The Derivation A lgebra of the Schrdinger-Viraso ro Lie A lgebra*


湖州师范学院学报 2010年2期

WANG Xiao-ping,GAO Shou-lan

(Faculty of Science,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou 313000,China)

The Derivation A lgebra of the Schrdinger-Viraso ro Lie A lgebra*

WANG Xiao-ping,GAO Shou-lan

(Faculty of Science,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou 313000,China)

Fo r the perfect Lie algebra w ith one-dimensional center at lest,there is not a general result about the relationship between its derivation algebra and that of its universal central extension.In this paper,we determine the derivation algebra of the Schrödinger-Viraso ro Lie algebra L,w hich is the universal central extension of the Schrdinger-Virasoro Lie algebraw ith one-dimensional center.It is p roved that L has only one outer derivation,w hilehas three outer derivations[1].Hence,we get one examp le that the derivation algebra of the universal central extension of a Lie algebra,the center of w hich is not zero,is not isomorphism to that of the Lie algebra.

Schrdinger-Virasoro algebra;central extension;derivation

MSC 2000:17B40

0 In troduction

The Schrödinger-Viraso ro Lie algebra,o riginally introduced by M.Henkel in[2]during his study on the invariance of the free Schrödinger equation,is a vecto r space over the comp lex field C w ith a basisand the Lie brackets:

for all m,n∈Z.Due to its important app lications in many areas of Mathematics and Physics,the structure and rep resentation theory ofhave been extensively studied.For examp le,M.Henkel investigated thathasone-dimensional universal central extension in[2].C.Roger and J.Unterberger p resented a detailed cohomological study and determinedhas three outer derivations[1].And the automorphism group ofis determined in[3].Nowadays,extensions and generalizations related to the Schrödinger-Virasoro algebra have appeared and their structure and rep resentation theory have been extensively studied,such as[4]~[6].

The derivation algebra of a centerless perfect Lie algebra is isomorphism to that of the universal central extension of the Lie algebra[7].While for the perfect Lie algebra w ith one-dimensional center at lest,there is not a general result about the relationship between its derivation algebra and that of its universal central extension.In this paper,we determine the derivation algebra of the Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebra L,w hich is the universal central extension of the Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebraw ithone-dimensional center.It show s that L has only one outer derivation,w hilehas three outer derivation[1].Therefo re,the derivation algebra of L is not isomo rphism to that of.

Throughout the paper,we denote by Z and C*the set of integers and the set of non-zero comp lex numbers respectively,and all the vector spaces are assumed over the comp lex field C.

1 The Derivation Algebra of L

[1]ROGER C,UN TERBERGER J.The Schrdinger-Viraso ro Lie group and algebra:Rep resentation theo ry and cohomological study[J].Annales Henri Poincar,2006(7~8):1477~1529.

[2]HENKEL M.Schrodinger invariance and strongly anisotropic critical systems[J].J Stat Phys,1994,75:1023~1061.

[3]GAO S.The automorphism group of the Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebra[J].Journal of Huzhou Teachers College,2010,32:1:6~10.

[4]GAO S,JIANG C,PEI Y.Structure of the extended Schrödinger-Viraso ro Lie algebra[J].A lgebra Colloq,2009,16:4 549~566.

[5]L IJ,SU Y.Rep resentations of the Schrodinger-Viraso ro algebras[J].J Math Phys,2008,49,053512:14.

[6]UNTERBERGER J.On vertex algebra rep resentations of the Schrödinger-Viraso ro Lie algebra[EB/OL].[2007-03-21].arXiv:cond-mat/0703214v2.

[7]BEN KART G,MOODY R.Derivations,central extensions and affine Lie algebras[J].A lgebras Groups Geom,1986,3(4):456~492.

[8]FARNSTEINER R.Derivations and extensions of finitely generated graded Lie algebras[J].J Algebra,1988,118(1):34~45.

MSC 2000:17B40



对于中心非零的perfect李代数,关于它的泛中心扩张的导子代数与它本身的导子代数之间的关系尚未有一个一般的结论.通过计算带有一维中心的 Schrödinger-Virasoro李代数的泛中心扩张L的导子,证明了L只有一个外导子,而由文献[1]知有三个外导子,从而得到了一个中心非零的perfect李代数的导子代数与其泛中心扩张的导子代数不同构的例子.

Schrodinger-V iraso ro李代数;中心扩张;导子


O152.5 Document code:A Article ID:1009-1734(2010)02-0022-05


Biography:WANG Xiao-ping,Undergraduate student of grade 2006,Faculty of Science,Huzhou Teachers College,

Research Interests:Lie algebra.


交换环上反对称矩阵李代数的局部导子和2 - 局部导子