

解放军医学杂志 2014年2期






颅内动脉瘤介入栓塞治疗具有微创、安全等优点,已成为临床首选的手术方式[1]。数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)三维重建技术对动脉瘤的诊断和治疗具有重要价值[2],但填塞了弹簧圈的动脉瘤无法在容积重建图像中显示,而双容积重建(dual volume reconstruction,Dual VR)技术可以重建出栓塞后的动脉瘤影像,本文拟探讨该技术在动脉瘤栓塞术中的应用价值。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选择2012年6月-2013年4月在第三军医大学大坪医院行颅内动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞术的患者20例,其中男14例,女6例,年龄35~68岁。所有患者均确诊为颅内动脉瘤,全麻下行弹簧圈栓塞术,其中17例采用支架辅助。20名患者中共发现动脉瘤24个,其中前交通动脉瘤7个,后交通动脉瘤10个,大脑中动脉瘤7个。所有患者均只对1个颅内动脉瘤进行栓塞治疗,4个微小动脉瘤未处理。

1.2 设备和参数 采用西门子Aritis DTA血管造影机,造影剂为威视派克,超选至颈内动脉作三维造影(3D-DSA),造影参数为:注射速率4m l/s,总量24m l,曝光延迟1s,压力150psi。数据传输至西门子后处理工作站,术前的三维造影数据行容积重建,术中的数据行双容积重建。

1.3 评价方法 由2名放射科医生和2名技师从4个方面进行评估:①弹簧圈缠绕团的检出率;②动脉瘤的栓塞程度;③术前容积重建图像和术后双容积重建图像同体位下瘤颈、瘤体的长度;④不同模式下双容积重建影像的特点和应用价值。

2 结 果

2.1 弹簧圈检出率 双容积重建图像共检出20个灰白色高密度影像,分析其占位和形状,确认为弹簧圈缠绕团影像,检出率为100%(图1)。

图1 同时重建出弹簧圈缠绕团(白色箭头)和支架标记点(红色箭头)Fig.1 Coils bolus (white arrow) and stent marks ( red arrow) reconstructed in the same image

2.2 动脉瘤栓塞程度 完全栓塞的13个动脉瘤瘤体、瘤颈均被灰色的弹簧圈占据,无造影剂渗入。有3个瘤体可见红色的造影剂占位,瘤体未完全填塞。有4个瘤颈处有红色造影剂占位,瘤颈未完全栓塞(图2)。

2.3 术前术后瘤体长度比较 测量双容积重建影像中瘤颈、瘤体的长度,并与术前双容积重建图像进行比较。对于未完全栓塞的动脉瘤,以弹簧圈和造影剂的共同长度作为瘤体、瘤颈的长度(图3)。结果表明,栓塞前后瘤颈、瘤体的长度均有变化,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,表1)。

2.4 不同重建模式的影像特点 双容积重建图像有4种不同的显示模式:①颅骨、弹簧圈、支架显示模式,该模式下弹簧圈缠绕团能清楚显示,可见17个支架的标记点;②血管显示模式,该模式下可显示1-4级脑血管,分支血管清楚,可见未栓塞的4个小动脉瘤;③弹簧圈和颅内血管融合显示模式,该模式下可见颅骨、弹簧圈、血管共同显示在一个影像上(图4、5),4例瘤颈和3例瘤体有造影剂渗入;④重建颅内血管(B)并将颅内组织(A)做多平面重建的融合显示模式(B+A MPR),该模式下可见颅内组织各层面与颅内血管的相互关系,可观察造影剂和弹簧圈同层面的占位范围,显示颅内组织与血管的毗邻关系(图6)。

图2 血管和弹簧圈缠绕团的融合图像Fig.2 Fused image of vessel and coils bolusA.Only reconstructing the intracranial vessel, we can discover the contrast medium (white arrow) flow into the aneurysms sac, manifesting the pathway, extent and caliber of inflow tract; B.Fused imaging display the occupation of contrast medium and coils bolus, showing the embolization extent of intracranial aneurysm

图3 术前和术后动脉瘤瘤颈长度Fig.3 Length of aneurysm neck before and after embolizationA.The length o f aneurysms neck before embolization; B.At the same position, the length of aneurysms neck after embolization measured in the dual volume reconstruction imaging

表1 栓塞前后瘤颈及瘤体长度比较(mm,±s,n=20)Tab.1 The length of aneurysm neck and sac before and after embolization (mm±s, n=20)

表1 栓塞前后瘤颈及瘤体长度比较(mm,±s,n=20)Tab.1 The length of aneurysm neck and sac before and after embolization (mm±s, n=20)

Time point Neck Length of sac Width of sac Before embolization 3.84±2.41 4.90±2.94 2.95±1.73 After embolization 4.74±1.89 5.51±3.01 3.15±1.84

3 讨 论


图4 颅内血管、颅骨和弹簧圈缠绕团(白色箭头)的融合图像(用于帮助解剖定位)Fig.4 Fusion image composed by intracranial vessel, skull bone and coils bolus (white arrow, with a great help in anatomy position)

图5 弹簧圈、颅骨和颅内血管的融合图像Fig.5 Fusion image composed by coils bolus, skull bone and intracranial vesselA.Part of coils bolus insert into parent artery, and the distal end of intracranial vessel display clearly; B.Fusion imaging show the skull bone and coils bolus, discovering part of coils inserting into parent artery

图6 B+A MPR图像模式显示动脉瘤多平面重建和血管的融合影像Fig.6 B+A MPR image mode, showing aneurysms fused imaging of multiplanar reconstruction and intracranial vesselA, B.In the oblique transverse and sagittal section, contrast medium occupy the right area of aneurysm, indicating the right area of aneurysm sac without embolization; C, D.In the oblique transverse and coronal section, contrast medium occupy a tiny area in the extrem ity of coli bolus, indicating the distal aneurysms sac without embolization




在动脉瘤栓塞术中,必要时造影重建出动脉瘤的双容积图像,区分出瘤体内已栓塞区域和未栓塞区域,测量不同区域的长度,以精确的数据来评估栓塞程度,使造影影像数据化,有助于提高栓塞的安全性和有效性。双容积重建图像可以帮助医生和技师精确观察分析瘤颈、瘤体的栓塞程度[19],再结合患者的血管情况,设计或调整手术方案,选择更精准的治疗方法[20],以直观的医学影像评价栓塞的效果,且采用该技术无需各种动脉瘤栓塞率软件,避免了栓塞率计算公式的繁琐和动脉瘤容积换算的模型化,为选择弹簧圈、支架的型号,评估栓塞程度等提供了量化指标。双容积重建技术进行了两次不同阈值的重建,可以组合成不同的影像模式,满足临床需求。如果重点观察弹簧圈、血管、颅骨的相互关系,可以重建出三者的融合图像,分析解剖定位信息。如果要观察血管、动脉瘤、弹簧圈之间的相互关系,可以选择B+A MPR的显示模式,理清动脉瘤内部弹簧圈和血管的毗邻位置,每个层面的栓塞程度和区域,显示造影剂流入动脉瘤腔内的路径。技师可以结合软件的测量功能,为评估动脉瘤栓塞率提供准确的数据,为优化手术方案、选择恰当的弹簧圈型号、定位最佳的手术体位、调整微导管位置等提供帮助,以提高手术的安全性和栓塞效果。


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Application of dual volume reconstruction technique in embolization of intracranial aneurysms

ZHANG Xiang-hai, CHEN Jin-hua*, WANG Xiao-feng, ZHOU Lin, YAN Hong-ye
Department of Radiology, Institute of Surgery Research, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China

, E-mail:

ObjectiveTo explore the value of dual volume reconstruction technique in Guglielm i detachable coil (GDC) embolization of intracranial aneurysms.MethodsThree-dimensional imaging data of 20 patients received GDC embolization of intracranial aneurysms from Jun.2012 to Apr.2013 were analyzed for dual volume reconstruction.The value of application of dual volume reconstruction was evaluated by the detection rate of coils bolus, degree of aneurysm occlusion, the length of aneurysm sac and aneurysm neck before and after embolization, and the characteristics and clinical value of the reconstructed images.ResultsA total of 20 coil boluses were detected by dual volume reconstruction images, and the detection rate was 100%.Among all of 20 patients, no visualization of contrast medium in the aneurysm was found in 13 patients, while contrast agent was found in the aneurysm sac in 3 patients and in the aneurysm neck in 4 patients.The length of aneurysm neck and sac was somewhat changed before and after embolization with no statistically significant difference (P>0.05).The dual volume reconstruction could reveal coil bolus, vessels, cranium and fusion images, and the aneurysms could be shown by different imaging modes according to the clinical requirement.ConclusionDual volume reconstruction technique can display the location of coil bolus, degree of occlusion and aneurysm size, and evaluate the embolization effect by multifarious imaging modes, providing a great deal of information for the evaluation of GDC embolization of intracranial aneurysm.

intracranial aneurysm; embolization, therapeutic; image processing, computer-assisted








400042 重庆 第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所放射科(张祥海、陈金华、王晓峰、周林、闫红野)



Neuroform Atlas支架辅助弹簧圈栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤的Meta分析