Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Cooperative SSK System with Receive Correlation in Rayleigh Fading Channel
Retro-reflective Beamforming Technique with Applications in Wireless Power Transmission
A 60 GHz Phased Array System Analysis and Its Phase Shifter in a 40 nm CMOS Technology
Design of Power Amplifier for mmWave 5G and Beyond
MoM-PO/SBR Algorithm Based on Collaborative Platform and Mixed Model
Low-Complexity DOA Estimation of Noncircular Signals for Coprime Sensor Arrays
A Generative Adversarial Nets Method for Monitoring Data Generation on Aircraft Engines
Relative Position and Attitude Control for Drag-Free Satellite with Prescribed Performance and Actuator Saturation
Anchoring Bolt Detection Based on Morphological Filtering and Variational Modal Decomposition
Breast Lump Recognition Algorithms Based on Ultrasound Radio-Frequency Signals
Body-Fitted Momentum Source Method for Predicting Rotor Aerodynamics Characteristics in Hover
An Elasticity Model Considering Grain Boundaries and Tensile Orientations for Directionally Solidified Superalloys
Static Radical Stiffness and Contact Behavior of Nonpneumatic Mechanical Elastic Wheel
Effect of Curing Temperature on the Morphology and Hydration of MgO Expansive Material in Paste
Adiabatic Invariant for Dynamic Systems on Time Scale
Yield Loci of TRIP590 Advanced High Strength Steel Based on Biaxial Loading Test