought. Basically,it means truthfulness without deceit. Confucians believed that sincerity is the essence of the“way of heaven” or “principles of heaven,” a basis on which everything else is built. At the same time,sincerity is also the root and foundation of morality. All moral deeds must be conducted on the basis of sincerity from the bottom of the heart. Otherwise,they are nothing but pretensions.TheDoctrineoftheMeanmaintains,“Nothing can be achieved without sincerity.” Sages are sincere by nature. Therefore,their words and deeds are naturally consistent with the “way of heaven” and the “principles of heaven.”Junzi(a man of virtue) upholds sincerity as his goal for moral attainment and an approach to achieving the “way of heaven” and the “principles of heaven.”

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Being as it is is the way of nature;being true to human nature is the way to achieve self-refinement. (TheBookofRites)



Sincerity means utter truthfulness without any pretensions or deceit. It is the natural state of the principles of heaven. (Zhu Xi :AnnotationsontheDoctrineoftheMean)



Union Jack的含义和由来