

植物营养与肥料学报 2015年3期

王晓慧, 曹玉军, 魏雯雯, 刘双利, 吕艳杰, 刘春光,王永军*, 王立春*

(1吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,玉米国家工程实验室,吉林长春 130033;2 吉林农业大学中药材学院,吉林长春 130118)


王晓慧1, 曹玉军1, 魏雯雯1, 刘双利2, 吕艳杰1, 刘春光1,王永军1*, 王立春1*

(1吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,玉米国家工程实验室,吉林长春 130033;2 吉林农业大学中药材学院,吉林长春 130118)

【目的】探明我国北方目前主推高产春玉米品种的磷素利用特性,揭示不同玉米品种磷素积累和转运差异,为磷高效品种的选育提供理论依据。【方法】选用东北区40个不同熟期的高产春玉米品种,在同一环境条件下采用盆栽试验,按照大田60000 plants/hm2种植密度进行摆放。在开花期和生理成熟期,每个品种取样3株,分成根、茎秆、叶片和子粒4部分,测定干物质重;采用钼锑抗比色法测定植株各器官磷含量;依据磷素子粒生产效率(PEPG)划分不同玉米品种的磷效率类型,计算磷素利用特性的相关参数;分析磷素利用特性相关参数与磷素子粒生产效率的关系。【结果】依据磷素子粒生产效率将供试玉米品种划分为4个类型,即磷高效型(I)、磷中效型(II)、磷低效型(III)及磷超低效型(IV)。其中,III型品种最多(45%),IV型品种最少(5%),II型和I型品种分别为27.5%和22.5%。在开花前4个类型品种的磷含量及磷素分配比例差异不显著,开花后是产生差异的关键时期。开花期,IV型品种茎秆的磷素积累量最高(P<0.05),I、II和III型品种根、茎秆和叶片的磷素积累量差异不显著(P>0.05)。成熟期,各器官的磷含量以IV型品种最高(P<0.05);II和III型品种的子粒磷含量高于I型品种(P<0.05),但II和III型品种的子粒磷含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。IV型品种根、茎秆和叶片的磷素积累量和分配比例较高(P<0.05),而I、II和III型品种子粒的磷素积累量和分配比例较高(P<0.05),I、II和III型品种根、茎秆、叶片和子粒的磷素积累量和分配比例无明显差异(P>0.05)。4个类型品种中,IV型品种的磷干物质生产效率(PDMPE)、磷收获指数(PHI)、磷偏生产力(PFP)、磷转移量(PTA)、磷转移效率(PTE)及磷贡献率(PCR)最低(P<0.05),I和II型品种的PFP、PHI、PTA及PTE显著高于III型品种(P<0.05),但I和II型品种的差异不显著(P>0.05);4个类型品种的磷素吸收效率(PUpE)和磷素农艺效率(PAE)无显著差异(P>0.05)。相关和通径分析表明,磷素干物质生产效率和粒重与磷素子粒生产效率呈显著正相关。【结论】我国北方目前主推的大部分高产春玉米为磷低效型品种;磷高效型品种在生育后期向子粒分配的磷素比例较多,而磷超低效型品种向根、茎秆和叶片分配的磷素比例较多;较高粒重和磷素干物质生产效率是磷高效型品种的基本特征。

高产春玉米; 磷素积累与分配; 磷素利用特性


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

在连续3年品种鉴选的基础上,本试验选用40个高产春玉米品种为供试材料(表1),其中包括吉林省8个、辽宁省8个、黑龙江省8个、内蒙古自治区11个、山西省5个。试验于2010年在吉林省农业科学院玉米试验基地种植,采用盆栽试验,盆高30 cm,直径30 cm,按照大田60000 plants/hm2种植密度进行摆放,行距55.5 cm,株距30 cm,每盆装干土25 kg。

供试土壤类型为黑土,有机质含量2.52%、全氮0.18%,全磷0.056%,全钾1.99%,速效氮184.27 mg/kg,速效磷17.54 mg/kg,速效钾137.60 mg/kg。每个品种种植6盆,共种植240盆,每盆播种3粒,三叶期间苗,五叶期定苗,每盆留苗1株。施用肥料为玉米专用肥(N ∶P2O5∶K2O=28 ∶18 ∶15),种肥7.14 g/plant,拔节期追肥4.47 g/plant,大喇叭口期追肥6.25 g/plant。重复3次,完全随机排列。生长期间保持充足的水分供应,其它管理与常规大田相同。

表1 供试玉米品种、代号、干物重及粒重(g/plant)

1.2 取样与测定方法

开花期和生理成熟期,每品种选取3株,分成根、茎秆(含穗轴和苞叶)、叶片、子粒4部分,75℃烘至恒重后分别称重,计算各器官干物质积累量。样品经粉碎过0.25 mm筛后,采用钼锑抗比色法测植株各器官含磷量[17]。


磷素子粒生产效率(g/g)= 子粒重/整株磷素积累总量;

磷素干物质生产效率(g/g)= 整株干物重/整株磷素积累总量;

磷收获指数(%)= 子粒磷素积累量/植株磷素积累量×100;

磷转移量(g)= 植株开花期营养体磷素积累量-植株成熟期营养体磷素积累量;

磷转移效率(%)= 磷转移量/植株开花期营养体磷素积累量×100;

磷贡献率(%)= 磷转移量/子粒磷素积累量×100;

磷偏生产力(g/g)= 子粒产量/施磷量;

植株磷积累量(g/plant)= 不同部位干物重与磷浓度之积的总和;

磷吸收效率(%)= 植株磷素积累量/施磷量×100;

磷农艺效率(g/g)= 植株生物产量/施磷量。

1.3 数据处理与统计分析

采用Microsoft Excel 2003进行数据处理,DPS 12.0统计分析软件和SigmaPlot 10.0进行聚类、相关和通径分析及作图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 磷素子粒生产效率聚类分析


表2 不同类型玉米品种的聚类分析

注(Note): PGPE—Phosphorus grain production efficiency. 同列数据后不同字母表示在0.05水平差异显著Data followed by the different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.

2.2 不同磷效率类型玉米的磷含量


2.3 不同磷效率类型玉米的磷积累与分配


图1 开花期和成熟期不同磷效率类型玉米各器官磷素含量Fig.1 Phosphorus content in different organs of different hybrids at flowering stage and maturity stage[注(Note): Ⅰ—磷高效型 Phosphorus high efficiency; Ⅱ—磷中效型Phosphorus moderate efficiency; Ⅲ—磷低效型 Phosphorus low efficiency; Ⅳ—磷超低效型 Phosphorus super-low efficiency. 柱上不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level.]

图2 开花期(A、B)和成熟期(C、D)不同磷效率类型玉米各器官磷素积累与分配比例Fig.2 Phosphorus accumulation and distribution in different organs of different hybrids at the flowering stage(A and B) and maturity stage(C and D)[注(Note):Ⅰ—磷高效型 Phosphorus high efficiency; Ⅱ—磷中效型Phosphorus moderate efficiency; Ⅲ—磷低效型 Phosphorus low efficiency; Ⅳ—磷超低效型 Phosphorus super-low efficiency. 柱上不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著 Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level.]

成熟期,根、茎和叶的磷积累量及分配比例以磷超低效型品种最高(P<0.05),子粒的磷积累量及分配比例以磷超低效型品种最低(P<0.05),磷高效型品种、磷中效型品种、磷低效型品种根、茎、叶和子粒的磷积累量及分配比例无显著差异(图2C、 D)。

2.4 不同磷效率类型玉米的磷素相关参数


图3 不同磷效率类型玉米品种磷素相关参数Fig.3 Parameters related to phosphorus in different hybrids[注(Note): PDMPE—磷素干物质生产效率Phosphorus dry matter production efficiency; PTA—磷转移量Phosphorus transportation amount; PTE—磷转移效率Phosphorus transportation efficiency; PCR—磷贡献率Phosphorus contribution rate; PHI—磷收获指数Phosphorus harvest index; PFP—磷偏生产力Phosphorus partial productivity; PAE—磷农艺效率Phosphorus agronomic efficiency; PUpE—磷吸收效率Phosphorus uptake efficiency.Ⅰ—磷高效型Phosphorus high efficiency;Ⅱ—磷中效型Phosphorus moderate efficiency; Ⅲ—磷低效型 Phosphorus low efficiency; Ⅳ—磷超低效型Phosphorus super-low efficiency. 柱上不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level.]

2.5 磷素效率与粒重等性状的关系


表3 成熟期不同类型玉米磷素子粒生产效率与粒重等性状的相关性

注(Note): PDMPE—Phosphorus dry matter production efficiency; PTA—Phosphorus transportation amount; PTE—Phosphorus transportation efficiency; PCR—Phosphorus contribution rate; PHI—Phosphorus harvest index; PFP—Phosphorus partial productivity; PAE—Phosphorus agronomic efficiency; PUpE—Phosphorus uptake efficiency. *和**分别表示在0.05和0.01水平显著Indicate significance at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.


表4 成熟期粒重等性状对磷素子粒生产效率的通径分析

注(Note): PTA—Phosphorus transportation amount; PCR—Phosphorus contribution rate; PHI—Phosphorus harvest index; PDMPE—Phosphorus dry matter production efficiency.

3 讨论




4 结论


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Phosphorus utilization characteristics of forty spring maize hybrids with high-yielding potential in north of China

WANG Xiao-hui1, CAO Yu-jun1, WEI Wen-wen1, LIU Shuang-li2, LÜ Yan-jie1, LIU Chun-guang1,WANG Yong-jun1*, WANG Li-chun1*


【Objectives】 A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate phosphorus utilization characteristics of different spring maize hybrids with high-yielding potential that are widely grown in north of China, to illustrate differences of phosphorus accumulation and transportation of different maize hybrids, and to provide scientific information for the high efficient breeding of phosphorus in maize. 【Methods】 Forty maize hybrids were cultivated in pots and planted in 60000 plants/hm2with the same environmental conditions. Three plants were selected in every hybrid at the flowering stage and maturity stage, and divided into four parts, roots, stalks, leaves and grains. Dry matter weight was measured after stoving. The phosphorus contents of different organs were determined with the colorimetric method. Phosphorus grain production efficiency(PGPE) was applied to divide the phosphorus efficiency of different maize hybrids. The related parameters of phosphorus utilization characteristics were calculated, and relationship between PGPE and related parameters of phosphorus utilization characteristics was analyzed. 【Results】 The results indicate that the maize hybrids can be classified into four types according to values of PGPE, including phosphorus efficiency of high(type I), moderate(type II), low(type III) and super-low(type IV). The much more number of cultivars were found in the type III(with a ratio of 45%), followed by the types II(27.5%) and I(22.5%), and the fewer number of cultivars were observed in the type IV, with a ratio of 5%. The contents and distribution ratios of phosphorus at the growth stage after the flowering exhibit significant differences among these four-type maize hybrids, while those before the flowering are not significant. At the flowering stage, the phosphorus accumulation in stalks is the highest in the type IV(P<0.05), and the differences of phosphorus accumulation in roots, stalks and leaves are not obvious in the types I, II and III(P>0.05). At the maturity stage, the phosphorus contents of different organs are the highest in the type IV(P<0.05), and the phosphorus contents in grains of the type III and II are higher than those of the type I(P<0.05), but there are no obvious difference between the types III and II(P>0.05). The phosphorus accumulation amounts and distribution ratios in roots, stalks and leaves are the highest in the type IV(P<0.05), while the phosphorus accumulation amounts and distribution ratios in grains of the types I, II and III are higher than those of the type IV(P<0.05). The phosphorus accumulation amounts and distribution ratios in roots, stalks, leaves and grains aren’t obviously different in the types I, II and III(P>0.05). Among the four type hybrids, the values of phosphorus dry matter production efficiency(PDMPE), phosphorus harvest index(PHI), phosphorus partial productivity(PFP), phosphorus transportation amount(PTA), transportation efficiency(PTE) and phosphorus contribution rate(PCR) in the type IV are the lowest(P<0.05). The values of PFP, PHI, PTA and PTE in the types I and II are significantly higher than those in the type III(P<0.05), but the difference between the types I and II is not obvious(P>0.05). The phosphorus uptake efficiencies(PUpE) and phosphorus agronomic efficiencies(PAE)of the four type hybrids are not obviously different(P>0.05). Furthermore, the correlation and path analyses show that PDMPE and grain weight are significantly correlated to PGPE. 【Conclusions】 Most spring maize hybrids with high-yielding potential that are widely grown in north of China are low efficiency of phosphorus, and the phosphorus distribution ratios in grains are the highest in the type I after the flowering stage, while the phosphorus distribution ratios of roots, stalks and leaves in IV are the highest. High grain weight and PDMPE could be considered as the key characteristics of maize hybrids with high phosphorus efficiency.

high-yield spring maize; phosphorus accumulation and distribution; phosphorus utilization characteristics

2014-02-25 接受日期: 2014-06-18

国家自然科学基金项目(31201159);国家科技支撑计划(2011BAD16B10, 2012BAD04B02, 2013BAD07B02);国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS 02-17);吉林省科技发展计划(20130522077JH)资助。

王晓慧(1981—),女,吉林扶余人,博士,副研究员,主要从事玉米高产高效与生理生态研究。E-mail: * 通信作者 Tel: 0431-87063941, E-mail:; E-mail:





黄淮海区域7 个玉米品种的子粒脱水特性分析