语法填空题中的信号词 and


广东教育·高中 2014年1期



[相关练习] 用适当的词填空或用所给词的正确形式填空,并注意观察这些句子中有什么信号词。

1. Without saying a word,she________(choose)a needle with a very small eye,and threaded it at the first time.

2. Of the four countries,England is the largest and is divided into 3 zones:the South,the North and ________ Midlands.

3. The more friends we have,the _______(easy)and more meaningful our life will be.

4. Most parents fear that games will prevent children from increasing new knowledge and _______the children will fail in the future examinations.

5. She has to have super ________(strong)and power.

6. We can go there either by bike or ______foot.

7. Whatever you say and _______ you do, Ill stay with you.

参考答案:1. chose 2. the 3. easier 4. that 5. strength____6. on 7. whatever

总结规律:在语法填空题中, 信号词“and”连接的是两个平行结构,即:A and B。如果A为名词、形容词、谓语动词、非谓动词、副词、从句或是介词等,那么B也为名词、形容词、谓语动词、非谓动词、副词、从句或是介词等。类似的并列词还有or,but,not only...but also,neither...nor,either...or,both...and...等。


一、单句填空 在空格处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. He made his way to the platform and _________(take) off his coat and hat.

2. They begin to dislike tourists ______ to treat them impolitely.

3. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation,________(close) my book and walked away.

4. They broke through two glasses doors,________(run) to the museums top floor and grabbed the two paintings.

5. Tourism should also advance the wealth and ________(happy)of local inhabitants.

6. Have a look first,or you ______(go)in a wrong way.

7. ________(success)and happy people have set lots of goals to help them reach their aims.

8. Most of them get useful information on the Internet ______use the Internet to help their studies.

9. All the animals lined up on the river bank and ______(give)the task of getting to the opposite shore.

10. I had to give the speech from my memory and ______ front of such a big audience.

11. A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs _______(tremble)and my mind blank.

12. Work hard,_____ you will pass the exam

13. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and ______(set)goals.

14. The rush hour is when people ______(go)to work or going home from work.

15. Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not a pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or ______(push)you with their elbows(肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.endprint

16. So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it:neither too much________too little.”

二、语篇填空 空格处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。

I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big,black____1____ dark. I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very____2____ (careful),but also very clearly as well. The porter,however,could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he____3____ (understand). He answered me,but he____ 4____ (speak)neither____ 5____ (slow)____ 6____ clearly. “Im a foreigner,”I said. Then he spoke slowly,but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that!The porter____ 7____ I looked at each other and____ 8____ (smile). Then he____ 9____ (say)something and I understood it.“Youll soon learn English!”he said. I wonder. In England,each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other,____10____I dont understand them!Do they speak English?


语法填空题中的信号词“and”连接的是两个平行结构,即:A and B 。 如果A为名词、形容词、谓语动词、非谓动词、副词、从句或是介词等,那么B也为名词、形容词、谓语动词、非谓动词、副词、从句或介词等,且当A和B为动词时,其时态形式、非谓语动词形式要一致。类似的并列词还有or,but,not only...but also,neither...nor,either...or,both...and...等。



1. took 2. and 3. closed 4. ran 5. happiness 6. will go 7. successful 8. and 9. were given 10. in 11. trembling 12. and 13. setting 14. are going 15. pushed 16. nor


1. and 2. carefully 3. understood 4. spoke 5. slowly 6. nor 7. and 8. smiled 9. said 10. but


责任编校 蒋小青 陈春阳endprint

