水动力学研究与进展 B辑
水动力学研究与进展 B辑
Bubble dynamics and its applications *
Experimental investigation of flow past a circular cylinder with hydrophobic coating *
Transient peristaltic diffusion of nanofluids: A model of micropumps in medical engineering *
High-speed experimental photography of collapsing cavitation bubble between a spherical particle and a rigid wall *
Flow induced structural vibration and sound radiation of a hydrofoil with a cavity *
Unsteady flow structures in centrifugal pump under two types of stall conditions *
Sediment transport in pure acceleration-skewed oscillatory sheet flow *
Revisit of advection-dispersion equation model with velocity-dependent dispersion in capturing tracer dynamics in single empty fractures *
Measurement and prediction of cavitating flow-induced vibrations *
The energy-saving advantages of burst-and-glide mode for thunniform swimming *
Numerical and experimental study of continuous and discontinuous turbidity currents on a flat slope *
Numerical study of steady-state acoustic oscillations in semi-closed straight channel *
Numerical investigation of velocity ratio effect in combined wall and offset jet flows *
Water entry of decelerating spheres simulations using improved ISPH method *
Numerical analysis of a magnetohydrodynamic duct flow with flow channel insert under a non-uniform magnetic field *
Numerical investigations of the effects of blade shape on the flow characteristics in a stirred dead-end membrane bioreactor *
Dynamic analysis of wave slamming on plate with elastic support *
Critical velocities for local scour around twin piers in tandem *
An integrated optimization design of a fishing ship hullform at different speeds *
Numerical study on influence of structural vibration on cavitating flow around axisymmetric slender body *
An integral calculation approach for numerical simulation of cavitating flow around a marine propeller behind the ship hull *
Call For Papers The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow
Editorial Message