CITCM takes the initiative to hostcaptivating cultural events that blend thehealthcare principles of traditional Chinesemedicine. some noteworthy examplesin$lude the “Tai Chi Month” held atRegent's Park during the early summer, the“Chinese wellbeing week" held in autumn,and the“Exhibition, show, and Lecture”tour held during the Chinese Lunar NewYear festivities. These occasions have firmlyestablished themselves as hallmark CTTCMcultural experiences.
2023 年農历新年期间,伦敦中医孔子学院就接到了近30 所当地中小学的演出邀请,中国功夫、民族乐器、民族舞蹈、民乐串烧……孔院的专业演出团队,总能给观众们带来精彩纷呈的节目,孩子们争先恐后地参与互动,所到之处一片欢声笑语。
During the Chinese Lunar New Yearin 2023,CITCM was invited by nearly 30local primary and secondary schools. Theinstitute's professional performance teamcaptivated the audience with an impressivearray of programs, showcasing Chinesemartial arts,traditional musical instruments, ethnicdances, and a medley of traditional music. whereverthey went,they effortlessly engaged numerouschildren, bringing forth laughter and joy.
Moreover, on weekends and important holidays,the local communities frequently organize a varietyof culturally enriching activities that are accessibleto the public free of charge. CITCM is a prominentpresence in these events, offering children interactiveworkshops on paper cutting. painting, calligraphy.and other handicrafts. They also deliver exhilaratingperformances and provide on-site health consultationsand wellness services.
pwadays, there is a growing fascination withtraditional Chinese medicine as an increasing numberof individuals recognize its remarkable benefits.CHTCM remains committed to promoting Chinesemedicine. ensuring that an ever-greater number ofpeople can experience its wonders.