吴 琳 孙 琦 杨昊晟 严卫丽 赵 璐 孙路明
吴 琳1,5孙 琦2,5杨昊晟3严卫丽4赵 璐1孙路明2
目的 探讨产前诊断心脏病的胎儿,孕妇及其家庭选择终止妊娠的影响因素。方法 2011年1月至2014年12月在上海第一妇婴保健院胎儿医学部经超声心动图确诊的心脏病胎儿。每个胎儿家庭接受了多学科咨询会诊,被详细告知疾病的诊断、严重程度、治疗策略和远期预后。回顾性收集孕妇及胎儿的详细临床资料和家庭最终的妊娠选择,行多因素Logistics回归分析,探讨孕妇及家庭选择终止妊娠的主要影响因素。结果 162例胎儿进入分析,平均孕周26.5(17.4~39.5)周,24例(14.8%)胎儿合并有显著心脏外畸形。67例(41.4%)孕妇及家庭选择终止妊娠,其中罹患轻度、中度及重度心脏病胎儿中,孕妇及家庭选择终止妊娠的比例分别为16.0%、51.1%和76.2%;合并有显著心脏外畸形的胎儿中,终止妊娠率高达79.2%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,胎儿心脏病的严重程度(OR=9.001,95%CI: 4.143~19.557,P<0.001),是否合并有显著心脏外畸形(OR=3.801,95%CI: 1.814~7.962,P<0.001)及诊断孕周(OR=0.750, 95%CI: 0.653~0.861,P<0.001)是影响孕妇及其家庭选择终止妊娠的3个主要因素。结论 对于合并有重度心脏病或显著心脏外畸形胎儿,孕妇及其家庭更倾向于选择终止妊娠。
先天性心脏病; 胎儿超声心动图; 产前诊断; 终止妊娠; 咨询; 影响因素
1 方法
1.1 研究设计 回顾性收集胎儿心脏病病历,截取孕妇及其家庭相关信息,电话随访获知孕妇的最终妊娠选择,探讨影响妊娠选择的相关因素。
1.2 纳入标准 2011年1月至2014年12月妇保院胎儿医学部经胎儿超声心动图诊断心脏病的胎儿。
1.3 影响妊娠选择的因素及定义 复习文献[2~13],收集如下基本信息,①孕妇年龄:以周岁记录。②配偶年龄:以周岁记录。③孕周:指经胎儿超声心动图诊断为胎儿心脏病时的胎儿孕周。④户籍:上海市户籍和非上海市户籍。⑤已育有子女数量:本次妊娠前未生育子女和已生育≥1个子女。⑥既往不良孕产史:曾有≥2次的自然流产史、死胎、早产和不明原因的新生儿死亡,或分娩过存在结构或染色体畸形的孩子。⑦多胎:胎儿超声提示≥2胎。⑧心脏病严重程度:根据Allen和Huggon分类法分为3级[2],轻度:治疗简单并对患儿无远期不良影响,如室间隔缺损、肺动脉瓣狭窄和室上性心动过速等;中度:可通过外科手术成功治疗,但可能影响患儿远期生存,如法洛四联症、单纯型大动脉转位(D-TGA),均衡型心内膜垫缺损和主动脉弓病变等;重度:对于儿童期以及成年期的生活质量有显著影响,如单心室、复杂型TGA、法洛四联症合并肺动脉闭锁、肺动脉闭锁伴完整室间隔和左心发育不良综合征等。⑨合并心脏外畸形:参照Nell分类法[3]并予以了相应改良,无畸形;轻微畸形:对生存无明显影响,如先天性肺囊性腺瘤、单侧轻-中度肾积水和胸腔积液等;显著畸形:对生存有严重影响,如唐氏综合征、重度胎儿水肿、胼胝体发育不全和膈疝等。
1.4 胎儿超声心动图 超声心动图仪采用GE Voluson E8,凸阵探头(4C-D, 1.1 MHz 和 RAB 4-8D, 4~8 MHz)。检查内容包括二维结构及多普勒血流检查,采集胎儿四腔心平面、五腔心平面、三血管平面、导管弓平面、动脉导管弓平面和大血管短轴及长轴平面。产前超声检查提示胎儿心脏病或存在其他胎儿超声心动图检查指征(如早孕期胎儿透明颈项层增厚>P95、存在心脏外畸形和先天性心脏病家族史等)的孕妇至妇保院胎儿医学门诊进行病史登记与信息录入,并预约胎儿超声心动图和产期咨询。所有胎儿的超声心动图检查由1位经验丰富的产科超声医生和1位儿童心内科医生共同协作完成。
1.5 胎儿心脏病产前诊断与咨询一体化的服务模式 儿童心内科医生根据超声心动图发现,对胎儿可能存在的心脏病做出初步诊断。随后由胎儿医学和儿童心内科专科医生共同为孕妇及其家庭提供多学科合作模式下的产前咨询;如胎儿合并有其他心脏外畸形,将邀请相关的专科医生参与咨询。咨询内容:胎儿心脏病诊断、严重程度、出生后的治疗方案、总体费用和近远期预后等。在接受多学科合作模式下的胎儿心脏病的诊断与咨询后,由孕妇及家庭自主选择继续或是终止妊娠。
1.6 终止妊娠的原则 妊娠孕周≤28周,可根据孕妇及家庭意愿直接予以终止妊娠;若孕周>28周,终止妊娠的申请需提交医院伦理委员会讨论,若胎儿罹患致死性或远期预后不良的疾病,则批准孕妇行选择性终止妊娠。
1.7 统计学方法 采用Stata 11.0软件进行统计学分析。以多元logistic回归对孕妇的妊娠选择和可能的影响因素行相关性分析,包括:孕妇及配偶年龄,诊断孕周,户籍,已育有子女数量,既往不良孕产史,多胎,胎儿心脏病以及合并心脏外畸形的严重程度分级。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 一般情况 符合本文纳入标准的连续胎儿共162例,全部完成了家庭最终妊娠选择的随访。表1为162例胎儿与孕妇的一般临床特征。诊断平均孕周为26.5(17.4~39.5)周。轻度心脏病胎儿75例,其中以室间隔缺损、肺动脉瓣狭窄、频发房性期前收缩为主;中度心脏病胎儿45例,其中以法洛四联症、主动脉弓异常和D-TGA为主;重度心脏病胎儿42例,其中以单心室、左心室发育不良综合征、肺动脉闭锁伴室间隔缺损为主。37例合并有心脏外畸形,其中13例为轻微畸形,24例为显著畸形。
Notes GA: gestational age; 1) Mild: Ventricular septal defect (n=29), Pulmonary valvular stenosis (n=12), Frequent premature atrial contractions(n= 10), Cardiomegaly (n=9), Tricupid regurgitation (n=5), Supraventricular tachycardia (n= 4),Atrial septal defect (n=3), Multiple Small rhabdomyoma(n=1), Dextrocardia, bilateral superior vena cava, with azygous continuation of inferior vena cava (n= 1), Bradycardia (n=1). Moderate: Tetralogy of Fallot (n=18), Aortic arch anomalies (n=9), Simple transposition of great arteries (n=8), Complete endocardial cushion defect (balanced) (n=5), Ebstein′s anomaly without significant cardiomegaly (n=3), A-P window (n=1), Coronary artery fistula (n=1); Severe: Univentricular heart (n=12), Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (n=10), Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (n=8), Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (n=5), Cardiomyopathy (n=3), Complete atriovenricualr block (low ventricular rate) (n=3), Transposition of great arteries with pulmonary artery stenosis(n=1). 2) Minor:Mild-moderate hydronephrosis/ Renal pelvis separation (n=4), Fetal growth restriction (n=4), Mild ventriculomegaly (n=3), Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (n=1), Pleural effusion (n=1); Major:Chromosomal anomaly(n=8), Severe generalized hydrops(n=5), Severe unilateral/bilateral renal agenesis (n=5), Heterotaxia (n=2), Skeletal dysplasia (n=2), Corpus callosum agenesis (n=1), Diaphragmatic hernia (n=1)
表2 孕妇及其胎儿特征与妊娠选择的Logistic回归分析
Tab 2 Associations between maternal and fetal characteristics with pregnancy decision
Notes GA: gestational age; LR chi2(5) = 97.61,P<0.0001,PseudoR2=0.466 6. Coding for binormal variables: 1 for affected status, 0 for non-affected status. Coding for severity of heart disease: 0 for light, 1 for moderate, 2 for severe
3 讨论
其次,中度心脏病胎儿的妊娠终止率过高可能是导致总体终止妊娠比例显著增高的重要原因。澳大利亚的研究显示[6],产前诊断法洛四联症和D-TGA的胎儿家庭均不选择终止妊娠,本研究中两者选择终止妊娠的比例分别高达44.4% (8/18) 和37.5% (3/8)。临床的共识认为,相比于轻度与重度胎儿心脏病,中度胎儿心脏病的远期预后更依赖于当地的医疗水平与条件。因此,发达国家更为优良的医疗技术与资源降低了中度胎儿心脏病生后的手术病死率和并发症发生率,从而也直接导致中度胎儿心脏病较低的终止妊娠比例。
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A retrospective analysis to identify the factors influencing parental pregnancy decisions in pregnancies with fetal cardiac anomalies
(1Cardiovascularcenter,Children′sHospitalofFudanUniversity,Shanghai20102,China; 2Fetalmedicineunit,ShanghaiFirstMaternityandInfantHospital,TongjiUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Shanghai200040,China; 3WeiyuHighSchool,Shanghai200231,China; 4DepartmentofClinicalEpidemiology,Children′sHospitalofFudanUniversity,Shanghai201102,China; 5Contributeequallytothiswork)
SUN Lu-ming,E-mail:luming_sun@163.com
ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to identify the factors influencing parental pregnancy decisions after a prenatal diagnosis of cardiac anomalies in Chinese population in the setting of tertiary level diagnosis and consultation. The study may be helpful to estimate the future prevalence of live birth congenital heart disease.MethodsA total of 162 fetuses prenatally diagnosed with cardiac anomalies in our institute were retrospectively analyzed from January 2011 to December 2014. Each family was provided with detailed consultation for the diagnosis, severity, treatment options and long-term prognosis of the anomaly with a multidisciplinary approach. Data with respect to the general maternal and fetal characteristics and pregnancy outcome were collected for all cases, and multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine which factors influenced the parents′ pregnancy decisions.ResultsOf the 162 cases, the mean gestational age at diagnosis was 26.5 weeks (ranging from 17.4 to 39.5 weeks), and 24 fetuses (14.8%) were associated with major extra-cardiac malformations. Overall, 67 (41.4%) pregnancies were interrupted, while the rates of termination in mild, moderate and severe groups of fetuses classified by severity of cardiac anomalies were 16.0%, 51.1% and 76.2%, respectively, and that of fetuses associated with major extra-cardiac anomalies reached 79.2%. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified that severity of cardiac anomalies (OR=9.001, 95%CI: 4.143-19.557,P<0.001), presence of extra-cardiac anomalies (OR=3.801, 95%CI: 1.814-7.962,P<0.001) and gestational age at diagnosis (OR=0.750, 95%CI: 0.653-0.861,P<0.001) were three major factors contributing to the probability of pregnancy termination. ConclusionIn China, the termination of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis of cardiac anomalies is more frequent than that in the developed countries, mainly due to no restriction of gestational age for termination. The parents are more likely to adopt for termination in the cases of more complex cardiac anomalies or in association with major extra-cardiac malformations.
Congenital heart disease; Fetal echocardiography; Prenatal diagnosis; Pregnancy termination; Counseling; Influencing factor
1 复旦大学附属儿科医院心血管中心 上海,201102;2 同济大学附属上海市第一妇婴保健院胎儿医学部 上海,200040;3 上海位育高级中学 上海,200231;4 复旦大学附属儿科医院临床流行病学教研室 上海,201102;5 共同第一作者