

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2013年9期


A young painter resided(居住) in a small narrow house, living on painting portraits (肖像) before he became famous.


One day, a rich man came by and found the painter painting so meticulously (细致地) that he liked it and asked him to draw a portrait. They agreed on the remuneration (报酬) of 10,000 dollars.


After a week, the portrait was done. The rich man came to take the painting as agreed on. At this moment, the rich man hit on an evil idea of bullying (欺负) the unknown young artist, so he refused to pay the remuneration.


The rich man thought, “The man in the painting is me. If I dont buy this painting, no one will buy it. Why should I pay so much money for it?” So the rich man said, “I will only pay 3,000 dollars to buy this painting.”


The young artist was stunned, for he had never come across such things. He strongly

argued on just grounds, expecting the rich man to abide by (遵守) the agreement and to be a

trustworthy (可信赖的) man.


“I can only pay 3,000 dollars to buy the painting. Speak no more.” The rich man thought he had won. “I ask you at last, will you sell it 3,000 dollars or not?”


The young artist knew the rich man deliberately (故意地) went back on his word, so he felt indignant. He said in a firm tone, “No. I would prefer not to sell the painting rather than to be humiliated (羞辱) by you. Today you break your word and someday you must pay 20 times.”


“What a joke!20 times will be 200,000! I wont be stupid to pay 200,000 dollars to buy the painting!”


“Well, wed better wait and see,” the young artist said to the rich man who left angrily.


After the stimulation (刺激) of such an incident, the painter moved out of this sad place, and formally acknowledged teachers to work hard night and day. More than a dozen years later, he finally blazed a new way and became popular in the circle of art.


After he left the studio, the rich man had forgotten the artists painting and words the next day. Until one day, some friends of the rich man simultaneously (同时地) came to tell him, “Something is so strange!We

paid a visit to a famous artists exhibition of paintings, in which one painting is marked 200,000 dollars and the man in the painting looks exactly the same as you. It is so ridiculous that the title of the painting is Thief.


It came to him a terrible blow that he immediately thought of what had happened more than a dozen years before. He went to find the young painter the same night right away. As expected, the painting titled as Thief was no other than the one he had broken his word that year. He quickly apologized to the artist and paid 200,000 dollars to buy back the portrait.


With an undefeated ambition, the young painter made the rich man bend his head. This young man was Pablo Picasso.



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