

世界建筑 2014年3期

刘珩,南沙原创建筑设计工作室/ LIU Heng, NODE Architecture & Urbanism


Floating Entrance & Warehouse: 2013 UABB FuFa Glass Factory Renovations

刘珩,南沙原创建筑设计工作室/ LIU Heng, NODE Architecture & Urbanism


应该说,南沙原创主动选择了主入口和砂库片区这类典型厂房改造,是希望带有更广泛的保育(conservation)的普适性意义,而不是单纯的修旧如旧的保护(preservation), 而且具备实际的使用功能。没有特色但有时间价值的旧建筑,是否可以通过不拆除的方式,也能带来面积的增量以及功能的更新,同样也能创造出独特的空间特色,给这个时代带来更加丰富的公共性的内涵。其实这对建筑师是更大的挑战。

The factory buildings of the 1980s were declining in step with the progressive transformation of industrial zones. These once glorious industrial giants were standing marginalized at the urban fringe. The curatorial team and architects of the 2013 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (UABB) intended to revitalize the disused factory buildings with "a gentle touch" and re-present them as a "value factory" to the public. NODE undertook the design of the main entrance and warehouse area.

To put it another way, NODE actually chose to undertake the renovation design of the typical factory buildings at the main entrance and the sand bin area, anticipating their conservation for practical use-a principle applicable elsewhereinstead of the mere preservation of their original appearance. For such old buildings-survivors without distinct features-it is an even a greater challenge for the architect not to demolish, to use a surgical approach when expanding floor area, renewing functions and creating unique spaces with a deeper cultural connection to our time.

1 场地轴侧图

2 主入口建筑——“浮云”



在主入口改造中,原本被指定拆除的旧仓库被保留,新的入口形式希望能与这栋旧仓库有机地结合起来,于是,新体量借由典型的框架混凝土的老建筑中“生长”出来新的轻型钢结构所支撑,新旧建筑体量相似,上下直接“平移”,新老建筑形成有趣的时代及技术反差;与此同时,新的公共空间在新旧的夹缝中由此不经意地衍生出来 —— 而“第六立面”的半反光折面天花与旧建筑屋顶之间的空间,作为界定厂区“入口”的区域,自然而然地顺接了独特的烟囱体型,斜切的入口平台将人流导向环绕烟囱而下的螺旋坡道,引入厂区地面层,为人提供了过渡场域的体验空间。而夜间,水纹状动感的照明,使得“第六立面”新旧空间之间有了若即若离的镜面扭曲的神秘对照。



3 主入口建筑原状

5 主入口建筑改造后

4 概念草图

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目名称/Project: 浮法玻璃厂主入口建筑及入口坡道设计/Floating Entrance-Fufa Glass Factory Renovation

项目地点/Location: 深圳蛇口工业区浮法玻璃厂/Fufa Glass Factory, Shekou, Shenzhen

业主/Client: 招商局蛇口工业区/The China Merchants Industrial Zone Co.

设计团队/Design Team: 南沙原创建筑设计工作室

刘珩(主创建筑师),黄杰斌,杨宇环,Remi Loubsens,吴从胜,陈良鹏/NODE Architecture & Urbanism: Doreen Heng LIU (design -in-charge), HUANG Jie-bin, YANG Yu-huan, Remi Loubsens, WU Cong-sheng, CHEN Liang-Peng

坡道方案合作/Collaborators on Entrance Ramp: Lua Nitsche & NEXT Architects

结构设计/Structure: 北方工程设计研究院/Northern Engineering Design Institutes Shenzhen

照明设计/Lighting: 光程式/Light Formula Shenzhen

建筑面积/Building Area: 旧建筑面积620m2,新增建筑面积:400m2,合计1020m2/Existing 620m2; new 400m2; total 1,020m2

设计时间/Design Perioal: 2013.06-2013.09

落成时间/Completion: 2013.12

7 主入口建筑第六立面——折板

6 主入口建筑轴侧图

8 一层新旧柱网

9.10 二层主入口坡道与现状厂房之上的新柱网

11.12 主入口建筑

Floating Entrance

This building is at once heavy and light, as free and simple as a floating cloud.

At the main entrance, the old warehousepreviously slated for demolition-is retained and integrated with the new entrance form in an organic manner. The new volume is supported by a light steel structure, an outgrowth of the old building’s typical concrete frame structure. The new and the old, similar volumes stacked vertically, create interesting contrasts of times and technologies. In the meantime, a new public space is created, seemingly casually, by the crack between the new and the old. A semi-reflective folded surface ceiling and the old building’s roof on the “6th facade” frame this space. The area defines the “entrance”of the plant and naturally embraces its unique chimney shape. A beveled entrance platform guides pedestrian circulation to the spiral ramp surrounding the chimney and eventually down to the ground level of the plant.The whole sequence becomes a transitional experience space for visitors. At night, a dynamic wavy lighting scheme creates a vague and mystical apparition on the twisted mirror ceiling of the crack between the new and the old spaces.

Besides being a structural volume similar in form yet different in spirit from the old building, the new building also provides a metallic curtain/glass skin façade that adds lightness and mystery to the building and creates color and material contrasts with the closed façade of the old structure.

The design is a completely new mix of urban and tectonic approaches. It is also a bold and effective experiment in adding to the old and enriching public experience without destroying the existing fabric of the city.

13 主入口建筑剖面

14 主入口建筑夜景

15 砂库外观

16 砂库轴测图



这是具体场地具体功能一次简单、直接、有效的改造设计,它的有用和它的工业遗产美相得益彰, 缺一不可。

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目名称/ Project: 浮法玻璃厂改造——砂库/Warehouse-Fufa Glass Factory Renovation

项目地点/Location: 深圳蛇口工业区浮法玻璃厂/Fufa Glass Factory, Shekou, Shenzhen

业主/Client: 招商局蛇口工业区/The China Merchants Industrial Zone Co.

17 砂库演讲厅

18 砂库教育区

19 砂库展览区

设计团队/Design team: 南沙原创建筑设计工作室

刘珩 (主创建筑师), 黄杰斌、杨宇环、吴从胜、李鹏程/ NODE Architecture & Urbanism: Doreen Heng LIU (design -in-charge), HUANG Jie-bin, YANG Yu-huan, WU Congsheng, LI Peng-cheng

结构设计/Structure: 北方工程设计研究院/ Northern Engineering Design Institutes

照明设计/Lighting: 光程式/Light Formula

建筑面积/Build Area:旧建筑面积2756m2,

新增建筑面积:1318m2,合计4074m2/Existing 2756m2; new 1318m2; total 4074m2

设计时间/Design Period:2013.07-2013.09


摄影:南沙原创(Fig2, 3, 5, 15),曾瀚(Fig8-12, 14, 17-19)


The original sand plant had no distinctive spatial features, but the existing factory is composed of three rectangular spaces, generic but practical with many potential uses. We intended to transform the plant into a public service area that could accommodate the necessary functions of the biennial while being open to future uses such as lecture hall, large exhibition hall and children’s playground & education zone. Simple renovation strategies were adopted: 1) The three original independent spaces on ground floor were reserved for the lecture hall, exhibition hall, and children’s playground / education zone functions and independent accesses were maintained to avoid mutual interference. 2) A new mezzanine was added to naturally connect these three independent functional spaces and create different and distinct circulation routes with connecting stairs, creating a refreshing and diversified spatial experience. 3) While repairing the deteriorated exteriors of the buildings, some new facades were opened up using cost-effective industrial materials in different levels of transparency. This introduced natural light and shadow into the building and brought openness, brightness and a registration of time to the originally dull closed spaces.

This tactical design exhibits direct effective responses to the specific site. In it new function and the original beauty of the site’s industrial heritage compliment each other almost seamlessly.



不畏浮云遮 巧识庐山面