A lifelong passion for music一生一世,献给音乐


疯狂英语·新阅版 2024年3期



主题语境:音乐与生活 篇幅:327词 建议用时:6分钟

1 Robert Blocker used to be the Dean of Music at Yale University for almost 30 yearsand retired on August 31, 2023. Blocker loves music and teaching. When he became adean in 1995, he helped improve Yale's art programs and made connections with musicschools in China.

2 Even though he retired, Blockeris still active in music as a skilledpiano player. He keeps teaching as aprofessor of piano and leadership atYale. He toured China from October 23to November 9, 2023, visiting citieslike Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou,where he performed concerts and taught classes.

3 Blocker has worked with music schools in China for performances and teachingprograms. He believes music can connect the world, crossing languages and cultures. Hehas seen China's fast growth in classical music, with more young musicians, concert hallsand digital platforms that help more people hear music.

4 He recalls that when he gave a public performance at the age of 7, he played TheWild Horseman by Schumann. He played fast and loud. The piano teacher asked him whyhe played that way. He said it was because the piece was called The Wild Horseman. Shethen asked him what color the horse was, who was riding it, and whether the rider waswearing a hat.“ She asked me lots of questions and said,‘ Your responsibility is not just tolook at the title but also to portray images with the music.,” Blocker recalls.“ She told meto think broadly and deeply as a pianist. It became like a seed growing in me, which Iwasn't aware of. I want to tell young students who are learning music the same thing,” headds.

5 Even though he is not a dean anymore, Blocker still has a close relationship withChina, valuing the friendships he has made over the years. He continues to be involved inmusic as an educator and performer, showing his lifelong commitment to the arts.

Reading Check


1. What activity did Robert Blocker continue to do after his retirement?

A. Be the Dean of Yale University.

B. Teach as a professor of piano and leadership at Yale University.

C. Travel to Europe for music concerts.

D. Open his own music school.


2. What does Robert Blocker believe about music?

A. It is a tool for discipline.

B. It is a way to stay active.

C. It is primarily about technical skill.

D. It unites the world across languages and cultures.


3. What did Robert Blockers piano teacher encourage him to do?

A. Play louder and faster.

B. Ask questions about the piece.

C. Think broadly about the music.

D. Simply follow the title of the piece.

Language Study

Ⅰ. 日積月累

skilled adj. 熟练的

performer n. 表演者

concert n. 音乐会

educator n. 教育者

tour v. 在……巡回演出

art program 艺术项目

classical music 古典音乐

public performance 公开表演

think broadly and deeply 深思熟虑

lifelong commitment 终身承诺

Ⅱ. 语法填空

Robert Blocker, having served 1.______ (near) three decades as the Dean of Musicat Yale University, retired on August 31, 2023. Renowned for 2.______ (he) passion formusic, Blocker significantly enhanced Yale's art programs and fostered connections3.______ Chinese music schools since his deanship beginning in 1995. Postretirement,Blocker remains 4.______ (music) engaged as a proficient pianist and continuesimparting knowledge as a piano and leadership professor at Yale. His tour through Chinafrom October 23 to November 9 took him to cities such 5.______ Shenzhen, Shanghaiand Hangzhou. During his tour, he both performed in concerts 6.______ providedinstruction, maintaining his active role in music education and 7.______(perform).

A significant childhood memory Blocker shared was a public piano performance atseven years old, 8.______ (play) Schumann's The Wild Horseman. His piano teacherasked him 9.______ (think) beyond the title and to convey the story through his musicafter the performance. This advice shaped Blocker's own teaching philosophy. Blockerupholds his lifelong dedication 10.______ the arts, continually engaging as a musicianand educator, inspiring young musicians with his experience and insights.


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