聂琰 赵一鸣 孙霞 周国兵
摘要: 对独立学院中数据结构算法课程的教学现状进行了分析,阐述了在教学内容、理论课堂教学方式,以及上机教学实践环节等方面所进行的改革研究与实践。目的在于:一方面增强课堂教学质量,另一方面使教学更能达到独立学院的培养学生能力和训练应用型专门人才的目标。在教学过程中,通过总结,调整,实施,完善,使学生对课程的理解和应用得到一定提高,为后继课程的学习打下更好的基础。
关键词: 数据结构; 独立学院; 教学改革; 上机实践
中图分类号:TP312文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2012)09-62-02
Teaching reform of data structures and algorithms in independent colleges
Nie Yan, Zhao Yiming, Sun Xia, Zhou Guobing
(College of Science and Technology Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315202, China)
Abstract: The teaching situation of the course “data structure and algorithms” in independent colleges is analyzed. The reform in teaching content and classroom teaching are described and practice on the machine instruction is proposed. The purpose is to enhance the quality of classroom teaching on the one hand, on the other hand, to meet better the independent college''s goal of fostering students'' abilities and training applications expertise. In the teaching process, by summing up, adjustment, implementation, improvement, students will improve their understanding of the course, It plays a positive role in learning professional follow-up courses.
Key words: data structure; independent college; teaching reform; Computer Practicals