Inspiring readers to take action激励读者
主題语境:公益事业 篇幅:351词 建议用时:7分钟
1“ We believe that no matter what pieceof bad news there is in the world, there's also astory of a helper, somebody whos showing upand making a difference,” says BrandenHarvey, founder and chief executive officer ofGood Good Good.
2 Harvey founded Good Good Good in2017. Before that, he was a professional photographer.A lot of his work was with nonprofit organizations. Good Good Good sharesstories from around the world. Eight staff members, as well as contributing writers andartists, help Harvey tell inspiring stories about social justice, education and animals, amongother topics. The articles in Good Good Good reach people through the organization's website,email newsletter, podcast, and monthly print newspaper. A digital version of the newspaperis available at most libraries in the United States through Libby, a reading app. GoodGood Good also provides readers with opportunities to take action, to not just feel good butdo good.
3 Harvey explained why positive stories are important, especially in difficult times. Hewas inspired by the late Fred Rogers. For several decades, Rogers hosted Mister RogersNeighborhood, a childrens television program. He was known for saying,“ When I was aboy, I would see scary things in the news, and my mother would say to me,‘ Look for thehelpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
4 Harvey talked about some of the Good Good Good stories that have stayed with him.One is about Terence Lester, an activist and author who was once homeless. Lester starteda nonprofit organization called Love Beyond Walls, which provides food, clothing and otherresources for people in need. He also created a museum inside a shipping container. TheDignity Museum, which can be transported, helps visitors understand what its like toexperience homelessness. “Its really cool that hes been able to take his personalexperience and find a way to make a difference to others,” Harvey said.
5 Harvey added that stories like Lesters can inspire people to help others. Heencourages young journalists to look for similarly hopeful stories, especially when eventsmake them feel sad, overwhelmed or nervous.
Reading Check
1. What is the primary goal of Good Good Good according to Branden Harvey?
A. To provide food, clothing and other resources for people in need.
B. To focus exclusively on social justice and education issues.
C. To share positive stories that motivate readers to take positive action.
D. To only tell stories related to animals.
2. What did Branden Harvey do before founding Good Good Good?
A. He was a social justice worker.
B. He worked as a professional photographer.
C. He worked for a profitable organization.
D. He hosted a childrens television program.
3. Who inspired Branden Harvey to share positive stories?
A. Terence Lester. B. His mother.
C. Fred Rogers. D. A photographer.
4. What did Terence Lester start at first?
A. Good Good Good. B. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
C. The Dignity Museum. D. Love Beyond Walls.
Language Study
Ⅰ. 日積月累
nonprofit adj. 非营利的
podcast n. 播客
scary adj. 可怕的
journalist n. 记者
overwhelmed adj. 不知所措的
monthly print newspaper 月刊纸质报纸
take action 采取行动
Ⅱ. 语法填空
Branden Harvey 1.______ (start) Good Good Good in 2017, aiming to share happyand helpful 2.______ (story) from all over the world. Before this, he 3.______ (be) aphotographer working with charities. Harvey, along with eight workers and other writersand artists, talks about good things 4.______ (happen) in topics like fairness in society,school and animals. They spread these stories through 5.______ (they) website, emails,audio shows and a paper that comes out every month. There is also a way to read the paperon computer or phone using 6.______ app called Libby in many libraries.
Harvey got his idea of looking for the good in life from a famous man, Fred Rogers,7.______ made a TV show for kids. Rogers taught kids 8.______ (look) for kindpeople when bad things happened. Harvey remembers one story about Terence Lester, aman who was once 9.______ (home). Lester started Love Beyond Walls to give food andclothes to those 10.______ need. He also made a museum in a big metal box that tellspeople what it's like to not have a home. Harvey encourages young reporters to find andshare these happy stories, which can make people feel better when they are sad or worried.