A Trip to Yan’an (I)延安之行(上)


英语世界 2024年9期

In the summer of 1957 I decided to do my trip differently. I would travel as economically as possible. No VIP treatment1, no set schedules. Only a general destination of Yan’an, the “cradle of the revolution,” visiting ancient Xi’an on the way up2 and historic Luoyang on the way back. There would be no formal lectures. I would just meet people and chat.


Before the Long March culminated here, it had been a small ancient walled city on the banks of the Yanhe River with a population of 3,400. The wide river valley was surrounded by hills of yellow soil, cut by gullies and gorges. In 1937, when the Red Army, which had come to Yan’an at the conclusion of the Long March, went off to fight the Japanese, the people’s militia forces became primarily responsible for the defense of the Yan’an Prefecture.


As the headquarters for the Chinese Communist Party, Yan’an grew rapidly. Intellectuals flocked to it from all over the country. The population of the prefecture soared to 100,000 by 1939. The Nationalists, more afraid of the people than of the foreign invader, avoided clashes with the Japanese and imposed a blockade3 against the prefecture. Yan’an met the challenge by setting up home industries which turned out most of their daily necessities.


On the food front4 every student, cadre and Party leader guaranteed to produce 90 catties (about 100 pounds) of millet per year. In the Nanniwan5 sector outside Yan’an an Eighth Route Army brigade, composed mostly of southerners, hacked paddy fields out of the wilderness and planted rice, a crop the area had never known. They performed prodigious feats of production. Some of the men were jokingly known as qi si niu—“ox infuriators” because they could pull a plow through more acreage in a day than the average draft animal—which naturally aroused the jealousy and fury of the ox. The need for and feasibility of self-reliance became permanently impressed on communist thinking.


Yan’an was the center of political and military leadership, the school in which cadres for these fields were trained. Tens of thousands passed through Yan’an for short-term courses. In Yan’an Mao wrote many of the profound articles which were to shape the destiny of China and influence the course of world history. Arts of and for the people got their start in Yan’an.6 It became the beacon, the inspiration, for millions of Chinese.


Despite the Kuomintang blockade, its fame continued to spread across China, around the world. Canadian surgeon Norman Bethune, who had served in Spain, came to serve and die in the Chinese revolution. Young American journalist Edgar Snow came to observe and talk with Mao, and ended by writing the classic Red Star Over China. Young American doctor George Hatem (Ma Haide) arrived in Yan’an and remained in China for half a century until his death, creating miracles of public health and nearly wiping out venereal disease and leprosy. Yan’an also drew American military observers, for it symbolized Chinese resistance against the common enemy.


When we arrived the city was still in the early stages of its growth, but the old Yan’an spirit was going full blast. They had great plans: In the next five years the population would expand from 30,000 to 100,000. They would need that many for all their new projects. Irrigated land would grow from 10,000 to 50,000 acres. They would raise a lot more grain. While implementing water and soil conservation measures, they would move farming down from the hillsides to the valley floors and devote the slopes to grazing and orchards.


What we were looking for were cave dwellings. Friends like Dr. George Hatem who had lived here in the old days had recommended them highly. Our hosts laughed and showed us a row of caves near the top of the bluff. Hollowed out of the yellow earth in vaulted arches fronted with a wooden frame which held a door and paper-paned windows, they were clean and surprisingly bright.7 The whitewashing probably helped. Furnishings were simple. An electric light bulb, a few wooden beds, a couple of tables and some wooden chairs.


When we said these would be fine, our hosts looked startled. Only our earnest protests stopped them from carrying up spring mattresses and a few sofas. We liked the caves very much, and the location was ideal. There was a broad terrace in front of the caves shaded by several large trees. You could see for miles—the Yanhe River, the Tang pagoda on the hill on the other side, the large valley and the mountains beyond.


After supper that night, Comrade Huang gave us more background information8. He had been one of the local guerrillas and still walked with a limp from arthritis contracted hiding in damp gullies. Like all the old cadres we met in this area he spoke with infectious enthusiasm. He said in the days when Yan’an was the heart of the revolution, life was hard but everyone was cheerful. Wherever you went you heard singing. That buoyancy remained. The mountains were vast, the air was clear. The people were big, rugged, outspoken,9 and confident in their future.


The next day we visited the cave dwellings where Chairman Mao lived and worked during his stay in Yan’an. They were simple and austere. We spoke with old peasants who knew him. They said Mao was always friendly and relaxed, just one of the people. He refused to accept any special treatment. While directing the course of the revolution and writing his famous articles, Mao tended his own vegetable patch10 and wore old clothes. Hearing that we were from Beijing, the peasants asked us to send him their regards. We could only smile and nod.


Yan’an natives were a colorful lot. The men turbanned their heads in small towels, knotted in front. (Towel turbans were worn in many parts of northern China, but in most places they were knotted in the back.) The towels were a protection against the dust and handy for wiping sweat. Tunics, padded or lined with sheepskin, were held in place by a sash, often with a brass-bowled long-stemmed pipe tucked beneath it like a dagger. Baggy trousers were lined or unlined according to season. Feet were shod with the ubiquitous cloth shoes, by far the most comfortable of footwear. Black cloth made the uppers. The shoes were light, they could “breathe.” “Athlete’s foot” among Chinese was virtually unknown.

延安人穿着打扮很有特色。男人布巾缠头,额前打结,华北许多地方也戴头巾,但大都脑后打结。头巾可以防尘,也便于擦汗。上衣絮棉花或衬羊皮,用一根腰带系着,腰间像插匕首一样,别一根长柄铜锅烟袋。裤子肥大,加不加衬里视季节而定。脚上穿的是随处可见的布鞋,这是那个年代最舒服的鞋子,黑布鞋面轻便 “透气”,难怪中国人几乎不知道何为“脚气”。

Everybody sang, men and women, young and old. The northern part of Shaanxi Province was famous for it. There were plaintive shepherd songs, sometimes to the accompaniment of a flute. And there were the duets—between boy and girl, husband and wife—tender, funny, broad, as the case might be. China’s first revolutionary opera, later a ballet, the White-Haired Girl, composed in Yan’an, was based on north Shaanxi folk songs. Singing seems to come naturally to hill dwellers.


This being Saturday, the hostel threw a dance for us. American doctor George Hatem, who had been there in the early 1940s told me the Saturday night dance was a regular feature of life in Yan’an, a scratchy phonograph or a small pick-up band providing the music. Our dance was a bit more elegant. We had the orchestra from the local operetta company. The singers and dancers also came, as well as doctors and nurses from the hospital and cadres from half a dozen government units.


There was lots of dancing, with the girls inviting Singh and me in relays. Only when we pleaded the need to catch our breaths were we allowed to sit a number out. We slept well that night.


1沙博理1983年当选为第六届全国政协委员,一直连任到第十二届,他始终重视参政议政,经常到全国各地考察。政协委员履职活动是法定职责,调研考察中正常的活动费用由财政负担,但沙博理的西北之旅并非政协考察,而是个人行程,因此不希望享受政协委员的特殊待遇。 2 the way up指去延安的途中,考虑到延安在西安的北方,此处译文具体化为“北上”。

3国民党反动派对延安的封锁主要在经济层面,不仅停发八路军薪饷、弹药和被服等物资,而且动用几十万军队在陕甘宁边区禁止粮食、棉花、铁、布匹、食盐等必需品的贸易,扣押、处罚运货商民。结合史实,此处增译为“经济封锁”。 4 1941年,由于日本侵略军的疯狂进攻和“扫荡”,国民党反动派的军事包围和经济封锁,解放区的财政经济产生了极为严重的困难。为了战胜困难、坚持抗战,党中央号召解放区军民自力更生,开展大生产运动。党中央领导人以身作则,与人民群众一起艰苦奋斗,延安各大中学校也纷纷召开生产劳动动员会,制定本学校年度生产劳动计划。 5南泥湾是延安县金盆区的一个乡,曾有可耕地面积100多万亩,但到抗战时期多为荒地。1941年,八路军第120师359旅开赴南泥湾地区,在随时保持战斗准备的情况下,以南泥湾为中心垦荒屯田,发展生产。



8结合下文可知,老黄讲的既有个人经历,也有延安历史和延安人民的精神特质,是几人之间的闲聊,因此译文也遵循轻松随意的风格,将background information译为“过去的事儿”,而非“背景信息”。 9译文将英语中的三个形容词进一步明晰化,点明了在“为人”“做事”“讲话”三个方面,延安老百姓的性格特点。

10 1938年11月至1947年3月,毛泽东等中央领导和中共中央机关在杨家岭窑洞中居住。在大生产运动中毛泽东以身作则、起带头作用,杨家岭窑洞下开垦了一块菜地,亲自打理。