

江苏教育·中学教学版 2015年8期


【中图分类号】G633.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2015)30-0062-03



本单元主要学习各种礼仪规范。第一课时是Welcome to the unit,是本单元的导入课。它的功能是激活学生与单元话题有关的已有知识,为整个单元的学习尤其是阅读课的学习做热身准备。这个板块里的图片以及卡通漫画中可爱的Eddie和Hobo之间有趣的对话能迅速地使学生兴奋起来,处于学习的积极状态,急切地想探究整个单元。而且对于礼仪规范,学生在日常生活中耳濡目染,接触的很多,是他们很熟悉的一个话题。因此,学生可以很快地集中注意力和兴趣。同时,这节课又是一节侧重训练听、说的技能课。学生要学习有关在公共场所礼仪规范的词语和句型,最后能用英语来谈论如何在公共场所举止得体,并且培养良好的文化意识、行为习惯,提高跨文化交际能力。



2.过程与方法:用free talk导入,通过创设一个个连贯的情境使学生置于情境中学习,激发他们思考,提升他们的能力。







1.以Free talk 导入,逐渐引出本节课的话题——礼仪,通过多媒体借助图片把新词语归为两大类来呈现:好的礼仪与不好的礼仪。每一组图片呈现完后,师生对话操练生词。之后通过看图抢答、两人小组猜词巩固夯实生词、短语,为接下来的对话听前训练埋下伏笔。




这节课的授课对象是八年级的学生。他们进入初中后已经有了一定的语言知识积累,并且也掌握了一些基本的学习英语的策略和方法。语言学习兴趣相对来说比较稳定,语言思维上更敏捷、稳重,有一定的表达欲望。教师要做的就是创造尽可能多的机会让他们进行听说训练,最终让他们运用目标语言来表达自己,培养他们综合应用语言的能力。基于这样的学情, 这节课主要用了情景教学法和任务型教学, 逐步引导学生主动探究。


Step 1 lead-in:Free talk

Show my impression on the students and a short introduction of myself.

Step 2 Presentation

(加PPT1)No.1 photo album:Yesterday morning, Maggie said:“Mummy,how about going to the supermarket?I havent been there for a long time. Please!”Then we were on the way to the supermarket. What is she doing?(She is waiting for the green light.)Is she running the red light?(No,she isnt.)Can we run the red light?(No,we cant.)We must obey traffic rules. By the way, can we play on the road?If old people are crossing the street, what shall we do?(We should help them cross the street.) Do you think Maggie is a good girl?(Yes,she is.) Can you say something to her, and Im sure shell be glad to hear that.“Maggie,well done!We should also ...(wait for the green light and obey traffic rules.)  They are good manners.”

No.2 photo album:Here we were in the supermarket. Maggie bought herself her favorite biscuit. What is she doing?She is waiting politely and queue for her turn. Should we queue for our turn?Can we jump the queue?Do you think Maggie has good manners?Lets say something to her just like just now. “Maggie, good job!We should also...(wait politely and queue for our turn).”

No.3 photo album:When we left the supermarket,she came up with another idea.“Mummy,lets go to the square for fun.”As soon as we got to the square,she rushed to wash the hands, but she didnt turn off the tap. She left the tap running. Can we leave the tap running?What should we do?We should save water, because many people in the world cant get enough water. The reason why she left the tap running is that she couldnt wait to eat her favorite biscuit. Look,whats on the ground? Rubbish. She threw rubbish everywhere. Or she dropped litter everywhere. Can we drop litter everywhere?What should we do?We should drop litter into the rubbish bin. After eating up her food, she was missing. I couldnt find her. Look at the picture, what is she doing?She is picking the flowers. Can we pick flowers?No,we should protect them. Even the flowers may hurt. We should protect them and protect the environment. Do you think Maggie has good manners?No. So you should tell her,“Maggie, you shouldnt leave the tap running. You shouldnt drop litter everywhere. You shouldnt pick flowers.”

(设计意图:通过Free talk开始本节课,联系学生实际创设真切的语境,逐渐引出本节课的话题——礼仪。在语境中教授新单词,可以降低生词难度,学生易于接受,激发了学生对本单元学习的兴趣,增进了师生间、学生间的相互了解。)

Step 3  Practice 1

Test 1:You have told Maggie her good manners and bad manners. Now its her turn. She wants to check whether you have mastered the new words and phrases:“stand and say.”Say the phrase about each picture.

Test 2:Lets play a guessing game. You must obey game rules.

Rule 1:Each group will choose 2 students. One can say or act about the picture, and the other will guess the phrase in given time.

Rule 2:Dont say any word in the phrase.

I will give you an example. I need a partner.

(设计意图:在英语教学中适当的游戏可以调动学生学习语言的兴趣,使学生乐于参与各种英语实践活动。两人一组猜词语的游戏,及时巩固了前面环节呈现的新知识,调动了学生参与课堂活动的积极性,同时又提高了学生参与合作、交流的能力; 更重要的是为下面的任务扫除生词障碍。)

Step 4 practice 2

1.Before listening:

My daughter Maggie likes reading very much. Every day, she reads books. Her favorite stories are Cinderella and the Snow White. Girls like the stories of that kind. She wants to go to the library. Before she goes there, she wants to say something to you:“I have never been to the library before. Can you tell me: What should I do?What should I not do?” Work in a group and have a discussion.

2.While listening :Listen and fill in the table.

Our friend Amy and Shirley are also talking about manners in the library. Listen to the dialogue between Amy and Shirley and fill in the table.

3.After listening: Read the dialogue in roles and make a similar dialogue.

Step 5 Practice 3

We are talking about manners. What about our friend Eddie and Hobo?

1.Listen and answer questions: What are they talking about?

2.Read the dialogue together and answer more questions.

(1)What are the good manners in Eddies mind?

(2)Do you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo?What does he want from Hobo?

(3)What does“never too old to learn” mean in Chinese?


Step 6 Production: make a speech

“never too old to learn” means that we should keep learning during our lives. Eddie says,“You are old enough to learn about manners.” Boys and girls, I think you are clever enough to learn about manners.

As for learning,I think travelling is a good way. As the saying goes: the man who travels far knows more or its better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. So I am going to travel next month. And Ill take Maggie with me. But she wants to ask you for help: Yohoo!Summer holiday is coming. Mummy is going to take me to Nanjing for a holiday. Can you give me some advice on manners? (加PPT2)

Each group will talk about manners in one place or several public places and then choose a “Manners guide” to show.


Step 7 Watch a video

We have learned a lot about manners in different public places today. Actually, different countries have different manners. And different manners have different meanings. Do you want to see it?Lets enjoy a video.

We should be a person with good manners; inherit(传承)our culture and respect(尊重) the culture of other countries. When in Rome, do as Romans do.


Step 8 Homework

1.Remember the new words and phrases by heart.

2.Make“a manners wall” and stick it to the walls of the classroom.


(注:杨华执教的“Good manners”第一课时获2015年“杏坛杯”苏派青年教师课堂教学展评活动一等奖)


语文教学重视生活实践的 “五个结合”