青岛的啤酒文化 The Beer Culture of Qingdao


孔子学院 2024年1期

刘丰祥 Liu Fengxiang 唐顺英 Tang Shunying


It is said that foreigners have two ways to knowChina: one is through Confucius, the other throughTsingtao Beer. The shipping containers in SouthKorea are painted with the logo of Tsingtao Beer andlovely pandas, for they see these two as symbols ofChina.


Qingdao’s beer brewing has a history of over acentury, which is almost as old as the city itself. In1903, British and German merchants set up TsingtaoBrewery Co., Ltd. in Qingdao, and its product, thehigh-quality Tsingtao Beer, won the gold medal atthe Munich International Exposition in 1906. Fromthen on, Tsingtao beer has won over 30 gold medalsin brewing competitions worldwide. Today, TsingtaoBeer is an internationally renowned brand, while “(Qingdao dialect for ‘drinking’) beer, eating clams”encapsulates the daily life of Qingdao people.


You’ll be greeted with Qingdao’s unique beerculture once you are in the city. Qingdao boastsChina’s one and only beer museum, located in thecentury-old brewery house of Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. Here you can trace the development of Qingdao’sbeer culture over the century, sip the authentic andfresh Tsingtao Beer just off the production line, andtailor-make your own Tsingtao Beer.


“As beer is to Qingdao, so is coffee to Shanghaior the roast duck to Beijing.” On both sides of theBeer Street, you can try all kinds of novel tastes inthe innovative shops that feature “beer + ice cream,”“beer + tea” or “beer + coffee.” Don’t let go of thisgolden opportunity into the beer world, for in thisstreet you can taste the freshest beer brewed juston the day. A variety of beer houses and seafoodrestaurants sprawl along the street for severalhundred meters, each displaying in the front door abig silver jar. You just need to switch the tap onthe jar and out flows the chilling aromaticbeer into your glass, giving you the mostauthentic earthly pleasures. Thecoloured pavement is decoratedwith over a dozen patternssuch as old-fashioned beer cups, sea waves, clams, orlargehead hairtails. Even the manhole covers here areinscribed with figures of mascots from past QingdaoBeer Festivals, for instance the cup-holding chick andthe cute piggy.

一年一度的“青岛国际啤酒节”更是不可错过的青岛节日盛会。青岛国际啤酒节始创于1991年,于每年的七、八月份舉办,为期半个月左右,是世界四大啤酒节之一。在这里,啤酒大棚中来自不同国家的2 000多款啤酒,搭配海鲜、烧烤等各类美食,能让你在凉爽的海风中尽情与世界干杯,放飞自我!此外,现场还设有文艺表演、艺术巡游、酒王争霸赛、时尚体育节、啤酒文化时装秀等活动,展示出青岛的开放、包容、多元。

The annual International Qingdao Beer Festival is a must-see in Qingdao. Beginningin 1991, the half-month-long festival falls in July or August each year and is among thefour biggest beer festivals in the world. At the festival, you can try over two thousandtypes of beer from around the globe together with delicious seafood and barbecues, enjoyrendezvous with the world and find true self in the cool sea breeze. Besides these, thefestival also offers entertainment shows, art parades, the “Beer King Challenge,” sportsevents, beer fashion shows… you name it. Such is the open, diversified and all-embracingQingdao culture.

在青岛的大街小巷,常常会看见一个“TSINGTAO 1903社区客厅”的招牌,你可以理解为这是青岛啤酒博物馆开到青岛人社区里的直营啤酒吧。这里一般会供应原浆、生啤、IPA(印度淡色艾尔啤酒)三种桶装酒,啤酒绝对新鲜。盛酒的容器都极为讲究——浓香桶酒选用大脚杯,淡香桶酒用细长杯。酒沫、酒液和酒杯温度也都有严格的控制。你可以在这里一边“哈”最正宗的青岛啤酒,一边和朋友聊天,也可以一个人静静地听听音乐,因为专业的演出乐队每晚在这里等着你。

Walking along the streets of Qingdao, you’ll often encounter the signboard of “TSINGTAO1903 Neighbourhood Livingroom.” You can think of it as the neighbourhood version ofthe Qingdao Beer Museum. It usually serves three types of beer in casks: unfiltered beer,draught beer and IPA (India Pale Ale). These are absolutely fresh and served with designatedcontainers: bigger glass for richer beers, slender glass for lighter beers. Even the foam andliquid of the beer and the temperature of the beer glasses are meticulously monitored to offeryou the best experience. You can “” the most authentic Tsingtao Beer here while chattingwith friends or listening to live music, for each evening there will be a professional bandplaying onsite.


In Qingdao, people walking down the street with a plasticbag in hand filled with beer is a common sight. No need to besurprised, for beer is Coca-Cola for Qingdao people. You can takesome beer home with a plastic bag, or even sip your beer with astraw along the way, each sip a chilling tinge!

供图/ 刘伟光 山东画报图片库


青岛啤酒节 醉美西海岸