

果树学报 2023年11期

陈昊 谢善鹏 解凯东 肖公傲 周锐 伍小萌 吴群 邓家锐 敖义俊 刘高平 郭文武

摘    要:【目的】基于柑橘珠心细胞存在自然加倍的特点,实生播种发掘千山红蜜橘等13个品种的同源四倍体。【方法】种子催芽萌发后实生播种,待幼苗长出3片以上真叶后,依据形态特征初选法“观根辨叶看油胞”从实生苗中筛选疑似多倍体,再通过流式细胞仪倍性分析与根尖染色体压片计数对疑似多倍体进一步鉴定倍性,并通过SSR分子标记分析鉴定所获多倍体的遗传来源。【结果】基于形态初选,分别从9个地方特色品种千山红蜜橘、八月橘、衢橘、早橘、扁平橘、瓯柑、狮头柑、冰糖橙、锦蜜冰糖橙和4个砧木品种磨坪香橙、日本香橙、枳雀、油皮金柑的343、499、892、385、519、290、457、241、119、690、828、114、129株实生苗中发掘获得2、1、3、2、7、3、1、3、1、3、17、1、2株疑似多倍体;用流式细胞仪对以上46株疑似多倍体进行倍性鉴定,获得45株四倍体和1株衢橘六倍体,采用根尖染色体计数法验证了上述结果;SSR分子鉴定表明,13个品种的45株四倍体所扩增条带大小与其相应二倍体亲本完全一致,推测其可能是由二倍体亲本珠心细胞自然加倍形成的同源四倍体。【结论】发掘的四倍体资源不仅丰富了我国柑橘多倍体类型,而且为我国柑橘无核育种和矮化广适砧木选育奠定了珍贵的材料基础。


中图分类号:S666 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)11-2297-10

Efficient exploration and SSR identification of autotetraploids from the seedlings of thirteen apomictic Citrus genotypes

CHEN Hao1, XIE Shanpeng1, XIE Kaidong1, XIAO Gongao1, ZHOU Rui2, WU Xiaomeng1, WU Qun3, DENG Jiarui4, AO Yijun4, LIU Gaoping5, GUO Wenwu1*

(1National Key Laboratory for Germplasm Innovation & Utilization of Horticultural Crops, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China; 2Chenzhou Institute of Agricultural Science, Chenzhou 423000, Hunan, China; 3Quzhou Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Quzhou 324000, Zhejiang, China; 4Chenggu Fruit Technology Guidance Station, Chenggu 723200, Shaanxi, China; 5Huangyan Fruit Tree Technology Promotion General Station, Taizhou 318020, Zhejiang, China)

Abstract: 【Objective】 Citrus is a crucial part of Chinese fruit crops. There are abundant citrus germplasm resources in China, but many excellent local varieties are gradually eliminated by the market due to the problem of numerous seeds within the fruit. The fruits of triploid plants are generally seedless because of their sterile male and female gametes. Therefore, triploid production is a promising strategy to breed seedless cultivars in citrus. Triploids can be obtained by interploidy crossing between diploids and tetraploids. However, the tetraploid germplasm is rare, which limits the application of this strategy. Exploration of tetraploids is an important prerequisite for triploid production with the aim to improve the seedy local cultivars in our country. For the rootstock improvement, tetraploid plants are also valuable resources because of their higher metabolite content, and better resistance than their diploid parents. In this study, we planned to explore tetraploid plants from 13 local cultivars in our country by using the traits of spontaneous doubling of the nucellar cells in polyembryonic citrus varieties. The exploration of tetraploids from the above 13 local cultivars will not only provide excellent tetraploid parents for the production of triploid plants, but also lay the foundation for the basic research about the effect of genome duplication on some important trait change, such as dwarfing, extensive adaptivity and higher medicinal value in tetraploids. 【Methods】 After the mature fruits were harvested, the seeds were extracted and the seed coats were peeled off, and then they were placed in a thermostat to accelerate germination. When the seeds germinated, they were sown in pots and cultivated in a plant growth chamber. After the seedlings grew up with three or more leaves, putative polyploids were screened according to the morphological feature showing lower height, shorter taproots, less lateral roots, thicker and rounder leaves and declined oil gland density. The ploidy levels of these putative polyploids were further confirmed by flow cytometric analysis and the observation on root tip chromosome numbers. After determination of the ploidy level, some morphological traits, including plant height, root length and diameter, lateral root number, stem diameter, leaf thickness and shape index of the tetraploids and their corresponding diploid parents were measured at the same developmental stage. SSR analysis was used to identify the genetic origin of the explored tetraploids with at least three pairs of SSR primers selected for each cultivar. 【Results】 The polyembryonic degree of seeds from each cultivar was firstly determined and it showed that the seeds of all 13 cultivars were polyembryonic. Among them, Qu tangerine had the highest number of embryos with an average of 9.4 embryos per seed and Bingtang sweet orange had the lowest number of embryos with an average of 2.2 embryos per seed. Based on the morphological trait screening, we identified 2, 1, 3, 2, 7, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 17, 1 and 2 putative polyploids respectively from 343, 499, 892, 385, 519, 290, 457, 241, 119, 690, 828, 114 and 129 seedlings of Qianshanhong tangerine, Bayue tangerine, Qu tangerine, Zao tangerine, Bianping tangerine, Ougan tangerine, Shitougan, Bingtang sweet orange, Jinmi sweet orange, Moping Xiangcheng, Japanese Xiangcheng, Zhique and Youpi kumquat. After further confirmation of ploidy levels concerning above putative tetraploids, we obtained 45 tetraploids and one hexaploid plant from Qu tangerine, with an average occurrence rate of 0.85%, among which the rate of Japanese xiangcheng was the highest with 2.05% and the rate of Bayue tangerine was the lowest with 0.20%. The exploration time from seed germination to obtaining tetraploid seedlings varied among cultivars, with the longest time (42 days) used in Youpi kumquat and the shortest time (23 days) in Shitougan. The morphological traits of tetraploids and their corresponding diploid seedlings from nine cultivars of Qianshanhong tangerine, Qu tangerine, Zao tangerine, Bianping tangerine, Ougan tangerine, Bingtang sweet orange, Moping Xiangcheng, Japanese Xiangcheng and Youpi kumquat were measured. For plant height, tap root length, lateral root numbers and leaf thickness, the tetraploid seedlings of seven cultivars showed significant differences with their diploid parents. For taproot and stem diameter, only the tetraploid seedlings explored from Bingtang sweet orange and Japanese Xiangcheng had significant difference with their diploid parents. For leaf shape index, the tetraploid seedings from Bianping tangerine and Moping Xiangcheng exhibited significant differences with their diploid seedlings. In conclusion, most tetraploid seedlings of all nine cultivars showed lower plant height, shorter and thicker taproot, less lateral root number, thicker and rounder leaves than those of their diploid parents. These results provide supports for the screening of putative tetraploids based on morphological trait observation. For analyzing the genetic origin of the tetraploids obtained in this study, at least three SSR markers were used in each genotype. The results showed that the bands of all 45 tetraploids were identical with those of their corresponding diploids, indicating that all the 45 tetraploids might originate from the spontaneous chromosome doubling of nucellar cells of their corresponding diploids. In addition, the bands of the hexaploid from Qu tangerine were also identical with their diploid parent. We speculated that it might derive from chromosome doubling of a triploid zygotic cell, which formed by selfing of a FDR-type 2n gamete with a normal n gamete, and both gametes were produced by Qu tangerine. 【Conclusion】 This study verified that morphological screening combined with flow cytometry ploidy determination and SSR analysis is an efficient approach to exploring polyploid seedlings from apomictic citrus. Using this method, 45 autotetraploid and one hexaploid plants were obtained from 13 apomictic citrus genotypes. These newly discovered tetraploids are potentially valuable for not only genetic improvement of some elite local citrus cultivars with seeds produced by triploids using interploidy hybridization, but also selection of the promising rootstocks with dwarf, multi-resistance and broad adaptability characteristics to improve the ability to resist various abiotic and biotic stresses.

Key words: Citrus; Polyploidy; Flow cytometry; Simple sequence repeat; Seedless breeding

收稿日期:2023-08-02 接受日期:2023-08-21



*通信作者 Author for correspondence. Tel:027-87281543,


柑橘属及近缘属大多数品种均具有多胚现象[10]。据报道,少数珠心细胞在发育过程中会发生自然加倍,形成染色体加倍的珠心胚萌发后进而形成同源四倍体(或称双二倍体),其基因型与二倍体完全一致[11]。利用这一特性,梁武军等[9, 12]通过露地实生播种结合叶片形态观察发掘获得了枳、香橙、早金甜橙等20余个砧木和柑橘接穗品种的同源四倍体。但是,种子露地播种易受季节和天气等环境因素影响,存在萌发率低且初选准确率不高的缺点。针对该问题,周锐等[13]对上述技术流程进行了改良,提出了“观根辨叶看油胞”发掘四倍体的方法,该方法采用种子催芽后生长室播种代替露地播种,综合叶片、根系和油胞等多组织形态特征(如四倍体相较二倍体根短粗且侧根少、叶片厚、叶形指数小、油胞密度低等)筛选疑似多倍体,极大提高了发掘效率。基于该方法,谢善鹏等[14]以常山胡柚等6个柑橘地方特色品种為材料,发掘获得了53株四倍体新种质,准确率46.7%,从播种到获得四倍体耗时平均38 d。张成磊等[15]利用该方法从1289株山金柑实生后代中发掘同源四倍体8株,准确率100%,证明了“观根辨叶看油胞”结合流式细胞仪倍性鉴定是获得柑橘多胚品种同源四倍体的便捷高效的策略。


1 材料和方法

1.1 试验材料

9个地方特色品种:千山红蜜橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco)、八月橘(C. reticulata Blanco)、衢橘(C. reticulata Blanco)、早橘(C. reticulata Blanco)、扁平橘(C. Depressa Hayata)、瓯柑(C. reticulata Suavissima)、冰糖橙(C. sinensis L. Osbeck)、锦蜜冰糖橙(C. sinensis L. Osbeck)和油皮金柑(Fortunella japonica Swingle);4个砧木品种:磨坪香橙(C. junos Siebold ex Tanaka)、日本香橙(C. junos Siebold ex Tanaka)、枳雀(C. wilsonii Tanaka)和狮头柑(C. speciosa Hort. ex Tseng)。


1.2 实生播种及初选疑似多倍体

种子实生播种参考谢善鹏等[14]的方法,实生幼苗形态初选疑似多倍体参考周锐等[13]的方法。从成熟果实剥取种子后,用1 mol·L-1 KOH溶液浸泡3~5 min溶解果胶,用清水搓洗干净后剥去种皮,置于垫有湿纱布的玻璃皿于28 ℃恒温暗催芽3~5 d;待胚根长至0.5~1.0 cm时,播种于塑料钵并覆膜保湿,置于生长室(温度25±1 ℃,光照16 h)培养。待幼苗长出3片以上真叶后,依据形态特征初选法“观根辨叶看油胞”从实生苗中筛选出疑似多倍体。

1.3 倍性分析与鉴定

流式细胞仪(Cyflow space, Sysmex, Japan)倍性分析参考解凯东等[16]的方法。用一步法试剂盒(Sysmex, Germany)对样品进行裂解和染色后上机检测,以二倍体(2n=2x=18)植株叶片(荧光强度X≈50)为对照,分析待测样品倍性,若待测样品为三倍体(2n=3x=27),则其荧光强度X≈75;若待测样品为四倍体(2n=4x=36),则其荧光强度则为X≈100。植株根尖染色体压片计数参考Xia等[17]的方法。植株倍性确定后,统计各个品种四倍体的自然发生频率(四倍体株数/群体株数)。

1.4 四倍体幼苗形态指标测定

参考谢善鹏等[14]的方法对相同发育时期的四倍体及二倍体实生苗形态指标进行测定。形态指标主要包括植株高度、主根长度、侧根数目、根粗(根茎分界处向下1 cm处的根直径)、茎粗(根茎分界处向上1 cm处的茎直径)、叶片厚度和叶形指数(叶片长度/叶片宽度)。每项指标均随机取样测定3个生物学重复,每个品种二倍体及四倍体实生苗各测量9株。用Excel 2016对数据进行处理,并用t-test(p<0.05)对数据进行显著性分析。

1.5 植物基因组DNA提取和SSR分子鉴定

参考Cheng等[18]的方法提取基因组DNA,SSR分子标记参考谢善鹏等[14]的方法。SSR引物见表1,由北京擎科生物科技股份有限公司武汉分公司合成。PCR扩增体系为10 μL:2 × Rapid Taq Master Mix 5 μL,ddH2O 3.5 μL,DNA 1 μL,Primer F、R各0.25 μL(10 μmol·L-1)。PCR反应在ProFlex PCR仪(ABI, USA)进行,扩增程序:95 ℃预变性3 min,95 ℃变性30 s,55 ℃退火30 s,72 ℃延伸10 s,35个循环,72 ℃延伸5 min,4 ℃保存。PCR扩增产物由全自动毛细管电泳(QIAxcel Advanced, Germany)分离,成像结果由仪器自带软件QIAxcel ScreenGel自动生成。

2 结果与分析

2.1 13个柑橘品种均为多胚品种


2.2 实生发掘13个柑橘品种同源四倍体45株

依据“观根辨叶看油胞”形态学筛选法,分别从千山红蜜橘、八月橘、衢橘、早橘、扁平橘、瓯柑、狮头柑、冰糖橙、锦蜜冰糖橙、磨坪香橙、日本香橙、枳雀和油皮金柑13个品种的343、499、892、385、519、290、457、241、119、690、828、114、129株实生苗筛选获得2、1、3、2、7、3、1、3、1、3、17、1、2株疑似多倍体。用流式细胞仪对上述46株疑似多倍体进行倍性鉴定(图2),获得45株四倍体(千山红蜜橘2株、八月橘1株、衢橘2株、早橘2株、扁平橘7株、瓯柑3株、狮头柑1株、冰糖橙3株、锦蜜冰糖橙1株、磨坪香橙3株、日本香橙17株、枳雀1株、油皮金柑2株)和1株六倍体(衢橘)。进一步随机挑选日本香橙的二倍体和四倍体实生幼苗各3株,利用根尖染色体计数对其染色体数目进行鉴定,结果表明,流式细胞仪测得的四倍体染色体为36条,二倍体为18条,验证了流式细胞仪倍性分析的准确性。不同品种四倍体的群体发生率不同,发生率由低到高依次为八月橘、衢橘、狮头柑、磨坪香橙、早橘、千山红蜜橘、锦蜜冰糖橙、枳雀、瓯柑、冰糖橙、扁平橘、油皮金柑、日本香橙。其中,日本香橙群体发生率最高,为2.05%;八月橘群体发生率最低,为0.20%。从播种至获得四倍体植株,不同品种耗时23~42 d不等(表2)。

2.3 9个品种的四倍体与二倍体幼苗根、茎和叶片形态特征差异明显


2.4 SSR分子鉴定


3 讨 论



4 结 论



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