摘要: 折半查找是一种常见的静态查找方法,在特定的、有序的查找区间内,通过折半方式不断地缩小查找区间,将区间中间位置的元素与给定元素加以比较,最终确定查找结果。在此传统折半查找基础上,总结了一种抽象化的改进方法,并将此改进后的折半查找算法应用于最优化问题的求解。
关键词: 折半查找; 最优化; 递归; 抽象化
中图分类号:TP312文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2012)09-31-02
Application of binary search algorithm in optimization problems
Wei Shaohan1,2
(1. Fuzhou Strait Vocational & Technical College, Computer and Communication Engineering Department, Fuzhou, Fujian 350014, China;
2. Fujian University of Technology, Guomai Information College, Computer and Information Science Department)
Abstract: Binary search is a common static search method. It minimizes the search interval by reducing the sorted interval by half and compares the value of the middle position with the given value to reach a conclusion. Based on this traditional binary search algorithm, an abstract improvement is presented so that it can be used to solve optimization problems.
Key words: binary search; optimization; recursion; abstraction