Advances in Polar Science
Advances in Polar Science
Multi-sensor data merging of sea ice concentration and thickness
Evaluation of ArcIOPS sea ice forecasting products during the ninth CHINARE-Arctic in summer 2018
Features of sea ice motion observed with ice buoys from the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait
Laboratory experimental study of water drag force exerted on ridge keel
A review of synoptic weather effects on sea ice outflow through Fram Strait: cyclone vs. anticyclone
Atmospheric responses over Asia to sea ice loss in the Barents and Kara seas in mid–late winter and early spring: a perspective revealed from CMIP5 data
An assessment of the impacts of diesel power plants on air quality in Antarctica
New category, Editorial Opinion, attracts more attention from the international polar community
Characterization of the parent and hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica