【摘要】 目的 探讨外周血中EB病毒检测在NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中的预后意义。方法 统计本院治疗的结外鼻型NK/T细胞淋巴瘤患者56例,
【关键词】 NK/T细胞淋巴瘤;血浆;EB病毒检测
通讯作者:房佰俊 Email:fdation@126.com
1 资料与方法
参 考 文 献
[1] Vande Rijn M, Bhargava V, Molina Kirsch H, et al.Extranodal head and neck lymphomas in Guatemala:high frequency of Epstein Barr virus associated sinonasal lymphomas. Hum Patho l,1997,28(7):834
[2] ZhaoYang Wang,QingFeng Liu,Hua Wang,et al. Clinical implications of plasma EpsteinBarr virus DNAin earlystage extranodal nasaltype NK/Tcell lymphoma patients receiving primary radiotherapy. Blood,2012,120(10):20032010
[3] 刘卫平,李甘地,刘永惠,等.鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤15年研究报道.临床与实验病理学杂志,2000,16(2):89
[4] Chan K C, Zhang J, Chan A T, et al. Molecular characterization of circulating EBVDNA in the plasma of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma patients.Cancer Res,2003,63(9):20282032
[5] Kim T M, Lee S Y, Jeon Y K, et al. Clinical heterogeneity of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasaltype: a national survey of the Korean Cancer Study Group.Ann Oncol,2008,19(8):14771484
[6] Li Y X, Liu Q F, Fang H, et al. Variable clinical presentations of nasal and Waldeyer ring natural killer/Tcell lymphoma.Clin Cancer Res,2009,15(8):29052912
[7] MrazGernhard S,Natkunam Y,Hoppe R T,et alNatural killer/natural killerlike Tcell lymphoma,CD56+, presenting in the skin:all increasingly recognized entity with an aggressive course.J Clin Oncol, 2001(19):21792188
[8] 王虎,李晓江,张世文,等.结外NK/T细胞淋巴瘤鼻型临床研究.中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2005,40(11):850854
[9] KUO T T,SHIH L Y,TSANG N M.Nasal NK/T cell lymphoma in Taiwan:a clinicopathologic study of 22 cases,with analysis of histologic subtypes,EpsteinBarr virus LMP1 gene association,and treatment modalities.Int J Surg Pathol, 2004, 12(4):375387
[10] XangLan M, ZuLan s, Dan H, et a1Skp2/p27 expression profile is correlated with EpsteinBarr virus status in extranodal nasaltype natural killer cell lymphoma.Transl Res,2008,151(6):303308
[11] Suzuki R, Yamaguchi M, Izutsu K, et al. Prospective measurement of EpsteinBarr virusDNA in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasal type.Blood, 2011, 118(23): 60186022
[12] 彭金昀.不同部位和类型恶性淋巴瘤与EBV感染相关性研究.中国肿瘤临床,2008,35(20):11451149endprint
【摘要】 目的 探讨外周血中EB病毒检测在NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中的预后意义。方法 统计本院治疗的结外鼻型NK/T细胞淋巴瘤患者56例,
【关键词】 NK/T细胞淋巴瘤;血浆;EB病毒检测
通讯作者:房佰俊 Email:fdation@126.com
1 资料与方法
参 考 文 献
[1] Vande Rijn M, Bhargava V, Molina Kirsch H, et al.Extranodal head and neck lymphomas in Guatemala:high frequency of Epstein Barr virus associated sinonasal lymphomas. Hum Patho l,1997,28(7):834
[2] ZhaoYang Wang,QingFeng Liu,Hua Wang,et al. Clinical implications of plasma EpsteinBarr virus DNAin earlystage extranodal nasaltype NK/Tcell lymphoma patients receiving primary radiotherapy. Blood,2012,120(10):20032010
[3] 刘卫平,李甘地,刘永惠,等.鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤15年研究报道.临床与实验病理学杂志,2000,16(2):89
[4] Chan K C, Zhang J, Chan A T, et al. Molecular characterization of circulating EBVDNA in the plasma of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma patients.Cancer Res,2003,63(9):20282032
[5] Kim T M, Lee S Y, Jeon Y K, et al. Clinical heterogeneity of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasaltype: a national survey of the Korean Cancer Study Group.Ann Oncol,2008,19(8):14771484
[6] Li Y X, Liu Q F, Fang H, et al. Variable clinical presentations of nasal and Waldeyer ring natural killer/Tcell lymphoma.Clin Cancer Res,2009,15(8):29052912
[7] MrazGernhard S,Natkunam Y,Hoppe R T,et alNatural killer/natural killerlike Tcell lymphoma,CD56+, presenting in the skin:all increasingly recognized entity with an aggressive course.J Clin Oncol, 2001(19):21792188
[8] 王虎,李晓江,张世文,等.结外NK/T细胞淋巴瘤鼻型临床研究.中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2005,40(11):850854
[9] KUO T T,SHIH L Y,TSANG N M.Nasal NK/T cell lymphoma in Taiwan:a clinicopathologic study of 22 cases,with analysis of histologic subtypes,EpsteinBarr virus LMP1 gene association,and treatment modalities.Int J Surg Pathol, 2004, 12(4):375387
[10] XangLan M, ZuLan s, Dan H, et a1Skp2/p27 expression profile is correlated with EpsteinBarr virus status in extranodal nasaltype natural killer cell lymphoma.Transl Res,2008,151(6):303308
[11] Suzuki R, Yamaguchi M, Izutsu K, et al. Prospective measurement of EpsteinBarr virusDNA in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasal type.Blood, 2011, 118(23): 60186022
[12] 彭金昀.不同部位和类型恶性淋巴瘤与EBV感染相关性研究.中国肿瘤临床,2008,35(20):11451149endprint
【摘要】 目的 探讨外周血中EB病毒检测在NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中的预后意义。方法 统计本院治疗的结外鼻型NK/T细胞淋巴瘤患者56例,
【关键词】 NK/T细胞淋巴瘤;血浆;EB病毒检测
通讯作者:房佰俊 Email:fdation@126.com
1 资料与方法
参 考 文 献
[1] Vande Rijn M, Bhargava V, Molina Kirsch H, et al.Extranodal head and neck lymphomas in Guatemala:high frequency of Epstein Barr virus associated sinonasal lymphomas. Hum Patho l,1997,28(7):834
[2] ZhaoYang Wang,QingFeng Liu,Hua Wang,et al. Clinical implications of plasma EpsteinBarr virus DNAin earlystage extranodal nasaltype NK/Tcell lymphoma patients receiving primary radiotherapy. Blood,2012,120(10):20032010
[3] 刘卫平,李甘地,刘永惠,等.鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤15年研究报道.临床与实验病理学杂志,2000,16(2):89
[4] Chan K C, Zhang J, Chan A T, et al. Molecular characterization of circulating EBVDNA in the plasma of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lymphoma patients.Cancer Res,2003,63(9):20282032
[5] Kim T M, Lee S Y, Jeon Y K, et al. Clinical heterogeneity of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasaltype: a national survey of the Korean Cancer Study Group.Ann Oncol,2008,19(8):14771484
[6] Li Y X, Liu Q F, Fang H, et al. Variable clinical presentations of nasal and Waldeyer ring natural killer/Tcell lymphoma.Clin Cancer Res,2009,15(8):29052912
[7] MrazGernhard S,Natkunam Y,Hoppe R T,et alNatural killer/natural killerlike Tcell lymphoma,CD56+, presenting in the skin:all increasingly recognized entity with an aggressive course.J Clin Oncol, 2001(19):21792188
[8] 王虎,李晓江,张世文,等.结外NK/T细胞淋巴瘤鼻型临床研究.中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2005,40(11):850854
[9] KUO T T,SHIH L Y,TSANG N M.Nasal NK/T cell lymphoma in Taiwan:a clinicopathologic study of 22 cases,with analysis of histologic subtypes,EpsteinBarr virus LMP1 gene association,and treatment modalities.Int J Surg Pathol, 2004, 12(4):375387
[10] XangLan M, ZuLan s, Dan H, et a1Skp2/p27 expression profile is correlated with EpsteinBarr virus status in extranodal nasaltype natural killer cell lymphoma.Transl Res,2008,151(6):303308
[11] Suzuki R, Yamaguchi M, Izutsu K, et al. Prospective measurement of EpsteinBarr virusDNA in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of extranodal NK/Tcell lymphoma, nasal type.Blood, 2011, 118(23): 60186022
[12] 彭金昀.不同部位和类型恶性淋巴瘤与EBV感染相关性研究.中国肿瘤临床,2008,35(20):11451149endprint