中国茶的饮用流变Evolutions in Chinese Tea Drinking Culture


孔子学院 2024年3期



Tea stands as the quintessential beverage in the Chinese cultural landscape, elevatingnot just the daily routine but also leaving an indelible mark on the nations culture andsocial dynamics. Whether savored in refined settings or embraced by the masses, tea holdsan irreplaceable role in the lives of the Chinese populace. Its extensive history and nuancedsignificance have woven a tapestry of meaning in China, with consumption practicesevolving in tandem with the passage of time.


Chinas tea culture blossomedduri ng the Tang Dynas ty.During this period, the practiceof consuming tea transcendedits origins among Buddhistmonks, gradually permeatingthe aristocratic class. Unlike theearlier rudimentary “boilingraw tea leaves as soup to drink,”a refined approach emerged,known as the “boi l i ng teamethod,” gaining popularity. Inhis seminal work, The Classic ofTea, the revered “Tea Sage” Lu Yuardently advocated this method.Lu Yus prescribed processinvolved initially roasting teacakes to a softened state, followedby grinding and wrappingthem in paper to preserve theiraromatic essence. After cooling, the tea was stored in a dedicated tea caddy. The brewing process wasan art, requiring mastery of heat control and a delicate balance between tea, water, and salt — thequintessence of Tang Dynasty boiled tea.


The intricacies of the Tang Dynasty boiled tea method demanded a range of specialized teautensils, including wind stoves, tea mortars, tea grinders, and tea caddies. Of particular significanceare the imperial court tea sets unearthed from the subterranean chambers of Famen Temple inShaanxi. Crafted meticulously from gold and silver, these artifacts represent the earliest and mostcomprehensive collection of imperial court tea utensils in China, offering a fascinating glimpse intothe tea-drinking customs of that era.


Tea Competition in the Song Dynasty


While the Tang Dynasty marked the inception of Chinese tea culture, it reached its zenith during the SongDynasty. In contrast to the Tang era, the practice of tea consumption underwent substantial transformations,transitioning from the traditional “boiling method” to the innovative “tea art method” (dian cha). Theemergence of dian cha brought about the tradition of tea competition (dou cha). This ritual comprised ameticulous evaluation of tea leaves, with participants showcasing their prowess in the art of dian cha. Theprocess encompassed various steps, including roasting the tea (zhi cha), grinding the tea (nian cha), sifting thetea (luo cha), heating the water (hou tang), warming cups (xie zhan), and ultimately, the precision of dian cha.


Zhi cha: It means baking the tea leaves. If using aged compressed tea cakes (which may havediminished color, aroma, and flavor), a light roasting is necessary to revive them. Fresh teagenerally does not require roasting.


Nian cha: Begin by wrapping the tea leaves in a clean paper packet and crushingthem, then proceed to grind them into a fine powder.


Luo cha: This step involves sifting the ground tea powder through a mesh. The finer thepowder is sifted, the better.


Hou tang: Also referred to as waiting for the boil, this step emphasizes the three boiling stages.Once the water is approaching the third boil after passing the second, swiftly extinguish the fireand pour the water.


Xie zhan: Also known as wen zhan, this step is essential for making tea art. A cold cup can hinder theproper frothing of the tea.

点茶:先投茶,后注汤调匀,谓之“调膏”。接着开始点茶:“七汤”为最佳,每汤之间注入沸水,用茶筅(xiǎn)击拂,其力度与幅度都应有所不同,直至茶汤稀稠适中,即可停止拂动。 最后,茶汤表面会形成乳白色的汤花,犹如绵密的泡沫:投入的茶少而加入的水多,茶味就比较清淡,称为“云脚散”;投入的茶多而加入的水少,茶味则比较丰富,称为“粥面聚”。

Dian cha: Begin by adding the tea powder, followed by hot water, and stir evenly. The process isknown as “adjusting the cream.” Then, commence pointing the tea through seven infusions, whichis considered ideal. Between each infusion, add boiling water, adjusting the force and duration ofthe whisking motion with the tea brush. Continue until the tea reaches the desired concentration,then cease whisking. A milky white pattern will eventually form on the surface of the tea soup,resembling dense froth. Using less tea with more water yields a lighter flavor, termed “wanderingcloud feet,” while more tea with less water results in a richer flavor, known as “congealed gruel face.”


The Song Dynasty inhabitants elevated dou cha tomore than just a pastime, deeming it a sophisticatedgame where victory was determined by the masteryof dian cha skills. This approach transformed teaappreciation into a spiritual pursuit, reflecting theleisurely lifestyle of the aristocratic literati. Withindou cha, assessment criteria included scrutinizingthe color of the tea soup, favoring a white hue overyellow, and evaluating the longevity of the froth, witha more enduring one indicative of heightened skill.


The dou cha tradition significantly influenced thepopularity of the black glazed cup, emerging as one ofthe most suitable tea utensils of that era. In the Song text Tea Ware Pictorial, the “Twelve Gentlemen” serveas a comprehensive representation of Song Dynastytea wares, each bestowed with whimsical namesinspired by official ranks. It not only showcases theirmaterials, shapes, and functions but also logicallylays out the basic process of dian cha, which is a veryvivid and interesting way.


In recent years, numerous television dramasagainst a background of the history and daily lifeof the Song Dynasty have prominently featuredtraditional Chinese cultural elements. This trendhas provided the public with enhanced insights intothe lives and culture of the people from that bygoneera. Dian cha of the Song Dynasty has garneredrecognition by being inscribed on the IntangibleCultural Heritage List, ensuring more robustprotection and preservation for future generations.


Tea Drinking in the Ming Dynasty


The Ming Dynasty played a pivotal role inadvancing tea production and processing techniquesin China. The dynastys founder, Zhu Yuanzhang,instigated a groundbreaking shift by decreeing “theabandonment of tea cakes in favor of loose-leaf tea.”This innovation replaced the traditional compressedtea cakes with loose-leaf tea, which now was brewedby infusion, instead of whisked powdered tea,ushering in a transformative era in the history ofChinese tea consumption.


The adoption of loose-leaf tea marked adeparture from the laborious process of grindingleaves into powder. Instead, individuals could nowdirectly infuse the processed loose-leaf tea in a cupor a teapot with boiling water, a practice known as pao cha or yue yin. With this shift, tea drinkersbegan to appreciate the visual allure of tea leaves andthe authentic flavor of the brew, paying increasedattention to the color, aroma, taste, and shape of thetea leaves.


The popularization of loose-leaf infusion duringthe Ming Dynasty made tea consumption morewidespread and convenient. The process, frompreparing utensils and tea leaves to boiling water,adding tea leaves, pouring water, and ultimatelyserving the tea, became more streamlined. Overtime, the yue yin method evolved into contemporarybrewing styles such as teapot, covered bowl, and cupmethods that persist as mainstream techniques today.


The revolutionary changes in tea drinkingand brewing methods during the Ming Dynastysignificantly contributed to the development ofChinas six main tea categories, catalyzing theongoing evolution of Chinese tea culture.


Contemporary Tea Drinking Culture


Tea consumption stands as one of the mostubiquitous and pleasurable daily habits and leisureactivities among the Chinese populace — savoring acasual cup of tea is akin to experiencing a moment oftimeless delight. In contemporary China, the diversepreferences of various groups have given rise to amultitude of tea-drinking spaces, catering to a broadspectrum of lifestyle needs.


Consider Hangzhou in Zhejiang, renownedas the “Tea Capital of China” for its productionof the globally acclaimed West Lake Longjingtea. Hangzhou, steeped in a rich tea-drinkingculture, boasts lakeside tea houses like Hupanjuand Qingzhu in the West Lake scenic area. Theseestablishments offer unparalleled views of the lake,providing the perfect setting for enjoying tea amidstbreathtaking scenery. The venerable Qingtengchain, with branches strategically located acrossscenic spots, downtown areas, and central businessdistricts, adeptly caters to diverse tea-drinkingpreferences of social and business communitiesalike. Additionally, numerous personalizedtea-drinking spaces have emerged in localneighborhoods, where residents and proprietorsengage in leisurely tea sessions in the afternoons,fostering a sense of neighborly camaraderie.


In addition to changing tea drinking methodsand spaces, a continuous influx of contemporary teabeverages has become a prominent trend, notablyexemplified by a variety of milk teas and fruit teasthat captivate the attention of the youthful andtrendy crowds, often achieving “internet sensation”status. The evolving consumption patterns ensurethat delightful tea concoctions are readily accessibleeverywhere. The convenience of enjoying thepleasures of tea has been elevated to new heights,with individuals now able to savor their favorite teablends without leaving the comfort of their homes,simply by placing orders through food delivery apps.This dynamic evolution provids people with theopportunity to explore and appreciate the diverseand exciting possibilities within the realm of Chinesetea.

