【摘 要】Yun提了一种对对称M-矩阵的不完全分解预条件技术.本文给出的预条件方法对上述方法予以了改进, 改进的方法收敛速度更快.
1 主要结果
在文献[1]中, Yun提出了一种对系数矩阵为大型稀疏块三对角对称M-阵的线性方程组的预条件技术,本文对这种技术进行了改进.
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[2]P. Concus, G.H. Golub, G. Meurant, Block preconditioning for the CG method, SIAM J. Sci. Stat[Z]. Comput. 6(1985): 220-252.
[3]Roger A. Horn, Charles R. Johnson. Topics in Matrix Analysis, Posts & Telecom Press, Beijing, 2005[Z].
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[6]Yousef Saad, ILUT: A dual threshold incomplete LU factorization. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 4:387-402, 1994[Z].
[7]Michele Benzi, Preconditioning Techniques for Large Linear Systems: A Survey, Journal of Comp. Physics, 182(2002): 418-477[Z].