

中国农机化学报 2024年5期

付莲莲 方青 袁冬宇 滕佳敏





文章编号:2095-5553 (2024) 05-0176-07

收稿日期:2022年6月12日  修回日期:2022年8月10日*基金項目:国家自然科学基金(72363019)


Forecasting of pig price fluctuation based on SSA and LSTM-ARIMA combination model

Fu Lianlian, Fang Qing, Yuan Dongyu, Teng Jiamin

(School of Computer and Information Engineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, 330045, China)


Aiming at the problem that the fluctuation of pig price is too violent and difficult to predict, a LSTM-ARIMA combination model based on singular spectrum decomposition is proposed to predict pig price. Taking the monthly price data from January 2000 to December 2021 as a sample, the pig price data is decomposed by singular spectrum analysis to obtain the trend term and fluctuation term. The trend term with the cumulative contribution rate of the first 70% is selected to construct the trend term, and the remaining 30% is used to construct the fluctuation term. The trend item is non-stationary and has long memory, and the LSTM model is established. The fluctuation term is stable, and the ARIMA model is established. Finally, the prediction results of the two parts are recombined as the prediction value of pig price, and the LSTM-ARIMA combined prediction model is constructed. The results show that the RMSE between the predicted value and the real value is 2.75, MAPE is 10.81%, MAE is 2.27 and DS is 81.81. This combined model can well predict the price trend of newborn pigs, and has higher applicability and reference value for the prediction of pig prices in China.


forecast of pig price; singular spectrum analysis; combination model; LSTM; ARIMA

0 引言



国内学者以BP神经网络、LSTM和ARIMA等模型为基础构建组合模型来进行预测[6],得出LSTM在故障时间序列预测中具有很强的适应性和更高的准确性[7, 8]。在预测时间序列数据时ARIMA模型被较多使用,已经用在新鲜蔬菜、粮食等农产品价格预测上[9-11]。对于时间序列数据上下波动过于剧烈时难以预测的问题没有得到很好的解决[12],主要原因在于时间序列数据有波动、趋势和不规则成分,不进行分解而直接进行预测,则会影响预测精度。引发本文的思考:是否可以将原始序列分解,再与其他模型重构组合的方法对生猪价格进行预测以此增加结果的精确性。



1 研究方法

1.1 奇异谱分析



3 结论


1)  预测值与真实值对比显示,除6月、7月和11月、12月的价格波动趋势存在不同,其余月份均与实际趋势一致,说明该组合模型对波动突然剧烈变大的时间序列预测可以得出较为有效的结果。

2)  选定RMSE、MAPE、MAE和DS四个指标对模型的性能进行检测,与真实值对比显示,12个月的RMSE为2.75,MAPE为10.81%,MAE为2.27,組合模型的预测精度较好。

3)  12个月的DS值为81.81,说明组合模型预测实际数据的走势方向精度很高,基于奇异谱分析的LSTM-ARIMA模型对生猪价格的预测效果较好。


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