田 珍 刘小玲 丁益群 刘旭博
中图分类号 Q571 文献标识码A文章编号 1007-5739(2009)09-0232-02
TIAN ZhenLIU Xiao-ling *DING Yi-qunLIU Xu-bo
(College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei430070)
AbstractSimulating natural chronic stress,Method of incorporation of cortisol in diet was used to study the effects of cortisol on the phagocyte respiratory burst and the serum alternative complement hemolytic activity(ACH50) of adult yellow catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). The results and conclusions are as follows.The cortisol incorporated in the diet resulted in sustained elevation of serum cortisol concentration, while there was no statistic difference among control groups. This result indicated that the method of incorporation of cortisol in the diet can be used to imitate natural stress response,which was usually characterized with a continuous increase of the serum cortisol concentration.From the second week,the respiratory burst of the head kidney phagocytes significantly decreased(P<0.05). This result indicated that cortisol significantly inhibited the bactericidal ability of the head kidney phagocytes.ACH50 in the 10 mg/kg group decreased significantly(P<0.05)in the second、fifth and sixth weeks,and decreased highly significantly(P<0.01)in the 100 mg/kg group from the second week to the sixth week. This result indicated that cortisol significantly suppressed the ACH50,and the higher the serum cortisol levels the more pronounced the suppression.
Key wordscortisol;Pelteobagrus fulvidraco;head kidney phagocyte;respiratory burst;serum alternative complement hemolytic activity