

中国中西医结合外科杂志 2015年6期

曾 武,刘晋闽







1 资料与方法


表1 3组患者年龄、性别及分型情况(±s)

表1 3组患者年龄、性别及分型情况(±s)

组别锁定钢板组外固定架组高分子夹板组年龄(±s)C2C3 61.8±6.8 59±8.6 52±7.4 AO分型(n)[1]A3 11 9 16 651 1 545 Gustilo-Anderson分型(n)[2]I 22 80 II 0 10 0



1.4统计学处理应用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行分析,计量资料以均值±标准差(±s)表示,符合正态分布用方差分析,两两比较采用q检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为显著性差异标准。

2 结果

术后3个月X线片示骨折线基本模糊,结合症状及体征,证实骨折端已骨性愈合,逐渐开始正常活动。术后第1 d测得的掌倾角、尺偏角,减去术后1年至1年半内拆除内固定或复查时测得的差值比较见表2。采用方差分析或χ2检验发现,锁定钢板组掌倾角差值为1.63±0.81,外固定组掌倾角差值为3.68±0.97,高分子夹板组掌倾角差值为4.78± 1.41,统计学检验各组在维持掌倾角上差异有统计学意义。锁定钢板组尺倾角差值为0.56±0.23,外固定组尺倾角差值为2.52±0.85,高分子夹板组尺倾角差值为3.01±0.91,统计学检验各组在维持掌倾角上差异有统计学意义。

表2 3组患者术后第1 d与术后1年至1年半腕关节正侧位差值比较(±s)

表2 3组患者术后第1 d与术后1年至1年半腕关节正侧位差值比较(±s)


组别锁定钢板组外固定架组高分子夹板组患腕数(n)22 18 32掌倾角差值1.63±0.81a3.68±0.97b4.78±1.41尺倾角差值0.56±0.23a2.52±0.85b3.01±0.91


表3 3组患者术后第1 d与术后1年至1年半患腕功能恢复情况比较(n,%)

3 讨论




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(责任编辑韩 慧)

Different Treatment Methods in Maintaining Comminuted Colles Fracture's Effect of Two Anatomical Angles

ZENG Wu,LIU Jin-minThe First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou(310053),China

ObjectiveTo observe the outcome of three methods in treating comminuted Colles fracture by locking plate for internal fixation,closed manual external reduction with external fixator or orthopedic splint in maintaining the fracture's palmar tilt and ulnar inclination.MethodsSixty four cases(72 sides)of outpa⁃tients and emergency or admitted patients by three methods including locking plate for internal fixation,closed manual external reduction with external fixator or orthopedic splint for treatment of comminuted colles fracture were collected,in which containing 16 cases(22 sides)of using locking plate,18 cases(18 sides)of making use of external fixator,and 30 cases(32 sides)of using plaster immobilization.In regular follow-up,using X ray photography,and PRWE(Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation)score of Wrist joint to evaluate the conditions of pa⁃tients’pain and functional recovery.ResultsThe Palmar tilt’s difference of the group of locking plate for in⁃ternal fixation was 1.63±0.81,and the palmar tilt’s difference of the group of closed manual external reduction with external fixator was 3.68±0.97.The palmar tilt’s difference of the group of orthopedic splint was 4.78±1.41; statistical tests showed difference between groups in maintaining palmar tilt were significant.The ulnar inclina⁃tion’s difference of the group of locking plate for internal fixation was 0.56±0.23,and the ulnar inclination’s dif⁃ference of the group of closed manual external reduction with external fixator was 2.52±0.85,and the ulnar incli⁃nation’s difference of the group of orthopedic splint was 3.01±0.91,statistical tests showed differences between groups in maintaining ulnar inclination were significant.In terms of functional resoration,the excellent and good rate difference between the group of locking plate for internal fixation was 86.4%,and that between the group of closed manual external reduction with external fixator was 72.2%,the group of orthopedic splint was 75.0%,statistical tests showed the difference be⁃tweengroupswerenotsignificant.Conclusion Compared with closed manual external reduction withexternal fixator or orthopedic splint,locking plate internal fixation in the aspect of maintaining the two angles of anatomical reduction shows some advantages of clinical reference value,but no obvious advantage in terms of re⁃covery of function.

Colles’fracture;comminuted;fixation;palmar tilt;ulnar inclination






2.浙江中医药大学附属第一医院骨伤科病区(杭州 310006)


