中学生英语 2011年11期
黄石理工学院外语学院 黄杜鹃供稿
Four fairy ladies had peaches in their hands.Each had different numbers of peaches,varying from 4 to 7 peaches.And then they ate one or two peaches,and each had different peaches left.四个仙女有不同数量的桃子,桃子的数量在4个到7个之间。然后,四个人都吃掉了1个或2个仙桃,结果每个人剩下的仙桃数量还是各不相同。
After they finished the peaches,they said the following words.The fairy lady who had two peaches told a lie and one who ate one peach told the truth.四人吃过仙桃后,说了如下的话。其中,吃了2个仙桃的人撒谎了,吃了1个仙桃的
How many peaches did they have?How many did they eat and how many did they have now?最初每人有几个仙桃,吃了几个,剩下了几个呢?