美国中文教师谈本土教师的培养与培训 Chinese Language Educators on the Cultivation and Training of Local Teachers in the United States


孔子学院 2024年1期

刘刚 Liu Gang 刘艳 Liu Yan 张洁 Zhang Jie 焦立为 Jiao Liwei 王静 Wang Jing 张永涛 Zhang Yongtao 郦帅 Li Shuai 马骥 Ma Ji


The term “local teachers” typically refers to instructors who have beeninvolved in teaching Chinese abroad for an extended period. This is in contrast toChinese teachers who have been dispatched overseas by the Chinese governmentor through inter-university exchanges. Local teachers can also refer to individualswho come to work abroad after receiving their education and even gaining somework experience in their home country. It is important to note that not all localteachers are necessarily trained abroad or non-native speakers of Chinese. What aresome distinctive characteristics exhibited during the cultivation and developmentof native Chinese language teachers in the United States? How can novice teachersimprove their teaching skills? What kind of teacher cultivation are required sinceChinese language instruction presents unique challenges compared to teachingother languages? To become a regularly hired teacher at an American elementaryor secondary school, what specific preparations are required? In order to shedlight on these issues, we have invited experts to share their insights from differentperspectives. The experts include Prof. Liang Xia from Washington University inSt. Louis, Dr. Liu Gang from Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Liu Yan from DukeUniversity, Dr. Zhang Jie from The University of Oklahoma, Dr. Jiao Liwei fromBrown University, Dr. Wang Jing from Princeton University, Dr. Zhang Yongtaofrom Yale University, and Dr. Ma Ji and Dr. Li Shuai from Georgia State University.We hope that their perspectives will be valuable to our colleagues.

1. 國际中文教师培养与培训的特点及内容Characteristics and Content Involved in Cultivatingand Training International Chinese LanguageTeachers


Prof. Liang Xia emphasized the distinction andinterconnectedness of international Chinese teachercultivation and training.


In general, teacher cultivation does not directlyinterfere with the intricate process of teaching. Itis typically personalized and varies from person toperson, often spanning an extended period. Theprimary objective of teacher cultivation is to enhanceor transform teachers’ self-awareness in order toimprove their overall competence. For instance, everyteacher must understand how to present teachingmaterials or design assignments, which can beacquired through training. However, making teachersrealize that their lack of patience with studentscan impact student attendance, self-confidence, ordecrease students’ receptivity and motivation is aparticular concern in teacher cultivation becauseit relates to teachers’ attitudes and self-awareness.Throughout the teacher cultivation process, trainersshould employ various strategies, which may includeassigning out-of-class tasks, facilitating discussions,observing and sharing personal experiences, amongother methods, to elicit as many responses aspossible from teacher trainees. This helps enhancetheir pedagogical knowledge and overall classroomteaching skills. Trainees must develop appropriateattitudes and self-awareness through continuousattention to, constructive criticism on, and activeparticipation in teaching practices.


Teacher training typically involves the trainerdirectly intervening to modify specific aspects ofa trainee’s teaching. This intervention focuses onprecise pedagogical outcomes and, through a series of well-defined steps, generally results in teacherprogress within a specific time frame. These trainablecomponents, which usually involve knowledgeand skills, can be isolated, highly practical, andultimately mastered. The trainer may isolate a specificcomponent (such as how to organize a classroomdrill session), identify problematic areas, proposesolutions, and guide the trainee through multiplepractice sessions. Subsequently, the trainer evaluatesthe trainee’s progress or success using specificobservational criteria. Teacher training is generallybased on the hypothesis that by acquiring knowledgeand skills in specific areas, the teacher can enhancethe overall effectiveness of classroom instruction.In summary, training in teaching skills based ona trainee’s existing academic and professionalpreparations can yield positive results in a relativelyshort period. For example, in the context of teachertraining for summer Chinese classes, graduatestudents with a strong professional background butno prior classroom teaching experience can meetthe general requirements for teaching in a summerChinese program after approximately one week oftraining.


Each teacher possesses a unique personality,approach to problem-solving, and personal growthtrajectory, all of which are subject to change. Theobjective of a training program is to offer Chineseteachers the opportunity for self-improvement andongoing development.


Long-term teacher cultivation and shorttermteacher training can be categorized into twofundamental types based on their content andemphasis: the first type is practice/experienceoriented.Teachers with a strong foundation inChinese language knowledge can progressivelymaster the teaching methods of experienced teachersby directly observing their classroom instruction,comprehending and reflecting upon their ownexperiences. Through imitation and continuouspractice, they can develop and perfect their teachingcompetency over the years. In this process, guidanceand support from experienced teachers are ofparamount importance to novice teachers. Thesecond type emphasizes theoretical learning, whereteaching skills are acquired indirectly by studyingthe research outcomes of others. The first typemay exhibit a personalized approach which canlead to the development of universally applicableteaching philosophy only when combined withtheory learning. Conversely, the second type placesa strong emphasis on theory, which runs the dangerof distancing itself from actual teaching practice,leading to oversimplification and routinization inteaching. Only by combining these two approachesand entering the teaching practice after acquiring asolid knowledge and theoretical foundation can theteacher cultivation process be deemed successful.Throughout the teacher cultivation process, it isessential to pay great attention to actual teachingpractice, and to continually summarize, generalize,and refine relevant teaching experiences; it isalso critical to evaluate both achievements andproblematic areas involved in teaching from atheoretical perspective.


In response to Prof. Liang Xia’s views, Dr. LiuGang concurred with her perspective and believedthat in today’s society, particularly in the contextof rapid artificial intelligence advancement, thereshould be a greater emphasis on the comprehensive“cultivation” of Chinese language teachers in additionto the professional “training” they have received.


Dr. Liu suggests that one essential conceptthat needs clarification is the distinction betweenthe implied meanings of the terms (teaching)and (teacher) within the title (International Chinese Language Teacher).He draws attention to Han Yu’s assertion in the essay“On Teachers,” which states, “(Teachers are those who propagatethe truth, impart knowledge and skills, and solvedoubts).” In this context, is similar to whatwe now refer to as , involving the use of the mosteffective instructional methods to accurately impartlanguage knowledge to students and ensure optimallearning outcomes. However, represents onlya portion of the responsibilities of an internationalChinese language teacher. Dr. Liu emphasizes thatthe role of an international Chinese language teachershould encompass more of a (teacher) aspect,which involves (propagating the truth)and (solving doubts). How to achieve theseaspects is related with the development of humanisticqualities and comprehensive abilities in Chineselanguage teachers.


For a considerable period, the f ield ofinternational Chinese language teaching has investedsubstantial resources in the training of “teaching,”organizing numerous seminars, workshops, anddemonstration classes to assist Chinese languageteachers supplementing in their linguistic knowledgeand enhancing teaching skills. In contrast, therehas been insufficient attention and support for thetraining of “teachers.” This disparity can be attributedto the fact that teacher cultivation entails long-term,personalized, and comprehensive commitment,making its implementation quite challenging.Additionally, it may stem from the perspective,held both inside and outside the profession, thatinternational Chinese language teachers are primarilyperceived as a form of “professional-skill-based labor,”with their main responsibility being to teach Chineselanguage effectively. Dr. Liu asserts that to ensure thecontinued growth of the field of international Chineselanguage education in the face of ever-evolving AItechnology, teachers should not be confined solely totheir “teaching” roles. They should be encouraged tostep out of their comfort zones and explore diverseknowledge domains in various dimensions, therebycomprehensively enhancing the knowledge and skillsrequired for serving as “teachers.”


How can this be achieved? Dr. Liu believesthat the key concept to grasp here is (people-centered). (people) in this contextprimarily refer to both teachers and students. Inthe future, in addition to conducting seminars,workshops, and demonstration classes for trainingteachers’ professional knowledge and teaching skills,Dr. Liu hopes that more resources be allocatedto cultivate teachers’ humanistic qualities, crossculturalcommunication skills, personal charisma,and distinctive teaching styles. Although these“soft skills” may not be cultivated in a short periodand may not yield immediate teaching results,they can enhance the professionalism of the entireinternational Chinese language teaching community,making them essential to the success of internationalChinese language education. In teacher cultivationand training, teachers must be reminded to respectand consider students’ interests, needs, abilities,and habits. Teachers should increasingly serve asguides and supporters in their students’ educationaljourneys, offering differentiated and personalizedinstruction aiming at fostering creativity, globalperspectives, critical thinking skills, and crossculturalcommunication abilities in students.



Secondly, in is also synonymouswith in the word (humanities).

Traditionally, international Chinese languageeducation has often emphasized the teaching andstudy of the language itself. However, in the future,especially with the rapid development of artificialintelligence technology fundamentally affectingpeople’s language learning needs, it is crucial toextend our focus beyond the language itself andpay greater attention to the humanistic content thatunderlies the language. Chinese teachers need tounderstand that language is not solely about listening,speaking, grammar, and writing; it is also a vessel forculture and civilization. Only when students have adeeper understanding of the cultural connotationsbehind the language will they develop real interestand motivation in learning Chinese in the era ofartificial intelligence and be willing to explore therelationship between language and culture, as wellas independently employ Chinese for cross-culturalcommunication without relying solely on artificialintelligence assistance.

2. 如何使新手教師尽快成长How to Expedite the Growthof Novice Teachers


In the realm of pedagogy, what strategiesshould we employ to expedite the growth of noviceinstructors? Drs. Liu Yan and Zhang Jie havecontributed their unique insights from differentperspectives.


Dr. Liu’s views emphasize an exploration ofteaching attitudes and awareness, asserting that thecultivation and fortification of a “sense of diversityand inclusion” are paramount to the development ofnovice teachers. Dr. Liu underscored the fact that as anation of immigrants, the United States is inherentlydiverse, whether viewed through the lens of racialcomposition, cultural heritage, religious customs,or ideological perspectives. These diversity factorshave uniquely influenced the logical reasoning andcognitive processes of American students. Dueto their disparate upbringings, students within aclassroom exhibit varying levels of receptivity tomulticulturalism. Chinese culture, renowned forits profound richness, boasts an array of diverseelements. Therefore, within the context of Chineselanguage education, it becomes imperative to nurtureand enhance two specific forms of “multiculturaltolerance awareness.”


First and foremost, it is essential to allow andactively encourage students to express diverseperspectives on specific cultural elements or societalissues. When engaging in discussions, teachersshould adopt an open-minded approach, fostering anenvironment where students are not only encouragedto seek common ground but also explore differencesand even express doubts. In our role as teachers, ourduty is to introduce the concepts presented in thecourse materials to students. However, it is equallycrucial not to impose these ideas on them. Studentsshould be allowed to question the viewpointswithin the materials, and even the opinions held byinstructors. Rather than instilling predeterminednotions about how to understand particular culturalphenomena, our focus should be on motivatingstudents to conduct their own investigations andresearch. Empowering them to comprehend Chineseculture comprehensively involves guiding them toexplore diverse perspectives and facts across variousdimensions.


Secondly, it is imperative to embrace theintrinsic diversity of Chinese culture. Just as whenintroducing the pre-Qin culture, we must delve intothe “Hundred Schools of Thought,” rather than solelyfocusing on Confucianism. Moreover, while theHan culture constitutes a significant part of China’sculture, the cultures of the other 55 ethnic groups areequally indispensable facets of the broader Chineseculture tapestry. China’s vast expanse encompasses awide array of regional customs and unique culturalexpressions. For instance, when discussing Chinesemusic, it is essential to introduce not only the Hanpeople’s “High Mountains and Flowing Water”but also the music of ethnic minorities. We shouldpresent Mandarin songs alongside Cantonesemelodies and various distinct regional singing styles.


In summary, Chinese language teachers inthe United States, especially novice instructors,must cultivate and manifest a sense of diversityand tolerance in their teaching approach. Theyshould attend to the diverse backgrounds of theirstudents and foster an environment that encouragesand accommodates their diverse perspectives.Simultaneously, in teaching culture, they shouldprovide students with opportunities to appreciate themultifaceted nature of China’s culture.


In contrast to Dr. Liu Yan’s focus, Dr. Zhang Jieprimarily delved into the issue of classroomlanguage input for novice Chinese teachers from theperspective of teaching skills, especially within thecontext of second language acquisition. Accordingto Dr. Zhang, a common challenge faced by noviceteachers centers on how to effectively organize andemploy language in the classroom. The Chineseteaching force in the United States is currentlypredominantly comprised of native Chinese speakerswho possess excellent Chinese language proficiency,which enables them to conduct classes entirely inChinese. However, when engaging with students inthe classroom, novice instructors need to adopt adifferent mindset, that is, to teach from the learner’sperspective. They should aim to provide languageinput that is not only comprehensible but alsoacceptable to the learners because only this type oflanguage input is truly effective, noticeable to thestudents, and can be integrated into the students’second language system as they develop it. In essence,novice teachers should adjust the complexity of theChinese used in the classroom in accordance withthe students’ language proficiency. This pertains to the selection of vocabulary, sentence structures,discussion topics, and content, which shouldideally remain within a range of approximately 90%comprehensibility for the students. This is analogousto how adults adapt their tone, pace, and vocabularywhen communicating with children, with the goal ofmaking it easier for them to comprehend and engagein communication.


How can one provide comprehensible languageinput? Dr. Zhang recommends that novice teachersinvest more time in becoming familiar with whatstudents have already learned. Teachers shouldsimplify their language input for elementary andintermediate level students, adjust the tone, and slowdown the speech rate. In addition, novice teachersshould complement their teaching with non-verbalmeans, such as gestures, body language, teachingaids, and visual displays, to assist students in betterunderstanding the language being presented.Furthermore, in the classroom, novice instructorsshould make effective use of questioning to assessstudents’ comprehension and promptly adapt thedifficulty of the language input. This may includeincorporating some vocabulary from the students’native language to aid in comprehension. Ultimately,the success of a Chinese lesson should not bemeasured by the elegance or sophistication of theteacher’s language but by the extent to which studentscan learn and effectively communicate with oneanother.

3. 如何培训两种不同类型的教师How to Train Two DifferentTypes of Teachers


Dr. Jiao Liwei argued that training for Chineseinstructors can be categorized into two types: noviceand transitional teachers. He further elaborated onthe distinct characteristics of training for these twotypes of teachers. Dr. Jiao pointed out that if thetrainees are novice teachers, training tends to berelatively straightforward because novice teachers arehighly adaptable. If a teacher has accrued a certainamount of teaching experience, for example, threeto five years, he/she is considered as a transitionalteacher. In such a case, retraining may prove to bemore challenging. Teachers at this stage have alreadyaccumulated a certain level of teaching experienceand developed a sense of “self-confidence.” It’s akinto asking a table tennis player who has been usinga straight racket for three to five years to switchto a horizontal racket, which is, in reality, quitechallenging.


Regarding training for transitional teachers, ifthe trainer possesses substantial teaching experienceand considerable influence within the profession,they may be able to directly prompt the trainees toreevaluate and rectify any incorrect concepts andpractices. However, for the majority of trainers, it isnot advisable to treat transitional teachers in the samemanner and with the same attitude as novice teachers.After all, teachers in transition have accumulated asubstantial amount of successful experiences, andit might be psychologically challenging for them toaccept drastic changes all at once. A more effectiveapproach is to take advantage of opportunities as theyemerge and make holistic comments.


The trainer can start by making a holisticevaluation of the trainee’s areas in need ofimprovement, identifying and focusing on thekey issues. Furthermore, during the training, it isnot advisable to address the trainee’s errors andshortcomings one by one. Doing so might lead thetrainee to believe that the trainer’s suggestions arebased on factors unrelated to their specific case,and therefore may not be entirely relevant. Instead,trainers should seek more input from traineesregarding their thoughts and desired outcomes,allowing them to follow their own thought processes,and finally, directly and concisely point out anyshortcomings in the trainee’s performance. Thisapproach is akin to a table tennis match in which thecoach informs the player about the number of pointslost due to backhand shots, inadequate defense, orinsufficient power in mid-range and far-end shots.Translating this to the Chinese classroom, the trainercan inform the trainee, for example, that the lastsegment of the class lacked content, the languagecontent at the beginning was not adequately laid out,and how several students had to seek help from theirpeers during the middle of the class due to unclearinstructions, etc.


Dr. Jiao observed that, when dealing withteachers in transition, it is more effective for trainersto engage in a comprehensive discussion of thetrainee’s mistakes and deficiencies rather thanpointing them out one by one. It’s also advantageousto guide their theoretical and pedagogical thinkingrather than merely instructing on the transfer ofspecific knowledge and skills. Once teachers intransition undergo a shift in their pedagogicalthinking and approach, they can effectively leveragetheir existing knowledge and competencies. Inaddition to adjusting inappropriate ideas andpractices, trainers should encourage and utilizethe trainee’s specialized talents since teachers intransition often possess specific skill set.

4. 暑期强化项目的教师培训Teacher Training for Summer Intensive Programs


Different from the perspectives of the previouslymentioned teachers, Dr. Wang Jing providedher views from the angle of teacher training forsummer programs. Dr. Wang mentioned thatoverseas summer Chinese programs typically offerapproximately one week of teacher training beforethe commencement of classes. This form of trainingdiffers from the training offered to novice teachersor the training for teaching assistants and languagepartners in college Chinese programs, as it has itsdistinct organizational structure and focus.

王老师在普北班(Princeton in Beijing SummerChinese Program)协助周质平教授组织教师培训时,曾听到有人称赞普北的效率,能在短短一个星期内将“散兵游勇”集结成军。这其实是一種误解。普北招聘的本土教师大都来自北京各高校汉语国际教育、汉语语言学、汉语言文学或其他相关专业的研究生。本科及研究生阶段的系统学习奠定了他们在汉语语言学本体知识及教学法方面比较坚实的基础。普北教师培训所做的无非是在教学理念、教学技巧和工作态度上的集中强化训练而已。而那些跨专业进入国际中文教育领域、在本体知识方面有所欠缺的教师,在接受培训的过程中往往会面临更大的挑战。比如,在准备教案时无法一针见血地解释知识点,知其然而不知其所以然;设计练习和课堂活动时没有办法有的放矢;无法灵活使用工具书、语料库或者其他教学资源;等等。这类教师往往需要付出更多的时间和努力。因此,在本科和研究生阶段打好汉语语言学和文史方面的基础至关重要。这个基础的形成需要长期的积累,不是通过任何一个项目的短期培训就可以一蹴而就的。

When Dr. Wang was assisting Professor ChouChih-p’ing in organizing teacher training for thePrinceton in Beijing Summer Chinese Program,she overheard someone praising the efficiency ofthe Princeton in Beijing program in that it can trainteachers with diverse backgrounds into effectiveprogram instructors in just one week. However, thisperception is somewhat misleading. Most of thelocal teachers recruited by Princeton in Beijing comefrom a variety of universities in Beijing and holdgraduate degrees related to Chinese InternationalEducation, Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language andLiterature, or other relevant fields. They have receivedsystematic education at both the undergraduateand graduate levels, which has provided them withsolid foundational knowledge in the core principlesof Chinese linguistics and pedagogy. Therefore, theteacher training conducted by Princeton in Beijingprimarily focuses on teaching philosophy, pedagogicalskills, and professional work ethics. On the other hand,graduate teachers who enter the field of internationalChinese language education from unrelated fieldsoften face more challenges during the training processdue to their lack of solid foundational knowledge.These challenges may include difficulties in explainingkey concepts precisely when preparing lesson plans, alack of a comprehensive understanding of the subjectmatter, challenges in designing effective exercises andclassroom activities, and limitations in making flexibleuse of resources such as toolkits, corpora, and otherpedagogical aids. Such teachers often need to invest additional time and effort in bridging these knowledgegaps. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a strongfoundation in Chinese linguistics, literature, andhistory during undergraduate and graduate studies.Building this foundation is a long-term endeavor thatcannot be achieved through short-term training in anysingle program.

把語言学知识和文史修养转化成教学能力,是个通过反复练习与反思不断进步的过程,而短期培训可以在以下方面帮助新手教师快速进入“角色”。首先是教学理念的建立,每个项目都有其所坚持的教学理念,需要参与教学活动的教师就此达成共识,求大同而存小异。以普北为例,听说领先、重视发音标准和结构准确性、及时纠正学生的语言错误、坚持只说中文,这些原则贯穿于整个培训之中。其次,通过教学示范、教学案例讨论、单独试讲、提供反馈、集体“磨课”等环节,帮助新手教师在实践中提高教学能力。例如,从一个词、一个语法结构开始,教师如何准备例句,操练语法;如何提出讨论问题,拓宽思路,把课文内容和延伸谈论结合起来,做到“若即若离”;如何搭建“脚手架”,无论是在操练语言点、串讲课文时,还是在引导讨论、组织课堂活动时,都能循序渐进。第三,帮助受训方实现从研究生或助教到教师的身份转变,以及相应的心态转变。我们希望新手教师能够以积极、负责的态度投入教学,在培训结束后不但能够独当一面,在学生面前以firm butpleasant (严格而富有亲和力)的形象出现,同时还能乐在其中。

Converting linguistic knowledge and culturalliteracy expertise into effective teaching skillsis an ongoing process of improvement throughcontinuous practice and reflection. Nevertheless,short-term training programs can be instrumentalin helping novice teachers swiftly adapt to theirroles in the following ways. First and foremost is thedevelopment of proper teaching philosophy. Eachprogram adheres to its unique teaching philosophy,and it is crucial for participating teachers to reacha consensus in this regard, finding commonground while accommodating minor differences.In the case of Princeton in Beijing, for instance,key principles such as prioritizing listening andspeaking, emphasizing correct pronunciationand grammatical accuracy, promptly correctingstudents’ linguistic errors, and using only Chineseare consistently emphasized throughout the trainingperiod. Secondly, short-term training programscan assist novice teachers in honing their teachingskills through practical means, including teachingdemonstrations, discussions of specific teachingcases, individual trial lectures, feedback provision,and collaborative lesson refinement. Starting fromindividual words or grammatical structures, teachersare guided in how to prepare sample sentences andhow to practice grammar. Novice teachers will learnhow to pose thought-provoking discussion questions,broaden students’ perspectives, connect the lessoncontent with broader discussions, making it engagingand insightful. Moreover, teachers are taught howto scaffold their lessons, whether it be for practicinglinguistic structures, elaborating on the coursematerial, or guiding discussions and organizingclassroom activities. Scaffolding is designed to ensurea gradual and progressive learning experience fortrainees. Thirdly, these training programs can helptrainees realize the transition from being graduatestudents or teaching assistants to becoming teachers,along with the corresponding shift in mindset.We aim to instill in novice teachers a positive andresponsible attitude towards teaching. By the end ofthe training program, our goal is for novice teachersto not only take charge of their work with confidenceand to present themselves as “firm but pleasant” infront of their students, all while deriving enjoymentfrom their roles.


The saying in the can be said“When one strives to take care of others, theythemselves become more fulfilled; when one strivesto give to others, they themselves become richer.”These words from can be consideredthe guiding principle of Princeton in Beijing SummerChinese Teacher Training Program. The lead teachersfor each grade in the program wholeheartedly and unreservedly participate in the training process,thus establishing a relationship of mutual trustand support with novice teachers. This approach isalso conducive to the development of teaching andlearning because, ultimately, the progress and successof each individual contribute to the overall success ofthe entire program.

5. 教师培训的核心内容Core Elements ofTeacher Training


Dr. Zhang Yongtao provided a comprehensivesummary of teacher training that the content,skills, perspectives, and approaches to training arediverse and multifaceted in Chinese teacher trainingprograms in the United States. If it can be distilledinto a single idea, it is: “How to empower students tocommunicate effectively.”


Chinese language teachers often emphasize thefive language skills of listening, speaking, reading,writing, and translating. However, in the actual use ofthe language, the emphasis on listening and speakingis much greater, especially for foreigners learningChinese. The core of Chinese language instructionremains rooted in oral communication. Therefore,teachers should make every effort to encouragestudents to speak. Of course, there are various waysto get students to speak, including guided reading,asking questions, and classroom activities. Whilethese strategies achieve the goal of getting studentsto speak, the issue is how we can ensure that studentsspeak “effectively”? The goal of speaking “effectively”should be approached from two angles: accuracy andrelevance.


Improving accuracy can be achieved byaddressing students’ pronunciation and correctinggrammatical errors in their expressions, placing aprimary focus on “accuracy” rather than “fluency.”When students speak in the classroom facing theteacher, as opposed to speaking to a wall in theirdormitory, the most significant distinction is that theteacher can provide timely feedback. Only when theteacher promptly corrects the students’ mistakes canthey make progress, particularly in the early stages.As the saying goes, “A single (incorrect) sound canlead to forever grievances,” a notion rooted in the factthat Chinese is a tonal language.


Speaking of relevance, it means that studentsshould be encouraged to produce language outputthat aligns as closely as possible with the class contentand instructional objectives in terms of vocabulary,syntax, topic, and content. In other words, theyshould aim to use the newly introduced vocabularyand sentence structures from the current lesson when speaking, rather than relying on what they havealready learned.


Training a competent international Chineselanguage teacher involves a multitude of tasks.“Enhancing students’ conversational proficiency”can serve as both a focal point in teacher trainingand a personal objective for teachers.

6. 美国中小学中文教师的成长路径与入职渠道Growth Paths and Entry Channels for Elementary andSecondary School Chinese Teachers in the United States


The aforementioned educators have examinedthe fundamental principles, specific content, andmethodologies involved in the cultivation anddevelopment of local teachers within Americanuniversities from various perspectives. For overseaslocal Chinese teachers who have undergoneprofessional training and aspire to pursue teachingpositions in American primary and secondaryschools, it’s imperative to undergo the Elementaryand Secondary Teacher Qualification Examination(ESTQE) in addition to possessing sound subjectknowledge and teaching skills. So, how can youadequately prepare yourself to become an elementaryand secondary school Chinese teacher? Dr. Ma Ji andDr. Li Shuai have outlined the growth trajectories andavenues of entry for educators in the United States.

兩位老师指出,一方面,近几年随着中美关系的变化和北美地区孔子学院的减少,中国赴美外派中文教师已经无法满足美国各中小学的教师需求。同时,中国外派的持有J1签证的中文教师在美教学的过程中,通常会面对文化及意识形态冲突、教学形式调整、教学内容和资源不足等问题。另一方面,接收短期外派教师的学校也面临每一到三年就需要更换教师、进行教学调整和培训的困扰。面对近年双语沉浸式教学项目(AmericanCouncils for International Education)的持续增加,众多学校需要熟知美国本土教学体系、了解学生学习习惯、具备本州教师资质的中文教师。

These two educators have pointed out that inrecent years, due to shifts in Sino-American relationsand the reduction of Confucius Institutes in NorthAmerica, the supply of Chinese teachers sent fromChina to the United States can no longer meet thedemand for educators in American elementary andsecondary schools. Furthermore, Chinese teachersholding J1 visas, dispatched from China to teach inthe United States, often encounter challenges suchas cultural and ideological conflicts, adjustmentsin teaching methodologies, and inadequacies inteaching materials and resources. On the flip side,schools that host short-term foreign teachers facethe recurrent burden of teacher turnover, curricularadjustments, and ongoing training, typically requiredevery one to three years. Given the continual growthof bilingual immersion programs in recent years(American Councils for International Education),many schools are in need of Chinese languageteachers who are well-versed in the America’s localeducation systems, understand their students’learning habits, and possess the necessary teachingqualifications within their respective states.

第一,两位老师说明了为何要考取K—12(中小学)教师资格证。在美国K—12学校任教,教师资格证是必备资质。除了一些公立特许学校(charter school)、国际学校或者私立学校有豁免权,所有公立中小学主讲教师(lead teacher)均须取得本州教育局颁发的教师资质。对于想在美国K—12学校教授中文的教师来说,获得本地的教师资质不仅可以得到更多的工作机会,其薪资也有区别。例如,公立特许学校虽然可以聘用暂时未获教师资格证的教师,但是聘用具有相关资质认证的教师会得到更多的政府拨款。美国公立中小学教师薪资是公开信息,学历水平和教学年限是决定薪资水平的主要因素,但获得本州的教师资质认证是得到绝大多数学校聘用的“敲门砖”。

First and foremost, the two instructors elucidatedthe significance of attaining a K-12 (elementaryand secondary) teaching credential. In the UnitedStates, a teaching credential is an indispensablerequirement for teaching within K-12 schools. Withthe exception of certain public charter schools,international schools, or private institutions thathold exemptions, all primary lead teachers andsecondary educators in public schools are mandatedto hold a teaching license issued by their state’sDepartment of Education. For teachers aspiringto teach Chinese in U.S. K-12 schools, acquiringa local teaching credential not only broadens jobprospects but also has a substantial impact onsalary considerations. For instance, while publiccharter schools can employ temporarily uncertifiedteachers, greater governmental funding is accessiblefor hiring educators with relevant credentials.Teacher salaries in American public elementaryand secondary schools are public knowledge, witheducational qualifications and years of teachingexperience serving as primary determinants of salarylevels. Nonetheless, securing state-issued teachingcertification is the pivotal pathway to employment atthe vast majority of educational institutions.

第二,两位老师介绍了K—12教师资格证的类型。美国的教师资格证通常被称为Teaching Credential、Teaching License 或者Teacher Certification。如果在已有初级教师资格证的基础上, 希望能够再教授其他领域或者科目, 需要再次考取的资格证称为Endorsement。需要注意的是,美国各州有关教师资格证的相关政策规定都有所差异。

Secondly, the two educators provided anoverview of the types of K-12 (elementary andsecondary) teaching credentials. In the UnitedStates, teaching credentials are commonly referredto as Teaching Credential, Teaching License,or Teacher Certification. If you intend to teachadditional subjects or areas beyond your primaryteaching credential, you will need to obtain anothercertification known as an Endorsement. It’s crucial tobear in mind that teaching credentials in the UnitedStates can vary in accordance with the policies andregulations of individual states.

根据所教授的年级,教师资格证的类型主要包括教授小学阶段(K—5级)的全科资格证和中学阶段(6—12级)的专科资格证。小学阶段的主讲教师需要教授包括读写、社会科学、数学和科学的课程。中学阶段的教师可以考一个专科的资格,比如音乐、艺术、体育、科学、文学等。此外,学校对于助教(paraprofessional)和代课教师(substitute teacher)也会有相应的培训和背景要求,但相关要求比主讲教师要低不少。国际留学生可以利用上学期间的CPT 签证寻找此类工作,积累经验。

The types of teaching credentials in the UnitedStates vary based on the grade level being instructed.They primarily encompass generalist credentialsfor teaching at the elementar y level (gradesK—5) and specialized credentials for secondaryeducation (grades 6—12). Elementary Lead Teachersare responsible for instructing a comprehensivecurriculum that encompasses literacy, social studies,mathematics, and science. Secondary level educatorscan pursue specialized credentials in fields such asmusic, art, physical education, science, and literature.Furthermore, schools impose specific training andbackground requirements for paraprofessionals andsubstitute teachers, though these prerequisites arenotably less stringent than those for Lead Teachers.International students have the opportunity toaccumulate experience in such roles using their CPTvisas while enrolled in school.

根据教学年限, 教师资格证的主要类型包括:1) 如果在美国没有教学经验, 所取得的第一个教师资格证称为Initial Certificate、Initial Licensure或Preliminary Credential。2)如果在美国有三年以上工作经验,教师可以申请 Professional Certificate。

Depending on the number of years of teachingexperience, the main types of teaching credentialsinclude: 1) If there is no teaching experience in theUnited States, the first teaching credential earnedis called an Initial Certificate, Initial Licensure, orPreliminary Credential. 2) If there are more thanthree years of experience in the United States, ateacher can apply for a Professional Certificate.

第三,两位老师介绍了考取教师资格证的过程和步骤。首先,考取教师资格证的前提是拥有学士学位(Bachelor’s Degree)。大部分中学要求教师具有硕士学位(Master’s Degree)。在美国以外的国家取得的学位需要由本州教师资格认证部门指定的机构做成绩单和学位的评估认证。此外,绝大多数的州要求申请人完成指定的教师预备课程( teacher preparation program)并通过相应的考试。例如,加州教师认证机构CaliforniaCommission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) 要求申请人注册并完成加州指定的教师培养项目(通常是各高校教育学院开设的教师资格证课程或者本科、研究生课程),完成教学实习,并通过 California Basic SkillsTest (CBEST)、California Subject Matter Test (CSET)、Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)及U.S. Constitution Test等考试 后,才可以申请到加州的教师资质。如果在双语学校授课或者想要教授英语为非母语的学生英文,则需 要再通过Bilingual, Cross-Cultural, Language and Academic Development(BCLAD)以及California Teacher of English Learners(CTEL)等考试。双语学校大都要求任课教师具有全科教學资质(Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential) 和双语教学资质(Dual Language/Bilingual TeachingEndorsement)。整个流程可以参考上图:

Thirdly, two instructors outlined the process and steps for obtaining a teaching credential. Tobegin with, a prerequisite for obtaining a teachingcredential is having a Bachelor’s Degree. Mosthigh schools require teachers to hold a Master’sDegree. Degrees earned outside of the United Statesneed to be accompanied by transcripts and degreeevaluations conducted by an entity designated by thestate’s teacher certification department. Additionally,most states mandate that applicants complete adesignated Teacher Preparation Program and passrelevant examinations. For instance, the CaliforniaCommission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)mandates that applicants enroll in and complete adesignated teacher preparation program in California(typically a teacher certification program offered bya college or university’s school of education or anundergraduate or graduate program). This involvescompleting a teaching internship and passing theCalifornia Basic Skills Test (CBST), California SubjectMatter Test (CSET), Reading Instruction CompetenceAssessment (RICA), and the U.S. ConstitutionTest. Only after meeting these requirements canone apply for a California teaching credential. Ifyou intend to teach in a bilingual school or instructnon-native English speakers, you’ll need to pass theBilingual, Cross-Cultural, Language and AcademicDevelopment (BCLAD) as well as the CaliforniaTeacher of English Learners (CTEL) examinations.Most bilingual schools require teachers to possessboth a Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and aDual Language/Bilingual Teaching Endorsement. Youcan visualize the entire process in the diagram above:

需要特別注意的是,各个州指定的相关考试并不相同。例如, 纽约州指定的是New York State TeacherCertification Examinations( NYSTCE ),佐治亚州则是Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators( GACE )。另外还有,一个被40多个州采用的Praxis考试。部分州考虑到完成教师预备项目的时间较长,因此对已经取得学士学位的申请人,会提供其他可以加快完成课程的教师预备项目( Accelerated Teacher Certification Program )。但是,申请人一定要与本州教师资质授予部门直接取得联系并确认哪种形式比较适合自身的情况。

It’s crucial to understand that differentstates designate various examinations for teachercertification. For instance, New York State specifies theNew York State Teacher Certification Examinations(NYSTCE), while Georgia designates the GeorgiaAssessments for the Certification of Educators(GACE). There’s also the Praxis exam, which hasbeen adopted by over forty states. Some statesoffer alternative Accelerated Teacher CertificationPrograms for individuals who already hold a bachelor’sdegree, aiming to expedite program completion,recognizing the extended duration of traditionalteacher preparation programs. However, it’s imperativefor applicants to directly contact their state’s teachercertification department to ascertain the appropriateformat for their specific circumstances.

值得一提的是,近年来在美国高校开设的比较受中国留学生青睐的对外英语教学和对外汉语教学专业和教师准备项目,其所颁发的资质并不能替代或等同美国K—12教师资格证。因此,若要在美国中小学任教,还须根据项目要求完成指定科目和考试。如果仅计划在中小学教授中文课程,可以申请专门的语言教学资质,例如佐治亚州立大学的世界语教师培养项目(WorldLanguage Teacher Certificate)。

It’s worth noting that in recent years, TeachingEnglish to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) andTeaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) majors and teacher preparation programs atU.S. colleges and universities have gained popularityamong Chinese students. However, the certificatesawarded in these programs are not a substitute for,nor are they equivalent to, a U.S. K-12 teachingcredential. Therefore, to teach in U.S. elementaryand secondary schools, you must fulfill the requiredsubjects and exams in accordance with programrequirements. If your intention is to solely teachChinese in elementary or secondary schools, you canapply for a specialized language teaching credential,such as the World Language Teacher Certificate fromGeorgia State University.


Most states have provisions for acceptingcredits or teacher qualifications earned from teacherpreparation programs completed in other states.However, teachers from out-of-state programs aretypically required to take and pass the relevantexams designated by the accepting state. In somecases, certain states may consider certification forteaching credentials issued in China, although thisoften occurs within established scholar exchangeprograms, and there may be specific requirements forthe applicants. The precise regulations are subject tothe policies of local education authorities.


Finally, the two teachers provided insightsinto key considerations when applying for teacherlicensure. First, when selecting a program, it’sessential to ensure that the program’s trainingobjectives are aligned with preparing teachers forK-12 instruction in the United States. Second, whenfacing challenges or questions, it’s advisable to seekinformation from the school or the state’s teacherlicensing authority. It’s important to avoid relyingsolely on information from other online sources toprevent potential misinformation.


Obtaining an Elementary and Middle SchoolTeacher’s License lays a strong foundation foreducators who aspire to teach Chinese in Americanelementary and middle schools, enabling them tomeet the fundamental prerequisites for entering thisfield.


In summary, teacher training equips localinstructors with the foundational knowledge of theChinese language, essential pedagogical concepts,fosters the development of the right professionalattitude, and imparts fundamental teaching skillsnecessary for effective Chinese language instruction.Subsequently, while engaged in teaching practice,teachers actively participate in a variety of teachertraining programs, including pre-service, in-service,and off-service training, tailored to address variousaspects of their professional growth. These programsprovide concrete solutions to the challenges teachersencounter during the teaching process, allowingthem to seamlessly integrate teaching theory andpractice, instructional principles, and techniques,thus evolving into experienced and exceptionaleducators. For experienced teachers, continuingeducation and research beyond their teachingresponsibilities are paramount. By elevating theirteaching experience to a higher theoretical plane andextending the achievements in Chinese languageteaching to universal practices applicable acrossthe broader foreign language education landscape,language teachers can transcend the mere role of“pedagogues” to become scholarly teaching experts.This should be the aspirational goal for Chineselanguage teachers.

供图/ 中国国际中文教育基金会 梁霞


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