博山琉璃:一炉窑火映千年 Boshan Coloured Glaze: A Thousand Years of Art in Furnace Flame
李福源 Li Fuyuan
Coloured glaze is to Boshan what ceramics are to China.
淄博市博山區是著名的中国琉璃之乡,博山琉璃历史悠久、种类繁多、工艺精绝,在历史上曾长期引领中国琉璃发展的主方向,具有浓厚的艺术文化气息,是我国宝贵的艺术遗存。Boshan District in the city of Zibo is renowned as the hometown of coloured glaze inChina. Boshan coloured glaze boasts a long history, diverse types, and exquisite craftsmanship.It has played a leading role in the development of Chinese coloured glaze with rich aestheticand cultural taste, thus a precious artistic heritage of China.
In the 1980s, Boshan unearthed the earliestsurviving ancient furnace site — a coloured glazeworkshop dating back to the late Yuan and earlyMing dynasties. The scale of this workshop site wasenormous, and the unearthed artifacts were highlysophisticated in both form and technique. Expertsspeculate that the origin of Boshan coloured glazemight be even earlier, but it is generally recognizedto have originated in the late Yuan and early Mingperiods. This region also gave birth to China’s firstand only Furnace God Temple, authored the firstmonograph on coloured glaze in ancient Chinatitled “Records of Coloured Glaze,” and establishedChina’s first coloured glaze museum.
明洪武初年,宫廷内官监在博山设立专制“贡品”的琉璃作坊,由当地孙氏家族牵头,造珠灯、珠帘,供用内廷。此后,孙氏家族作为在籍的宫廷匠役,为明宫廷提供琉璃贡品长达275 年。
In the early years of Hongwu reign in the MingDynasty, led by the Suns, a local family, an exclusivecoloured glaze workshop was set up in Boshan toproduce coloured glaze articles of daily use suchas lamps and curtains for the imperial court. As court craftsmen, the Sun familysupplied coloured glaze offeringsto the Ming court for 275 years.
During the same period,other families such as the Jiangsand Qians in B oshan alsoentered the industry. They wereinvolved in production or sales,promoting Boshan colouredglaze nationwide. The during theJiajing reign of mid-Ming praisedBoshan coloured glaze, stating,“Yanshen Town (former nameof Boshan) is famous for itscoloured glaze. Locally producedcalcite and purple stone areused as the main materials,combined with yellow cinnabar,white lead, and verdigris. Theproducts include various itemssuch as bead-threaded lamps,screens, chess sets, curtainhooks, and pillow ornaments,all shiny and lovely.” By the mid-Ming Dynasty, the coloured glaze industry in Boshan hadbecome quite prosperous, withalmost every household in thetown involved in production.In the written during the Kangxireign of the Qing Dynasty,it is recorded: “Residents ofYanshen Town excel in makingcoloured glaze, and the town’sland is barren yet the peopledo not suffer from coldness orhunger thanks to the industry.”Consequently, Boshan becamethe largest production andsales base for coloured glazein China, earning recognitionfrom scholars in the historyof science and technologya s the “Col oured Gl a z eManufacturing Center of theMing and Qing Dynasties.”
In the 35th year of theKangxi reign (1696) of theQing Dynasty, the imperialhousehold office establisheda glass factory in Boshan,primarily producing glasssnuff bottles, bottles, bowls,and other items. Initially,craftsmen in the factory weremostly Westerners, but later,apart from a few foreigners,most craftsmen were recruitedlocally from Boshan, and theglass materials used were mostly from Boshan. Boshan’s glass furnaces werepraised as “Imperial Furnaces,” and its craftsmen“Imperial Craftsmen.”
Starting from the Jiaqing reign of the QingDynasty, as the national strength declined, the overallskills in coloured glaze making declined. Boshancoloured glaze, however, adapted to fashion changesand market trends, presenting itself as a standout.In 19th century, Boshan coloured glaze industry tothrive unprecedentedly, with an expanded range ofinnovative products such as snuff bottles, tobaccopipes, and imitations of jade ornaments. Duringthe Tongzhi reign, British missionary Williamsonvisited Boshan to study the industry and recordedthe prosperity of coloured glaze production at thattime: “The sky over Boshan is covered in smoke, withpeople busy making glass. At that time, regardlessof age, about 7/10 of men and women were engagedin glass manufacturing, shipping more than 770,000pounds of glass products all over the countryannually.” He also commented, “For thousands ofyears, the Chinese, who excel in making ceramics,have been significantly far behind Europe in the glassindustry. However, Boshan has made achievementsworthy of world recognition.”
博山琉璃最初的销售方式主要是集市贸易和长途贩运。后来,随着生产日益发展,出现了专门销售博山琉璃的商店——料货庄,其销售范围更加广阔。史料记载,清朝至民国时期,博山曾先后在全国各地设立100 多个料货庄,这些料货庄呈网状分布,以博山为中心,辐射全国,真正实现了“琉”通天下。
At first, Boshan coloured glaze were mainlysold in the local market or out of town by longdistancetransportation. Later, with the increasingdevelopment of production, specialized stores knownas “Liaohuozhuang” emerged, providing a widerrange of products. Historical records show thatfrom the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of Chinaera, Boshan successively established more than 100Liaohuozhuang stores across the country, forminga nationwide network centered on Boshan, truly“uniting the world through coloured glaze.”
After the founding of the People’s Republic ofChina in 1949, the Boshan coloured glaze industryushered in a period of rapid development. Traditionalworkshops were reorganized and merged into stateownedfactories. With continuously upgradedproduction equipment, manufacturing techniquesand product design, large glaze enterprises,represented by the Boshan Fine Glaze Factory,emerged as the national leaders in the industry.After more than half a century of research anddevelopment, as of now, Boshan glaze products have formed a sophisticated system featuring dozensof categories, thousands of types, and nearly tenthousand colors. Representative works include flowerballs, vases, and ornaments, among which the mostwell-known and recognized are the inside-paintedglaze and the precious “Chicken Oil Yellow.”
The technique of insidepaintedglaze in B oshanor iginated f rom Be ij i ng.During the reign of EmperorDa o g u ang i n t he Q i n gDynasty, Boshan businessmanWang Fenggao learned thetechnique of inside paintingfrom Zhou Leyuan in Beijing,and passed it on to Bi Rongjiu.After assiduous practice, Bifinally mastered the intricaciesof the technique. Later on,Bi devoted all his energy toinside painting creation andinheritance. In over 20 years,he created a large numberof inside-painted works andtrained a group of artists. Theirskilled techniques and uniquestyle formed an independentschool known as the “Lu (shortname for Shandong) School of Inside Painting,”which was considered as equal to the “Beijing Schoolof Inside Painting.” Today, the technique in Boshanhas been around for more than 130 years, and theinside-painted glaze of Lu School , as a representativeproduct of Boshan coloured glaze, is renowned bothat home and abroad.
The precious glaze “Chicken Oil Yellow” inBoshan rose to prominence in the early MingDynasty and flourished during the Qianlong reignof the Qing Dynasty. Knownfor its elegant and gorgeouscolour, it is also referred to as“Imperial Yellow” or “YellowJade.” The characteristicsof Chicken Oil Yellow aredescribed as “smooth as jade,exquisite as cream, soundlike a chime, and valuable asgold.” It has always been forimperial and court use onlydue to its complicated anddifficult production process,strictly prohibited for civilianproduction. The craftsmanshipof Chicken Oil Yellow wasonce lost but was final lyrediscovered by the BoshanFine Glaze Factory in 1972after repeated experiments.Since then, Boshan glazecraftsmen have continuouslyimproved it. Today’s ChickenOil Yel l ow glaze wor k s ,evaluated by experts from thePalace Museum, have surpassed similar works fromthe Qianlong period.
在市场化浪潮的席卷之下,也涌现了一批个体琉璃工匠,他们不仅传承了博山琉璃的技术和工艺,还以更宽阔的视野,将博山琉璃推向世界。目前,博山区有六位艺术大师分别荣获“中国石榴王(琉璃)”“中国孙氏琉璃鸡油黄”“中国琉璃葡萄孙”“中国琉璃内画张”“中国张氏琉璃鸡肝石”“中国琉璃葫芦孙”等国家级荣誉称号。此外,这里还有国家级琉璃艺术大师42名、省级大师123人,琉璃生产企业20余家、专业博物馆及艺术工作室50余个,琉璃产业直接从业人员5 000余人,为博山琉璃的后续发展打下了厚实的基础,博山也因此赢得了“世界琉璃看中国,中国琉璃看博山”的美誉。
Against the tidal wave of marketization, agroup of individual coloured glaze craftsmenhave also emerged. With traditional techniquesand craftsmanship and a broader vision, they arepromoting Boshan glaze to the world. Currently,Boshan District has six art masters who haverespectively been honored with national titles,namely, “China Pomegranate King (Glaze),” “ChinaChicken Oil Yellow Glaze of Sun Family,” “ChinaGlaze Grape of Sun,” “China Inside-painted Glazeof Zhang,” “China Pheasant Liver Stone Glaze ofZhang Family,” and “China Glaze Gourd of Sun.” Inaddition, there are 42 national-level glaze art masters,123 provincial-level masters, more than 20 glazeproduction enterprises, and over 50 glaze museumsand art studios. The industry directly employs morethan 5,000 people, laying a solid foundation for thefuture development of Boshan coloured glaze. As aresult, Boshan has earned the reputation of “FinestColoured Glaze in China and the World.”
Today, Boshan coloured glaze, with its uniquecultural significance and artistic depth, continues tothrive and shine brightly in the world of culture andarts.
供图/ 苏鹏 张健 山东画报图片库
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