摘要: 对于越来越多的档案数据,包括档案目录、全文、扫描件、照片、电子文件等结构化数据和非机构化数据,如何统一、完整、有效地管理这些数据是新一代档案管理系统开发要解决的问题。从设计和实现的角度介绍了基于混合型数据库的档案管理系统的开发思路。该流程利用混合型数据库的特性有效地管理档案数据,实现了档案的全文检索和利用,提高了档案的利用率,提升了档案的利用价值。
关键词: 档案管理系统; 混合型数据库; 结构化数据; 非机构化数据; 全文检索
中图分类号:TP315文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2012)09-41-03
Design and implementation of archives management system based on the mixed type databases
Ruan Xunhui
(Zhejiang Tellyou Information technology Co.ltd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China)
Abstract: Along with more and more archival data, including structured data and unstructured data such as archives catalogue, text, photos, scanned, electronic document, it is a problem for a new generation archives management system that how to unify, complete, effectively manage these data. From the viewpoint of design and implementation, the design idea of archives management system based on mixed type databases is introduced. The characteristics of mixed type database are utilized to effectively manage the archives data, to implement full text retrieval and utilization, and to improve the archives'' utilization rate and utilization value.
Key words: AMS; mixed type databases; structured data; unstructured data; full text retrieval