以读促写 以写促学


名师在线 2023年21期

文/傅 艳





Mark Mancuso's phone rang. He looked at it. It was a calendar alert, telling him it was his mother's birthday. His mother Amelia lived 200 miles away, a bit of a drive, but Mark had driven further for a lunch with a friend. He just couldn' t stand his mother' s complaints. Then he fourd a florist (花店) and he smiled. There was the way out!

Entering the florist, Mark smiled broadly. "Can you arrange to have flowers delivered in Syracuse, N.Y.? It's my mother's 65th birthday and I wanted to send her some flowers,” Mark explained. The florist said, “Of course,I just need your mother's name and address, and I guess you want to send a note, a birthday message?”“Yes,” said Mark, and he quickly recited his mother's name and address and then added, “Please write: Happy birthday to the best mom in the world, love you and miss you. Your son, Mark.” Mark was walking out with a feeling of accomplishment when he saw a girl sitting on the corner with tears running down her face. Mark squatted down (蹲下来) next to her and asked, “Hey dear, are you OK?”“I'm Mandy and I wanted a rose for my mom.” the girl wept.“But I don' t have enough money! The flower lady said I could only buy a daisy, but my mom loves red roses.”“You just wait here,” Mark said, and then he walked back into the florist and bought a lovely red rose for Mandy.“Here you go,” he said, placing the rose in her hands.

Mandy took the rose in her hands, smiled up at Mark and said “Thank you! But could you take me to my mom?It' s not far but I' m not supposed to go on my own.”

Mark nodded. Mandy took his hand and walked with him down the street. After a while, Mandy turned right and Mark was surprised to see that they were standing by the gates of a cemetery.

续写:Paragragh 1: The girl gently placed the rose on a grave (墓碑).

Paragragh 2: Mark felt tears well in his eyes.

这篇故事比较简单,学生也能看懂大概意思。但是当学生开始续写时就出现了各种问题:在第一段续写中,小女孩在她母亲坟墓前与Mark 的一番交谈,劝告Mark 要在自己母亲在世时珍惜与母亲的相处时光让Mark 内心有所感触,从而改变了Mark。这样的续写就体现出学生根本没有读懂故事中作为配角的小女孩与主角Mark 之间的人物关系以及她在Mark 的思想转变中所起的作用,因此,他们的“续”就无法做到合情合理。教师此时应该引导学生发现,小女孩与Mark 的关系仅仅是陌生人之间一次无意的帮助而产生的关系,真正能打动Mark 的应该是小女孩对母亲的爱及思念。

在理清人物关系之后,教师可以引导学生梳理故事情节。要想让学生从根本上读懂文章,把握文章脉络,教师可以从两个方面着手:第一,主要人物要解决的实际问题;第二,主要人物在解决这一实际问题的过程中情感发生的转变。教师可以由此提出两个问题:第一,Mark 遇到的实际问题是什么?第二,Mark的情感发生了怎样的转变?教师还可以让学生根据所给问题绘制思维导图,主要信息如下:


小女孩(次要人物):改变了Mark 的想法—如何改变(女孩在她母亲墓前哭诉对母亲的思念触动了Mark)

母亲(次要人物):看到Mark 出现,开心,震惊。

Mark 遇到的实际问题:和朋友吃饭还是陪母亲过生日。

Mark 情感发生的转变:不愿陪伴母亲(因为觉得母亲唠叨)— 愿意陪伴母亲(因为懂得了陪伴在家人身边的重要性)。



A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told his father what he wanted was the sports car. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car.

Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible(《圣 经》), with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said,"With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. He felt depressed and couldn't accept the fact why his father did not fulfill his expectation.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old,he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation Day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a message from one of his relatives telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

续写:Paragragh 1: When he arrived at his father's house,sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.

Paragrah 2: As he was reading the Bible, a car key dropped from the back of it.

这篇文章中的主要人物“young man”因为在自己毕业那天没有得到心心念念的喜欢的车子而离家出走,直到在亲戚的嘴里得知父亲去世的消息才悔恨自己没有和父亲好好相处。学生在读这篇文章时只关注到,“young man”只是因为父亲没有买车子给他就与父亲决裂,却无法理解一辆车子对于他来说,不仅是件想要得到的物品,更是希望从父亲那里获得的对他的认可;而父亲要送给他的圣经在西方人眼中具有重要的地位,父亲选择在他毕业成人的这一天送给他一本圣经其实是寄予了父亲的希望,他希望自己开始成年的孩子能懂得爱和责任。由于没有真正读懂文本,很多学生在两段的续写中都只写了年轻人对自己离家出走后一直没有和父亲联络的后悔,而没有写出年轻人最终懂得了父亲想要教会他的爱与责任,并把这种爱与责任一代代传承下去。



It was a warm summer afternoon in mid-July at the Jersey shore. My four-year-old son, Will, and I loved going to the beach just before dinner when the rest of the vacationers seemed to be leaving for the day. The sun was still hot and shining brightly. With a bucket in hand we'd hit the sand and start our adventure.

We used to walk along the edge of the water almost daily in the summer months, looking for seashells to fill our red sand-castle-shaped bucket. Some days, the bucket was full, and other days just a few shells were in the bucket. On that particular day, there didn' t seem to be too many shells washed up on the shore. ill began picking up whatever shells he saw lying in the sand. After a while, I looked into the bucket and saw nothing but broken shells.“Will” I said,“all of these shells are broken and not good. You'd better find shells like this, I continued, as I held up a perfectly shaped clamshell(蛤壳),he gave me a puzzled(困惑) look and continued on his way, gathering whatever shells he came upon and dropping them into the bucket. I continued my search for some time, and then stopped to watch him drop more broken shells into the bucket. Out of control, I asked in an annoying voice,“Will, why do you insist on filling our bucket with shells that are broken?” He looked up at me through his glasses with his big blue eyes and replied, “Mom, there are many more shells on the beach that are broken than there are perfect ones that you are searching for. We'll get the bucket filled faster with the broken ones.” True, I thought, but who wants a bucket full of broken shells? Will stared at me as if he knew what I was thinking.“Mom, these shells are broken, but they are still beautiful” he said.

续:Paragragh 1: Just then he reached his little hand into the bucket and began pulling out some different shells and commenting on their uniqueness.

Paragragh 2: My eyes filled with tears as I realized my son was teaching me a most valuable lesson.

阅读文本后我们得知,文本中的母亲是故事的主要人物,孩子是故事的次要人物,这篇文章续的情节的转折就在于母亲受到孩子无意识的行为和言语的触动而发生了思想上的转变。但是我们在学生写的续写文本里发现,学生在第一段中就借用孩子的嘴对母亲进行说教,认为是孩子的说教感动了母亲从而促使了她的改变。这其实反映出学生在阅读文本时没有关注到文本中提到的“my four-year-old son”这个细节。作为一个四岁的孩子,他根本不可能会讲出什么大道理来。而对这一细节的忽略也造成学生在读后续写中无法做到“合情合理”。而在第二段续写中,学生在承接第二段第一句“My eyes filled with tears as I realized my son was teaching me a most valuable lesson.”写出母亲所领悟到的道理后觉得无话可写了。这也反映出了学生在读的过程中没有关注到文本用到的love、brightly 使人感受到的母子之间在海边捡贝壳的快乐以及母子之间的融洽和谐的气氛。



