

中国农机化学报 2024年5期

张红梅 张晨明 朱晨辉 祝英豪 李志杰 李鹏昌





文章编号:2095-5553 (2024) 05-0001-08

收稿日期:2022年8月31日  修回日期:2022年12月5日*基金项目:河南省现代农业产业技术体系玉米全程机械化专项(HARS—22—02—G4)



Analysis of vibration characteristics of corn no-till seeder and

its influence on seed metering performance

Zhang Hongmei, Zhang Chenming, Zhu Chenhui, Zhu Yinghao, Li Zhijie, Li Pengchang

(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, 450002, China)


In order to study the vibration characteristics of maize no-tillage seeder and the influence of vibration on the leakage index and reseeding index of the seeder, a vibration test system composed of vibration acceleration sensor, charge amplifier and USB acquisition card was set up. A vibration test was carried out to collect the vibration signal of the sowing operation during the no-tillage surface operation of the corn no-till planter. Due to the complex working environment in the field, the IIR filter in the classical filtering method was used to filter out other high-frequency interference signals of the collected vibration signals. The time domain analysis was carried out on the vibration signals collected in the field, and the mean square value was used as the time domain analysis index value. The analysis results showed that the root mean square of vibration acceleration increased linearly with the increase of operating speed and rotational speed of rotary tillage, and the rotational speed and operating speed of rotary tillage were the main factors that caused the vibration of corn no-till planter. The order of influence  was: rotary tillage speed > working speed. Through using the quadratic integration method to analyze the collected signals in the field, it was concluded that the maximum vibration displacement of the planter was 16.004 mm. The vibration signal was analyzed in the frequency domain, and the power spectral density was obtained by the direct method. The results showed that the vibration frequency of the corn no-till planter was mainly between 0-100 Hz. The frequency distribution and rotary tillage speed had a great influence. According to the working parameters obtained from the field vibration signal, a vibration test bench was built, and the vibration frequency, vibration amplitude and working speed of the seeder were used as test factors, and the pass index and missed seeding index were used as evaluation indicators to conduct a three-factor and three-level response surface test. The analysis results showed that the working speed, vibration amplitude and vibration frequency had significant effects on the pass index and missed broadcast index. The order of the influence of each factor on the qualification index  was: vibration amplitude, working speed and vibration frequency, the order of each factor on the missed seeding index  was: vibration amplitude, vibration frequency and working speed. The research results of this paper can provide theoretical reference for reducing the vibration of maize no-till seeder and optimizing the finger clip seed feeder.


corn no-tillage seeder; finger-clip seed metering device; vibration; time-frequency analysis; seeding performance

0 引言

玉米免耕播种机在田间地表的不平度、机具的振动载荷、拖拉机行走速度等多种因素导致了玉米的均匀性与合格指数降低[1, 2]。



1 免耕播种机结构和工作原理


2 免耕播种机田间测试

1) 机具与地表相关参数。2021年6月12日在河南省周口市商水县河南农业大学商水试验田进行田间测试,前茬作物为小麦,土壤特质为潮土,拖拉机选用CHERY RC1004 4×4轮式拖拉机,机具与地表相关参数见表1。

2) 测试方法。本次振动测试试验使用单向电荷型加速度传感器,灵敏度为100.08mV/g,加速度可测范围为-50~+50g,采样率设置为1000Hz(采样时间间隔为0.001s),PC计算机的DAQ软件控制数据采集过程[8]参数如表2所示。

3) 试验方案。本次振动测试选用加速度传感器[9],固定在种箱后方,如图3所示。因机械式排种器作业速度最佳在2~6km/h之内,作业速度v选择2km/h、4km/h、6km/h,拖拉机转速选择1500~2300r/min。旋耕机转速n′选择280~320r/min。


3 振动信号处理

3.1 滤波处理






5 结论

1) 搭建一套玉米免耕播种机振动测试系统,在免耕播种机工作时进行振动测试,并采集振动数据,分析不同作业速度和不同旋耕机转速信号。结果表明,旋耕机转速和作业速度对振动加速度影响较显著,旋耕机转速的振动加速度均方根最大增大倍数为1.45,作业速度的振动加速度均方根最大增大倍数为1.37,旋耕机转速比作业速度对播种机振动更显著。通过对振动加速度二次积分,播种机最大振动位移为16.004mm。

2) 不同工况下频域分析结果表明,免耕播种机的振动频率分布在0~100Hz,振动频率分布与旋耕机转速有关,与作业速度影响较小,旋耕刀振动基频为28.02~31.98Hz,二倍频为56.04~63.96Hz,三倍频为84.06~95.94Hz。在旋耕装置与播种机主体之间增加减震装置是降低播种机振动的有效途径。

3) 搭建振动试验台并开展排种器振动试验,把作业速度、振动幅值、振动频率作为主要试验因素,合格指數、漏播指数作为试验指标进行三因素三水平响应面试验。通过二次回归正交组合试验可得,作业速度、振动幅值和振动频率对合格指数和漏播指数影响显著。合格指数影响顺序为:振动幅值、作业速度、振动频率;漏播指数的顺序为:振动幅值、振动频率、作业速度。为优化指夹排种器关键部件,减小排种器漏播情况提供理论支撑。

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