

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年1期

广东 何映桦


__一级_______________________________________目标语言能力二级目标________________________________学会描述社会交往事件;运用动名词作主语或宾语、定语从句和时间状语从句____________象的问题并提出_________________________________________________________解决办法,写一封建议信。________________了解和谐的宿舍环境对学生成长的重要性和保持良好的宿舍人际关系的方掌握语篇段落之间以及段内的逻辑关系;培养梳理概括、整合迁移信息的思维品质,并能客观地描述改善宿舍人际____________关系的措施,创造性地提出个______________________________________________人观点,真切地给出建议。能够从阅读文本中提取写作的素材,如内容要点、主题词块和优美句型____________建有效的写作支架。1.2. ,阐述跨文化交际现文化意识______________________________________________________________________思维品质法。1.2.学习能力,并搭


How to be a good roommate


1It can be a wonderful and satisfying experience to have roommates to share a home with.Living with others can often help you develop close relationships and learn some life skills along the way.But being a good roommate is about so much more than just keeping the room tidy.It means creating a peaceful living environment where respect and understanding are the underlying values.Here are five practical tips on how to be a good roommate.

2Firstly, any effective roommate relationship is built on respect. Just like in any other healthy relationship, roommates need to appreciate and respect one another's boundaries and personal space.

3Secondly, to resolve any concerns that may develop, effective communication is essential.Create an open-door policy where roommates can feel free to voice their worries,expectations,and feedback.

4Thirdly, nothing is more important than keeping your shared spaces clean and organized.Take the time to clean up after yourself and respect each other's standards of cleanliness.Keep communal areas like bathrooms and kitchens clean.

5Besides, cultivating a sense of humor can help diffuse tension caused by living with others and create a more relaxing atmosphere.A well-placed joke or a funny story can ease the stress and strengthen your bond with your roommates.

6Lastly, being considerate of your roommates' schedule, preferences, and routines is part of living with them.It is wise to be mindful of noise levels, especially when one of your roommates is studying or working or when anyone in the apartment is asleep.

7Self-awareness, sensitivity, and adaptability are ongoing processes that are all needed if you want to be a good roommate.When you make the choice to focus on how your behavior and approach affect the common living experience in your home,your relationship with your roommates might lead to lifelong friendships.

Activity A Reading for understanding



What is the text mainly about?



Fill in the blanks according to the text with only one word for each blank.

How to be a good roommate It can be a wonderful and 1. ________experience to have roommates to Why should we learn to be a good roommate?share a home with.Living with others can often help you develop close relationships and_________________________learn some life_skills along the way.


Activity B Reading for writing


underlying 潜在的;根本的

be built on 建立在……的基础上

respect 尊重

boundary 边界

resolve concerns 解决担忧


voice one's worry 表达担忧

cultivate 培养

diffuse tension 缓解紧张气氛

atmosphere 气氛

ease the stress 缓解压力

strengthen one's bond with...加强与……的联系

be considerate of 体贴;体谅

be mindful of 注意

adaptability 适应性



1. Living with others can often help you develop close relationships and learn some life skills along the way.与他人相处通常有助于你建立亲密的人际关系,并在这个过程中学习一些生活技能。

【点石成金】本句中,主语是动名词Living with others,这句话阐述了与他人相处对个人成长的影响。

2. It means creating a peaceful living environment where respect and understanding are the underlying values.(成为一个好室友)这意味着创造一个和平的生活环境,在这个环境中尊重和理解是根本价值观。

【点石成金】该句的宾语是动名词短语creating a peaceful living environment,阐述了“成为好室友”的内涵,其后跟了关系副词where 引导的定语从句,表明和谐环境的根本要求是尊重和理解。




Create an open-door policy where roommates can feel free to voice their worries,expectations,and feedback.制定一项“开门政策”,让室友们可以自由表达他们的担忧、期望和反馈。

【点石成金】该句包含了由关系副词where 引导的定语从句,其先行词为an opendoor policy,定语从句补充的细节使“开门政策”这一抽象概念更加清晰和具体。




It is wise to be mindful of noise levels, especially when one of your roommates is studying or working or when anyone in the apartment is asleep.注意噪声大小乃明智之举,尤其是当室友在学习或工作时,或者是公寓里有人睡着时。

【点石成金】该句的结构为“it do sth”,表示“做某事怎样”,后跟when引导的状语从句,阐述了在学习、工作或有人睡觉的情况下注意噪声大小的重要性。




假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Andrew 不久前出国留学,他来信说在与室友相处时遇到了问题,特向你请教如何与室友相处。请你给他回一封邮件,内容如下:









参考词汇:harmonious 和谐的 dormitory 寝室

Dear Andrew,

I'm sorry to know that you have some trouble getting along well with your roommates._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li HuaYours,







1. I am sorry to know that you have trouble getting along with your roommates.Creating a harmonious dormitory life is essential, and I am here to offer you some suggestions.我很抱歉得知你和室友相处不好。营造和谐的宿舍生活是至关重要的,我在此向你提出一些建议。

2. I completely understand how challenging it is to adjust to living with others in a foreign country. Getting along well with others is significant to campus life, and I'm writing to give some advice.我完全理解适应在异国他乡与他人一起生活是多么具有挑战性。与他人和睦相处对校园生活意义重大,我想给你提供一些建议。

3. I can imagine how anxious you feel to get along well with your roommates. Indeed,it is vital to have a good relationship with your roommates,and I'm here to help you make it work.我能想象你为了和室友和睦相处而感到多么焦虑。事实上,和室友保持良好的关系至关重要,而我就是来帮你做到这一点的。


1. Initially, effective communication based on respect is key especially when differences occur.首先,基于尊重的有效沟通是关键,尤其是在出现分歧时。

2. An effective way to resolve conflicts is to be open-minded and receptive to your roommates'opinion.解决冲突的有效方法是保持开明、乐于接受室友的意见。

3. Secondly, it is crucial to appreciate and respect personal space and boundaries,which will contribute to building a more peaceful and comfortable living environment. 其次,重视和尊重个人空间和界限至关重要,这将有助于创造一个更加和平、舒适的生活环境。

4. Thirdly, nothing is more vital than sharing responsibilities of keeping your dormitory clean and organized.第三,没有什么比共同分担保持宿舍整洁有序的责任更重要了。

5.Work together to establish routines and guidelines that suit both of your needs.共同制定适合双方的常规和指南。

6.Lastly,be patient and considerate,because strengthening your bond with your roommates takes time and effort from both sides.最后,要耐心和体贴,因为加强与室友的联系需要双方付出时间和努力。


1.I hope my suggestions will be of great help to you.希望我的建议能对你有所帮助。

2. I sincerely hope that my advice will be useful to you. 我衷心希望我的建议对你有用。

3.I hope what is mentioned above will help you foster a harmonious atmosphere in the dormitory.希望上述内容能帮助你营造和谐的宿舍氛围。

4.With patience and a willingness to communicate,I believe you can have a good relationship with your roommates.只要有耐心并愿意沟通,我相信你能与室友建立良好的关系。

5.Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any further assistance.如果你需要更多帮助,请随时联系我。



Dear Andrew,

I am sorry to know that you have some trouble getting along well with your roommates.Creating a harmonious dormitory life is essential,and I'm writing to...(表达理解和关心)

Initially, effective communication based on respect is...especially when... Secondly, it is crucial to..., which contributes to... Lastly, remember to... because...(阐述措施+个人见解)

I sincerely hope that my advice will be...Please feel free to...if you...(表达祝愿)

Li Hua





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