

广东教育·高中 2014年1期




2009—2012年广东省高考基础写作都属于报道类应用文体,包括采访报道(2009年)、禁烟报道(2010年)、图书信息以及相关报道(2011年),2012年是人物介绍的校园报道。根据应用文体的特点,文章应以一般现在时作为主导时态。如:2010年高考禁烟报道的基础写作,可以使用一般现在时态表述禁烟时间、禁烟内容以及禁烟的相关数据。当然并非整篇文章只能使用唯一时态,部分细节信息可以根据具体的时间状语,考虑用一般过去时态。如2009年高考基础写作中的第一个信息点:上周末,我采访了眼科医生王教授,进行了关于我国中小学生近视问题的采访。这个句子应该根据它明显的过去时间状语采用一般过去时态:Last weekend,I had an interview with Professor Wang,an eye doctor, concerning the issue of short-sightedness of school children in China.






实施时间: 2011年1月1日起









?鄢二手烟:second-hand smoke



1. 禁烟决定的内容及实施的时间和范围;

2. 目标和措施;

3. 相关数据。















第1句:Our country has begun to carry out the policy that prevents smoking in public buildings since January 1st, 2011. 本句采用了定语从句,先行词为policy,在从句中充当主语。考虑到since引导的时间状语从句,主句的谓语使用现在完成时态。

第2句:The main aim is to make every public rooms have no smoke by posting the sign of preventing smoking. 此句采用常见句式The goal/aim/purpose is/was to...,由不定式短语作表语。endprint

第3句:There are 350 million people smoking recently, in which the male hold 75 percent and the female hold 25 percent. 本句数据较多,用了非限制定语从句,利用in which引导起补充说明作用的非限制性定语从句。

第4句:Because of these smokers, about 540 million non-smokers are influenced. 此句用了because of引导的原因状语起承上启下的作用。

第5句:Worse still, more than 100 thousand people per year die because of the second-smoke. 此句用worse still短语作为过渡,用简单句式点出最后一个信息内容。









1. 事情的起因:自己在匆忙的情况下随便拿起一本书店的英文词典,没有检查就离开了书店。

2. 字典的问题:有些词条的解释模糊;有两面是12页,没有13页。

3. 与书店交涉的经过:我回到书店要求更换字典,但是书店的工作人员告诉我店里已经没有相同的词典。我建议他与出版社联系,但是他直接拒绝我,要求我自己去联系出版社解决问题。

4. 呼吁服务行业提高服务意识:良好的服务理念会赢得顾客的信心并争取更多的顾客,希望服务业提高服务质量。

参考词汇:词条 word entries 模糊 illegible 服务行业 service trades


1. 文章开始与结尾已经给出,不计入五个句子中;

2. 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。



Dear Sir/ Madam,

Last Wednesday I bought an English-Chinese dictionary in Youhao bookstore.

Sincerely yours,



1. 文章是属于_________ 文体,主导时态是


2. 五个句子如何划分:

(1)______; (2)_______; (3)________; (4)________; (5)___________

3. 采用何种句式(短语等)翻译五个句子?


4. 句子之间使用的过渡词是


5. 检查文章,注意信息点完整,句子表达的精确性。



参考词汇:社会实践活动 Social Practice 补充 supplement


1. 首句已经给出,不计入五个句子中。

2. 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。



Social Practice has been more and more popular among students. ...


1. 文章是属于_________ 文体,主导时态是


2. 五个句子如何划分:(1)_______;(2)_______; (3) ;(4)________;(5)___________

3. 采用何种句式(短语等)翻译五个句子?


4. 句子之间使用的过渡词是


5. 检查文章,注意信息点完整,句子表达的精确性。



Dear Sir/ Madam,endprint

Last Wednesday I bought an English-Chinese dictionary in Youhao bookstore. Because I was in a hurry,I picked up a copy,paid for it and left the store without looking it over. The next day I found the notes under several word entries were illegible,and worse still, there were two page 12s but no page 13. Then I went back to the bookstore,asking for an exchange, but the shop assistant told me that there was no copy left in the store. Therefore,I requested him to contact the Publishing House to arrange a replacement for me, which was refused by the shop assistant,who asked me to do it myself. Something has to be changed in service trades since a strong service concept gives companies the opportunity to gain the customersconfidence and win more customers, so it is high time for those working in the lines changed their attitude toward customers and raise their awareness of service.

Sincerely yours,



Social Practice has been more and more popular among students. Some parents believe that Social Practice offers the students a chance to contact the society and get some idea of the society, so they support it. Besides, the students are supposed to apply what they have learned in class to the practical work,which will be helpful to their future career. However,some parents who hold the opposite opinion argue that students may get more interest in social work and spend long time on it,thus neglecting their studies. Worse still, attention distraction makes them unable to focus on the study. Still some others think students should put their studies in the first place and hold the Social Practice just as a supplement of their study.


责任编校 蒋小青endprint

Last Wednesday I bought an English-Chinese dictionary in Youhao bookstore. Because I was in a hurry,I picked up a copy,paid for it and left the store without looking it over. The next day I found the notes under several word entries were illegible,and worse still, there were two page 12s but no page 13. Then I went back to the bookstore,asking for an exchange, but the shop assistant told me that there was no copy left in the store. Therefore,I requested him to contact the Publishing House to arrange a replacement for me, which was refused by the shop assistant,who asked me to do it myself. Something has to be changed in service trades since a strong service concept gives companies the opportunity to gain the customersconfidence and win more customers, so it is high time for those working in the lines changed their attitude toward customers and raise their awareness of service.

Sincerely yours,



Social Practice has been more and more popular among students. Some parents believe that Social Practice offers the students a chance to contact the society and get some idea of the society, so they support it. Besides, the students are supposed to apply what they have learned in class to the practical work,which will be helpful to their future career. However,some parents who hold the opposite opinion argue that students may get more interest in social work and spend long time on it,thus neglecting their studies. Worse still, attention distraction makes them unable to focus on the study. Still some others think students should put their studies in the first place and hold the Social Practice just as a supplement of their study.


责任编校 蒋小青endprint

Last Wednesday I bought an English-Chinese dictionary in Youhao bookstore. Because I was in a hurry,I picked up a copy,paid for it and left the store without looking it over. The next day I found the notes under several word entries were illegible,and worse still, there were two page 12s but no page 13. Then I went back to the bookstore,asking for an exchange, but the shop assistant told me that there was no copy left in the store. Therefore,I requested him to contact the Publishing House to arrange a replacement for me, which was refused by the shop assistant,who asked me to do it myself. Something has to be changed in service trades since a strong service concept gives companies the opportunity to gain the customersconfidence and win more customers, so it is high time for those working in the lines changed their attitude toward customers and raise their awareness of service.

Sincerely yours,



Social Practice has been more and more popular among students. Some parents believe that Social Practice offers the students a chance to contact the society and get some idea of the society, so they support it. Besides, the students are supposed to apply what they have learned in class to the practical work,which will be helpful to their future career. However,some parents who hold the opposite opinion argue that students may get more interest in social work and spend long time on it,thus neglecting their studies. Worse still, attention distraction makes them unable to focus on the study. Still some others think students should put their studies in the first place and hold the Social Practice just as a supplement of their study.


责任编校 蒋小青endprint


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