[摘要] 目的 探讨复春散Ⅰ号联合TDP照射预防肥胖患者腹部切口愈合不良的效果。 方法 选择到我院进行妇科择期腹部手术且体重指数≥25.0kg/m2的患者212例。随机分配到观察组54例,采用复春散Ⅰ号外敷切口联合TDP照射的方法;对照组A 53例,采用常规切口换药的方法;对照组B 52例,采用单独TDP照射的方法;对照组C 53例,采用单独复春散Ⅰ号外敷切口的方法。对治疗后疗效进行比较。 结果 四组治疗效果经统计学处理:(1) 观察组切口愈合明显优于对照组A、对照组B及对照组C,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 (2) 观察组切口愈合时间明显短于对照组A、对照组B及对照组C,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 复春散Ⅰ号外敷联合TDP照射预防肥胖妇科患者腹部切口愈合不良效果良好,且能有效缩短切口愈合的时间。
[关键词] 复春散Ⅰ号;特定电磁波照射;肥胖;切口愈合
[中图分类号] R719.8 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2015)14-07-04
Clinical effective observation of fuchunsan I combined with TDP irradiation on preventing abdominal incision healing following operation in obese female patients
KUANG Shuanghong HE Yuzhen DAI Yuechang ZOU Guofang SONG Qingyuan LING Xuemei CHENG Yun
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Yuebei People's Hospital of Shaoguan, Guandong, Shaoguan 512026, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of FuchunsanⅠcombined with TDP irradiation on preventing abdominal incision healing following operation in obese female patients. Methods 212 patients with body mass index≥25.0 kg/m2 that were taken for elective abdominal surgery in department of gynaecology of our hospital were collected. They were divided into four groups randomly, 54 cases in observation grouptreated with FuchunsanⅠcombined TDP irradiation method, 53 cases in the control group A treated with a traditional method, 52 cases in the control group B treated with the method of TDP irradiation alone, and 53 cases in the control group C treated with FuchunsanⅠalone. The curative effect after treatment were compared. Results (1) The incision healing of observation group was obviously better than the control groupA, group B and group C(P<0.05). (2) The incision healing time of the observation group was significant shorter than the control groupA, group B and group C(P<0.05). Conclusion The use of FuchunsanⅠcombined with TDP irradiation on abdominal incision healing had a favourable effect in obese female patients, which can effectively shorten the time of the incision healing.
[Key words] FuchunsanⅠ; TDP irradiation; Obese; Incision healing
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料