

广东教育·高中 2014年11期



1.(2009广东)To make sure that he was remembered with love and respect, Nobel arranged in his to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people who made great contributions to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences practice.

A. book B. article C. will D. contract

2.(2011广东) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The argument has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by learning situation that has designed for the children.

A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average

3. The attempt to find jobs, the continuous disappointment of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of ability but rather than on my disability, will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.

A. disobey B. challenge C. practice D. make

4. While I was waiting for the bus, he happened to pass by and offered to give me a .

A. help B. car C. lift D. way

5. Robinson speaks such English that he often fails to make himself understood.

A. traditional B. indirect C. fluent D. broken

6. ... More and more, professors say,they are coming across rude students in their classrooms. Many of todays young scholars

arrive late,leave early,talk loud or take care of personal

such as paying bills during class.

A. feeling B. interest C. computer D. business

7. ...That leads to a growing imprudence(轻率行动)among some college students. “Theres a great deal of bad behavior in the world around them,and young people see it and develop disrespect”,said Dr. Amanda, that sometimes students “ have no idea that they are being rude.”

A. speaking B. adding C. warning D. wishing




例3:practice在此不是“练习;操练”之意,而是to work as a doctor or lawyer “从医或从事律师行业” 之意,又如:He was banned from practicing medicine.(他被禁止行医)

例4:lift除了表“电梯;提升”等意思外,还有free ride“免费搭车”,如:give sb. a lift“给某人提供顺风车”。

例5:broken在此不是“破碎的;破烂的”之意,而是spoken imperfectly or not fluently“蹩脚的;不流利的”,如broken English“蹩脚的英语”。endprint

例6:business 不是“生意”之意,而是“事务;事情”等。句中的take care of personal business意思是“处理个人事务”。



1. Where did you lay the eggs laid by the hen? (lay摆放;下蛋)

2. Julia is a pretty pretty girl. (pretty 非常;漂亮的)

3. Her major problem is that she doesnt know which major to take up. (major主要的;专业)

4. On the tree hung a criminal who was hanged for murder. (hang悬挂;绞死)

5. The boy lying in bed often tells lies. (lie躺;撒谎)

6. He adopted my suggestion that he adopt a child. (adopt采纳;收养)

7. Were very content with the content of the lesson. (content满意的;内容)

8. Having realized his weaknesses, he made up his mind to realize his dream.(realize意识到;实现)

9. Apart from attending a series of meetings, he has to attend to his sick wife. (attend 参加;照顾)

10. How long did the last opening ceremony last? (last 上一个的;持续)

11. Hearing that I was fined by a traffic policeman, he said “fine”. (fine 罚款;好的)

12. When filling in a form, you should form the habit of writing your name first. (form表格;形成)

13. She often practises typing with different types of methods. (type 打字;种类)

14. He had a date with Mary on the date of December 10th, 2012. (date 约会;日期)

15. At first the boy planned to give the change to the beggar, but he changed his mind later. (change改变;零钱)

16. Mr. Smith separated from his wife and now lives in a separate room.(separate 和……分离;单独的)

17. This is the place where Lucy placed her luggage. (lay 地方;放置)

18. Please underline the key points which I underlined just now. (underline 强调;划线)

19. The chief mission of the chief is to find a solution as soon as possible. (chief 主要的;首领)

20. He is considered an irresponsible leader, who not only abuses his power but abuses his parents.(abuse滥用;虐待)

21. After taking a rest, she continued to finish the rest of the work. (rest 休息;剩余的)

22. I cant stand the man standing by the door. (stand 忍受;站立)

23. This is the park where she often parks her car. (park 公园;停车)

24. He signed his name on the sign. (sign 签名;牌子)

25. She is so mean that all her friends mean to break up with her. (mean 小气的;打算)

26. I asked the naughty boy to stand still, but he still ran here and there. Worse still, he ran still faster. (still 静止的;仍然;更加)

27. At present he is present at a awarding meeting where he will be presented with a lot of presents and prizes. (present 目前的;出席;赠与;礼物)endprint

28. The nurse is very patient with all the patients. (patient 有耐心的;病人)



Aged 13, my younger brother often serves as a volunteer to help the neighbors in need in his spare time. So naughty is he that he sometimes dresses as an old man to amuse other children. Young as he is, he is as tall as me now. As his elder brother, Im very strict with him in his study, but treat him equally as my friend in the daily life, so he is very willing to do everything as I tell him to. As I have time, I usually communicate with him as much as possible, as it can promote mutual understanding between us. As time goes by, it seems as if he is more and more interested in study. As far as Im concerned, he intends to work as a scientist when he grows up. However, as for whether he can accomplish his ideal as expected, it largely depends on how hard he works. Just as a saying goes, hope for the best and prepare for the worse.




1. hang 2. stick

3. strike 4. paper

5. interest 6. dull

7. coach 8. contribute

9. express 10. match

11. fan 12. firm

13. watch 14. desert

15. approach


1. He offered to give me a helping hand when I was in trouble. ( )

2. The boss was so angry that he fired the secretary.( )

3. My uncle runs a business in Guangzhou. ( )

4. Dont get mad. Just listen to my explanation. ( )

5. I wonder how your company operates. ( )

6. She likes all the characters in the cartoon.( )

7. He contributed a number of articles to the magazine.

( )

8. In my spare time I develop a variety of interests and hobbies. ( )

9. Do you parents raise pigs on your farm? ( )

10. The lonely old man adopted a child and brought him up.

( )


1. He is busy a stamp on the envelope and is going to post it to his friend.

A. sticking B. putting C. showing D. giving

2. We shouldnt be concerned only about our own . Instead, we are supposed to take other peoples profits into consideration.

A. taste B. interest C. homework D. experience

3. Jack is a student. No matter how many times his teachers explain a problem, he still finds it difficult to understand.endprint

A. curious B. clever C. top D. dull

4. Although we begged him for help again and again, he

us down eventually.

A. put B. refused C. turned D. took

5. Dont your dream. On the contrary, you should stick to it all the time.

A. fail B. desert C. keep D. forbid

6. The other day I to be walking my dog when a terrible traffic accident happened to him.

A. happened B. stopped C. got D. remained

7. People tend to work hard at this of life, which is a turning-point.

A. safety B. problem C. stage D. moment

8. The of crops drove the farmers mad and they lived a harder life.

A. absence B. failure C. requirement D. situation

9. I looked around and finally my friend in the crowd.

A. spotted B. looked C. waved D. touched

10. Telephone calls came in from all over the country.

A. showing B. appearing C. delivering D. flooding

11. Nowadays a large number of girls would rather go on a diet to have a slim .

A. leg B. voice C. figure D. face

12. Im terribly sorry. This style of skirt sells so well that it is now out of .

A. work B. store C. order D. place

13. By sunset we had thirty miles and we all felt exhausted.

A. covered B. stayed C. stepped D. associated

14. The school has decided to adopt a different teaching in the hope of improving the grades of students.

A. form B. approach C. aspect D. content

15. He had a with Mary on December 10th, 2012 and it was not long before they fell in love with each other.

A. connection B. discussion C. quarrel D. date

16. The was off and the whole hall was dark.

A. power B. key C. operation D. lin

17. Yesterday my father attended a prize-awarding ceremony where he was with a gold medal.

A. shown B. given C. presented D. sent

18. I asked the naughty boy to stand , but he still ran here and there.

A. silent B. still C. slow D. fast

19. She is so and selfish that all her friends have a low opinion of her.

A. mean B. generous C. diligent D. traditional

20. I can bear his ignorance, but I cant his rudeness.

A. hate B. fear C. convince D. stand

21. At that time she was very scared, but she just calm as if nothing had happened.

A. appeared B. showed C. suffered D. faced

22. Dont be so on your children. After all, they are still so young.endprint

A. keen B. hard C. focused D. dependent

23. You dont live in harmony with your parents due to the generation gap. Now its high time you your differences with them.

A. performed B. admitted C. closed D. settled

24. The man was so angry that he the dog to a tree with a rope.

A. stuck B. tied C. kept D. devoted

25. Standing on the stage for the first time, I was tense and nervous and my heart was violently.

A. beating B. running C. knocking D. increasing

26. Time is very limited and precious, so we should

and make good use of it.

A. save B. share C. keep D. treasure

27. Have you got a (an) pen? Mine has run out of ink.

A. empty B. free C. spare D. different

28. Recently a chemical has been set up in my hometown.

A. unit B. plant C. work D. product

29. Never make fun of others when they make mistakes. We should bear in mind that everyone has their and weaknesses.

A. length B. shortage C. knowledge D. strengths

30. All the points we mentioned at the meeting are of great importance and we cannot afford to them.

A. stress B. notice C. overlook D. lack

31. Last night a thief into the house without anybody noticing it.

A. stole B. looked C. turned D. burst

32. Alice is one of my friends with whom I share everything.

A. patient B. close C. strange D. careful

33. We witnessed a dreadful accident when we were for our company.

A. applying B. looking C. waiting D. heading

34. The school has changed in many . It has changed so much that we can hardly recognize it.

A. choices B. habits C. respects D. functions

35. The baby is asleep. Stop making such a noise in case you might wake him up.

A. sound B. hard C. well D. slow

36. Now going abroad has no to me. I prefer to stay in my own country.

A. way B. appeal C. problem D. choice

37. Im tired of doing the same work every day and I to have a long holiday.

A. insist B. suppose C. enjoy D. long

38. The doctor will not the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.

A. perform B. make C. carry D. take

39. He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to .

A. lose B. fail C. strengthen D. rise

40. Im no for him at tennis and hes far better than me.

A. talent B. ambition C. desire D. match



1. 悬挂;绞刑 2. 木棍;坚持;粘贴

3. 敲打;罢工 4. 纸张;试卷;论文;文件

5. 兴趣;利益; 6. 钝的;迟钝的;枯燥的

7. 教练;长途汽车 8. 贡献;投稿

9. 表达;快递(快车)10. 比赛;火柴;匹配

11. 风扇;迷 12. 公司;坚定的

13. 手表;观看 14. 沙漠;抛弃

15. 靠近;方法


1. 主动(做某事) 2. 解雇/开除

3. 经营 4. 生气的

5. 操作;运作; 6. 角色

7. 撰写;投稿 8. 培养

9. 饲养 10. 收养


1. A stick在此是“粘贴”的意思。

2. B interest在此是“利益”的意思,由句中的profits(利益)可知。

3. D dull是“反应迟钝的”意思。

4. C turn ... down不是“调小音量”,而是“拒绝”之意。

5. B desert是“抛弃”之意,与stick to相反。

6. A sb. happen to do sth.“某人碰巧做某事”,而sth. happen to sb.则是“某人发生某事”。

7. C stage在此是“阶段”之意,相当于period。

8. B failure在此是“(庄稼)歉收”之意。

9. A spotted在此是“发现;找到”之意,相当于found或是recognized。

10. D flood在此是“拥挤”之意,flood into是“涌进”。

11. C figure在此是“身材”而不是“数字”或“图形”。

12. B store在此是“存货”之意,out of store“缺货”。

13. A cover不是“覆盖”,cover a distance of ...是“走了……路”。

14. B approach在此是“途径;渠道”之意,而不是“靠近;接近”的意思。

15. D have a date with sb.“与某人约会”。

16. A power在此是“电”的意思,相当于electricity。

17. C be presented with是“被赠与/颁发……”的意思。

18. B still在此表示“静止的”意思。

19. A mean在此是“小气的”的意思,与selfish意义接近。

20. D stand在此是“忍受”而不是“站立”的意思,与tolerate近义。

21. A appear是“显得;表面看起来”的意思,而不是“出现”的意思。

22. B be hard on是“对……苛刻/严厉”之意。

23. D settle differences是“消除分歧”之意。

24. B tie ... to ... 是“把……绑在……”之意,tie在此不是“领带”的意思。

25. A beat在此不是“打败”,而是指“(心)跳”。heartbeat是名词,意为“心跳”。

26. D treasure在此是“珍惜”之意,相当于cherish或是value。

27. C spare在此是“多余的;空余的”之意,如spare tyre“备用轮胎”。

28. B plant在此是“工厂”之意,相当于factory。

29. D strengths在此是“强项”而不是“体力”。

30. C overlook在此不是“鸟瞰”,而是“忽略”之意,相当于ignore或是neglect。

31. A steal在此不是“偷”,steal into“偷偷溜进”的意思。

32. B close friends相当于intimate friends“亲密的朋友”。

33. D head for“往……走去”,相当于make ones way to“前往”。

34. C respect在此不表示“尊重”,而是“方面”的意思,相当于aspects。

35. A be sound asleep= be fast asleep是“熟睡”的意思。

36. B have appeal to sb.“对某人有吸引力”。此外,appeal to sb. to do sth. 表示“呼吁某人做某事”的意思。

37. D long在此是动词,long to do sth.= desire to do sth.“渴望做某事”。

38. A perform an operation= have an operation“动手术”。

39. B fail在此不是“失败”,而是“衰退”。

40. D be match for “是……的对手”。match在此是“对手”之意。


责任编校 蒋小青endprint


Parents and Kids