(广东药学院外国语学院,广东 广州 510006)
1 《黄帝内经》语译本和英译本
中医典籍成书于远古时代,最初版本都用古汉语书写,并且没有标点符号。随着朝代变迁及医学发展,中医典籍内容得到补充、修正、讹传与多种解读,出现很多善本、校注本以及语译本。在中医典籍翻译过程中,译者一般选用特定校注本,然后再将典籍翻译成外语,这个过程涉及语内翻译(intralingual translation)和语际翻译(interlingual translation)。语内翻译就是在同一语言内对典籍文本的理解;语际翻译就是将典籍文本从源语言转换成目的语。由于译者知识结构、理解能力、文化内涵以及翻译水平的差异,语内翻译和语际翻译都有可能对典籍原文本的意义产生理解偏差。
Veith(2002)版(以下简称 Veith版)译文是:The principle of Yin and Yang[the male and female elements in nature]is the basic principle of the entire universe.It is the principle of everything in creation.It brings about the transformation to parenthood;it is the root and source of life and death;and it is also found within the temples of the gods.In order to treat and cure diseases one must search into their origin[4]115.
Ni Maoshing(1995)版(以下简称 Ni版)译文是:The law of Yin and Yang is the natural order of the universe,the foundation of all things,mother of all changes,the root of life and death.In healing,one must grasp the root of the disharmony,which is always subject to the law of Yin and Yang[5].
罗希文(2009)版(以下简称罗版)译文是:Yin and Yang are the Tao between the Heaven and the Earth,the dominating force of all creatures,the origin of all changes,the root of germination and killing,the housing of spirit and consciousness.Art of healing lies in the treatment of the root cause of disease[6].
以上三段译文出自《黄帝内经》不同时期不同译者的语际翻译版本,各有侧重。Veith版结构和内容比较符合原经文,并且对“阴阳”做了简单解释,表现出译者医史学家视角,其目的是向西方世界介绍中医,她将“道”译成principle,将“本”译成origin;Ni版结构和内容都比较简单,语言轻松,是面向西方对中医感兴趣的读者的一本可读性强的叙述本,他将“道”译成natural order,对“本”没有明确对应翻译,而且译文中间还有省略;罗版最大的特点是短短的译文中增加了四个注解,其目的是详细介绍原经文中所蕴藏的中国古代文化,他采用音译将“道”译成 Tao,将“本”意译成 root cause。
2 《黄帝内经》英译句子成分的逻辑关系
根据《朗文语言教学与应用语言学词典》(Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching&Applied Linguistics)的定义,英语属于“主语显著语言”(subject-prominent language),汉语属于“话题显著语言”(topic-prominent language)。在主语显著语言中,句子基本结构是“主语-谓语”(subject-predicate)结构,主语和谓语是句子结构中最基本的语法单位;在“话题显著语言”中,往往由话题引导句子,再由评论性语言对话题陈述或说明,句子基本结构是“话题-评论”(topic-comment)结构。语言学家赵元任的研究表明汉语中有近50%的句子采用“话题-评论”结构。比如:“看病你就要去好医院。”在这个句子中“看病”点出了话题,后面的“你就要去好医院”是对话题的进一步说明。译成英语时,就要转换成“主-谓”结构:You’d better go to a good hospital to see a doctor.
汉语句子话题是语义概念,不拘泥于具体某种语法形式。有时候,主题是名词、代词,可以和主语重合,如:“我们医院不卖这种中药材。”这个句子中“我们医院”是话题,后面的“不卖这种中药材”是对话题评说。翻译成英语时,主题和主语可以重合:Our hospital doesn’t sell this kind of Chinese herb.也可以将“中药材”作为主语,译成:This kind of Chinese herb isn’t sold in our hospital.有时候主题是介词短语、副词,也可以是隐含的主谓结构,在上面的例句中主题是“看病”,是一个动宾结构。中医典籍英译,要根据句子意思表达需要转换这两种语言结构,正确理解和翻译句子成分之间的逻辑关系。
Veith版译文是:The five viscera receive the impact of the life-giving force from those who generate them,and they pass it on to those whom they subjugate.Their force of life is bestowed upon those whom they beget,but they bring death upon those who cannot overcome their diseases[4]178.
李照国(2005)(以下简称李版)译文是:[Among]the Five Zang-Organs,[one organ]gets affected by Qi from the organ that it promotes and transmits to the organ that it restricts.Qi maintains in the organ that it promotes and[causes]death when transmitted to the organ that restricts it[7]249.
Veith版把原经文两个“话题-评论”关系翻译成两个独立的“主-谓”关系。前面一句中,主语是“the five viscera”(五脏),两个谓语分别是“receive”(受)、“pass”(传);后面一句中,主语是“their force of life”(气),用“their”照应前面的五脏,谓语是“is bestowed upon”(舍)和“bring death upon”(死)。在这个译文中,汉语中的话题与英语中的主语重合。李版也是将原经文译成两个英语句子。第一个汉语句子中的话题“五脏”处理成介词短语“among the Five Zang-Orangs”,主语则具体化为“one organ”,谓语是“gets affected”;第二句主语是“Qi”,谓语分别是“maintain”(舍)和“cause death”(死)。在这个译文中,第一句保留了汉语原经文的话题,增加了一个主语,第二句则将话题与主语重合。虽然两个译文版本在措词上有些分别,但是都很好地将汉语句子成分之间“话题-评论”结构转换成为英语“主-谓”结构。
3 《黄帝内经》英译句子之间的逻辑关系
Veith版译文是:The way of medical treatment is to be consistent.It should be executed at dawn when the breath of Yin[the female principle in nature]has not yet begun to stir and when the breath of Yang[the male principle of life and light]has not yet begun to diffuse;when food and drink have not yet been taken,when the twelve main vessels are not yet abundant and when the lo vessels are stirred up thoroughly;when vigor and energy are not yet disturbed-at that particular time one should examine what has happened to the pulse[4]159.
吴连胜、吴奇(1997)版(以下简称吴版)译文是:The palpation of pulse should be carried on in early morning,when the Yang-energy has not yet been stirred,the Yin-energy has not been dispersed thoroughly,the food and drink of man have not yet been taken,the channel-energy then is not in hyperactivity,the energies of the collateral branches of the large channels are in harmony and the energy and blood have not been disturbed.In this situation can the pulse condition be diagnosed effectively[8].
李版译文是:[The best time for]taking pulse is dawn,[during which]Yinqi is not disturbed,Yangqi is not consumed,food is not taken,Jingmai(Channel)is not vigorous,Luomai(Collaterals)is quiet,Qi and blood are circulating in order.So abnormal[changes of]the pulse can be detected[7]199.
Veith版将小句(2)~(7)译成由关系副词 when引导的7个定语从句,修饰前面的小句(1)中“平旦”,然后在翻译小句(8)之前,又加上 at that particular time,照应前面的“平旦”。吴版、李版与Veith版在处理小句(1)~(7)的逻辑关系时基本相似,把小句(2)~(7)都翻译成定语从句,修饰小句(1)中“平旦”,只是吴版只用了一个关系副词when引导7个并列从句,而李版用了介词during然后用关系副词which引导7个并列从句;吴版翻译小句(8)时方法和Veith版一样,用“in this situation”照应前面的“平旦”而李版则用了关系副词“so”表示小句(8)与前面7个小句之间的因果逻辑关系。
郭版校注语译本[1]91把小句(2)~(7)看成并列逻辑关系,与小句(1)“诊法常以平旦”构成因果逻辑关系,认为“阴气未动,阳气未散,饮食未进,经脉未盛,络脉调匀,气血未乱”是“诊法常以平旦”的原因,另外,小句(8)和前面7个小句用“这样”连接,构成因果逻辑关系。刘版[2]198则没有明确表示小句(2)~(7)与小句(1)的逻辑关系,但是小句(8)和前面 7个小句之间则明确因果逻辑关系。
但是在理解和翻译“阴气未动,阳气未散”时,三个英译本出现了差异。Veith版把the breath of Yin(阴气)跟动词stir(搅动)搭配,the breath of Yang(阳气)跟动词 diffuse(扩散)搭配。吴版把the Yang-energy(阳气)与动词stir(搅动)搭配,the Yin-energy(阴气)与动词disperse(散开)搭配,显然 Veith版与吴版表达相反。李版则是把Yinqi(阴气)与动词disturb(干扰)搭配,Yangqi(阳气)与动词consume(消耗)搭配,避开了原来经文中的“阴气-动”和“阳气-散”的搭配。看国内语译本,郭版把“阴气未动,阳气未散”翻译成“因为那个时候阳气未曾扰动,阴气还未散尽”,而刘版则翻译成“此时阴气未被搅动,阳气尚未耗尽”。
Veith版把“切脉动静”和“视精明”之间的“而”翻译成并列关系“而且”,增加了一个人称代词one作主语,用5个并列句子翻译“切脉动静而视精明,察五色,观五藏有余不足,六腑强弱,形之盛衰”:One should feel whether the pulse is in motion or whether it is still and one should observe attentively and with skill.One should examine the five colors and the five viscera,whether they suffer from excess or whether they show an insufficiency,and one should investigate the appearance of the body whether it is flourishing or deteriorating.然后用 One should use all these five examinations and combine their results,and then one will be able to decide upon the share of life and death[4]159.将最后一句“以此参伍,决死生之分”理解翻译成前面5个并列句的因果关系。
吴版对经文4中的5个动宾结构处理方式则不相同。首先吴版将“切脉动静”翻译成动名词结构做“视精明”的伴随状语,然后将“察五色,观五藏有余不足,六腑强弱,形之盛衰”理解翻译成“视精明”的结果。最后,将“以此参伍,决死生之分”理解翻译成前面动宾结构的结果。吴版译文是:At the same time of diagnosing the dynamic and static variations of the patient’s pulse,his pupils and complexion should be inspected,so as to distinguish whether his energies of the five viscera are abundant or not,his six hollow organs are strong or not,his physique and energy are prosperous or not.When these aspects are considered comprehensively,one can judge the date of the death or survival of the patient[8]86.
李版对原经文4的动宾结构的逻辑关系处理方式也不一样。李版也是用动名词结构翻译“切脉动静”作伴随状语,然后增加doctors做主语将“视精明”、“察五色”并列为主句,然后将“观五藏有余不足”理解翻译成主句的结果,省略了“六腑强弱,形之盛衰”,最后总结导出结果,意译最后一句。李版译文是:[Apart from]examining the changes of pulse,[the doctors should carefully]observe Jingming (Essence-Brightness)of the eyes and inspect the five colors to decide [whether]the Five-Organs are Youyu(Surplus)or Buzu(Insufficiency).Synthetic study[of these aspects]can decide the prognosis of diseases[7]198.
郭版语译本[1]91-92和刘版语译本[2]198在处理经文 4 中动宾结构逻辑关系时基本差不多,他们都是把“切脉动静”翻译成状语,作为“视精明,察五色”的伴随状况,然后将“观五藏有余不足,六腑强弱,形之盛衰”理解翻译成“视精明,察五色”的目的状语,最后总结导出最后一句“以此参伍,决死生之分”,作为结果。
4 结 语
[4] Veith,Ilza.The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine[M].Berkley:University of California Press,2002.
[5]Ni Maoshing.The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine[M].Boston and London:Shambhala Publications,Inc,1995:17.
[6]Luo Xiwen(罗希文).Introductory Study of Huangdi Neijing[M].Beijing:China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2009:138.
[7] Li Zhaoguo ( 李 照 国).Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine·Plain Conversation[M].Xi’an:World Publishing Corporation,2005.
[8]Wu Liansheng,Wu Qi(吴连胜,吴奇).Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine[M].Beijing:China Science&Technology Press,1997:86.