Dancing through life舞出我天地


疯狂英语·新阅版 2024年3期



主题语境:舞蹈与文化 篇幅:333词 建议用时:6分钟

1 In 2019, I found a special place inShanghai at Donghua University. Early inthe morning at a local park, old peoplewere dancing. It was amazing, and I lovedto watch them while drinking my coffee.Sometimes, I would even join them. Theydidnt care if you missed a step; everyonejust danced and had fun.

2 Ive been dancing since I was little,back in Uzbekistan, where Im from. My parents werent dancers, but they loved watchingme dance to music as a kid. At 3 or 4, I started dance classes. I can still remember my firstbig performance when I felt nervous but kept dancing even after forgetting some steps. Thismade me love dancing more and want to get better.

3 Among these dances, one of my favorites is the Andijan Polka, a lively Uzbek folkdance that combines fundamental, energetic movements with entertaining components. Itsa dance that both children and adults adore. When I first arrived in China, I had the privilegeof showcasing this dance at a cultural event for international students, introducing myculture to others. It was a compelling experience to teach and share our unique dance form,and it left a lasting impression.

4 At the university, we made a dance club where students could teach and learn different dances like hiphopand Kpopdances. I joined and loved trying new dances. ButI also loved going back to the park. The dancing there wasnt just about moving, but aboutold and young people coming together to enjoy themselves and make friends.

5 Dancing, whether in the modern city of China or the soul of Uzbekistan, continues tobe the rhythm of my life. It serves as a bridge between cultures, an expression of the humanspirit, and serves as a reminder that the joy of dance transcends borders, languages andbackgrounds. In every step and movement, I find a connection to the diverse world of danceand a celebration of the universal language of joy, movement and connection.

Reading Check


1. What activity did the author witness in the park that she found amazing?

A. Children playing soccer.

B. Old people dancing.

C. Street performers singing.

D. Young people skateboarding.


2. What does the underlined word“ compelling” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Tough. B. Adventurous.

C. Thrilling. D. Humorous.


3. Whats the purpose of the dance club formed at the university?

A. To host dance competitions.

B. To help students teach and learn different dances.

C. To only showcase traditional Uzbek dances.

D. To prevent students from dancing in the park.


4. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A. The significance of life.

B. The function of languages.

C. The varieties of human spirits.

D. The impacts of dancing.

Language Study

Ⅰ. 日積月累

join v. 加入

improve v. 提高

showcase v. 展示

impression n. 印象


n. 嘻哈舞

rhythm n. 节奏

folk dance 民间舞蹈

cultural event 文化活动

international student 国际学生

bridge between cultures 文化间的桥梁

transcend borders 超越边界

traditional dance 传统舞蹈

dance club 舞蹈俱乐部

make friends 交朋友

universal language 通用语言

Ⅱ. 语法填空

Dance is a fun way for people to tell stories and share 1.______ (them) history.Long ago, every group of people 2.______ (make) up their own dances. These danceswould show important things about who they were and 3.______ they liked. Forexample, in Spain, dancers stamp their feet and clap their hands in a dance 4.______(call) flamenco. 5.______ India, dancers tell stories with their 6.______ (finger) andeyes in a dance called bharata natyam. Some dances can even look like a fight or7.______ play. The haka from New Zealand is a dance 8.______ people make loudchants and show off their muscles. It is very exciting to watch. Even now, these danceshaven't gone away. Some kids go to special schools 9.______ (learn) them. There arealso big parties and festivals where lots of people come to watch or do the dances. This way,the old dances don't get 10.______ (forget). Its like when we dance these dances, we areholding hands with history and keeping it alive.

