

世界建筑 2015年4期




1 工作室外景/Exterior views





最后,我们又给了它一点一滴的润色:让雨滴不时地敲打塑料——或多或少,或轻或重,令人陶醉。(尚晋 译)

2 工作室外景/Exterior views

The studio pursues a quite simple dream: creating among the woods. To do so, we need a roof that is as transparent as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the drafting table. Therefore, the north side of the building is made transparent, covered with a 20mm bent sheet of colorless Plexiglas. Drafting tables are placed on the half-closed south side, made of double sheets of primary-color fiberglass and polyester with translucent insulation in between. The total thickness amounts to 110mm.

the outward view of the north side is clear and transparent, while the south side is translucent, caused partly by the cantilevered metal beams inside the three-layered sheet, and partly by the dancing shadows of the trees.

Regrettably, such pure simplicity would eventually be transformed into an extremely complex structure. What we meant by complexity is that it was impossible to convince any company to get involved in such a small building throughout. For example, catalogue components might be straight but in reality they were not assembled according to catalogue examples. So we had to contract the work by means of "implementation", adjusting the timetable whenever a contractor became available. For example, the polyester sheet of the sandwich is composed of two parts, both pultruded, and both are listed in catalogues: a straight piece with small reinforcing ribs, and a curved one that is only produced for the roofs of a few railway carriages in Germany. We had to wait for an order by the German railways because the few metres we needed did not warrant the re-composition of the production line –can we express our thanks to Gonzalo Guddat of the Danish manufacturing company? In between, weinstalled translucent white polyethylene insulation foam to preserve the translucency of the polyester. the transparent part was made from standard sheets of curved Plexiglas, milled at the edges to enable a film of silicon sealant to be injected between the sheets. One company bent them, another assembled them, and yet another made the two sides – the 10mm opal methacrylate on the steel frame, which can be fully opened by a system of pulleys and counterweights to permit air circulation.

The whole building is half underground, offering horizontal views of the site at the beam level. though the beams were installed beforehand, it is fine to do it afterwards. the underground parts are all built with wood framework, planks and concrete. Planks are also used for paving, firmly bolted and furnished with double-color epoxy paint.

And to finish off, we have given it a subtle embellishment of nature: letting the raindrops beat the plastic sheet every now and then, creating an intoxicating tone, be it more or less, hard or gentle.

项目信息/Credits and Data

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 何塞·塞尔加斯,露西娅·卡诺/José Selgas, Lucía Cano

合作建筑师/Collaborative Architect: 何塞·德·比利亚尔/ Jose de Villar

电气与通讯/ Electricity and Telecommunication: elsues

水暖工程师/Plumb Engineer: 马丁·胡埃斯/Martin Juez

金属结构/Metal Structure: TCI工业技术金属加工公司/ TCI industrial Technical Metalwork

聚酯墙体/Polyester Walls: Ursa Fiberline

墙体、内隔墙、书架/ Walls, Interior Partitions & Bookshelves: 甲基丙烯酸盐工业公司/Methalcrylate Industries

木铺地和家具/Wood Paving and Furniture: Bascope Carpentry设计时间/Design Period: 2007-2008

摄影/Photos: 伊万·巴恩/Iwan Baan

3 平面/Floor plan

4 屋顶平面/Roof plan

5 工作室夜景/Night view

6 工作室可开启的窗户/Exterior window opening sequence





FAN Yue: This is a distinct piece. It is more of an environmentalist installation than a design for design's sake. It is an installation work because it lacks the usual physical characteristics of thick, heavy and tall buildings. Instead, it looks light, thin, and flat. Its flatness is expressed in two regards: one is the physical character of its single-step manufactured, polyethylene-textured thin wall; the other is the thin and flat visual effect when viewed from both the external and interior. Such a pure artistic conception, together with the underlying approaches, has gone beyond the conventional design techniques. It is indeed eye-opening.

DAI Chun: Many studios hope to create an atmosphere of working in the nature. Peripheral to the nature, Selgas Cano Studio fulfills to a certain extent the requests of both guaranteeing a comfortable working space and being able to appreciate the nature. The construction process of the studio conveys the impression of a complicated operation under a romantic dream, which realizes a comparatively seamless connection between the personalized custom-made demand and the assembling components in mass production. It is fair to say that the designer's ideas and orientations, as well as his constantly adjusted extending designs during the implementation, are quite effective.

Selgascano Studio, Madrid, Spain, 2008

Architects: Selgascano Studio

7 工作室内景/Interior view

8.9 可开合的内门/Interior door opening sequence

10 横截面/Cross section

11 纵剖面/Long section

