Joanna C.Lee
Joan: Not long ago, while cleaning my files in the study, I found my old PhD dissertation: 600 pages I wrote more than three decades ago! Back then, I was a musicological scholar focusing on the German avant-garde and the specific topic that interested me was extended vocal technique.
Valery: Wow! Ive never heard you talk about this before. The human voice is indeed very flexible and malleable. It can be bent and stretched in so many ways; its clearly more versatile than any musical instrument.
Joan: Think of the microtones used by contemporary composers. But what I want to talk about is how well singers can learn different languages. Think of an American singing in Czech, a Japanese singing in French, a German singing in Chinese. Languages can be learned and perfected. As long as the singers or speakers master diction, they can do anything.
Valery: You havent told me about the details of your dissertation. Which composer did you focus on? And which compositions?
Joan: Well, I studied two works that were first conceived for the concert stage, but then extended their lives as dramatic scenarios (on the operatic stage, even as television film). The Hungarian-born composer Gy?rgy Ligeti (1923–2006) wrote Aventures, commissioned by the North German Radio, in 1962. It was such a success he wrote a sequel, Nouvelles Aventures, for the same radio contemporary music series in 1966.
Valery: I read online that these two works are scored for a chamber ensemble and three solo singers (coloratura soprano, alto, baritone). The “language” they sing is really interesting. Its a made-up language invented by Ligeti himself—what the composer noted on the musical score are symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Joan: Indeed, expression and meaning can be communicated whether or not the listener understands a specific language. For those unfamiliar with the IPA, its more or less a notation system for pronunciation, which they print with each word in a dictionary. Its truly a professional way of learning diction. I still remember years ago attending a university class taught by Chinese mezzo-soprano Liang Ning, who was making all of her vocal students learn IPA. Her goal was for them to be fluent in IPA, so they can add their own markings to the score as a pronunciation guide.
Valery: Lucky students! Next time I consult a dictionary, Ill look for the IPAs!