National Chicken Wing Day美国鸡翅节


中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年8期


It doesnt seem to matter where in theworld a person goes, because chicken wingsare finding themselves onto every conceivable1menu all around the world!

In fact, there seem to be as many variations2on this theme as there are cuisines3 to go with them.There is no limit to what these delicious bits of birdflesh can make better!

The people in the United States celebrate National ChickenWing Day on July 29th every year. No matter what the personalpreference is, National Chicken Wing Day can be loads of fun for anyone!



美国人每年在7 月29 日庆祝全国鸡翅节。无论个人喜好如何,全国鸡翅节对任何人来说都是充满乐趣的!

History of National Chicken Wing Day


Deep fried chicken wings are not a new thing. They have been part ofAmerican cooking for generations. However, the idea for cooking the wings in aspicy4 hot sauce5 came about more than 50 years ago.

油炸鸡翅并不是什么新鲜事物。几代人以来,它们都是美国烹饪的一部分。然而,用辣酱烹饪鸡翅的想法大约是在50 多年前出现的。

In 1964, bar owner, Teresa Belissimo, was trying to make a late night snackfor her son and his friends at her bar in Buffalo, New York. She cooked up someleftover chicken wings in hot sauce. They were so loved that the bar put them onthe menu the very next day. They were served with bleu6 cheese dressing andcelery7 sticks.

1964 年,在纽约布法罗(水牛城)的酒吧中,酒吧老板特雷莎·贝利西莫设法为她儿子和他的朋友们做一份夜宵。她用辣酱烹饪了一些吃剩的鸡翅。它们非常受欢迎,以至于酒吧第二天就把它们放进了菜单。它们被配上了蓝奶酪酱和芹菜条。

Cooking chicken wings in hot sauce caught on with restaurateurs around theUnited States. Bar owners found that selling the cheap chicken wings with a spicysauce would increase their beer sales, making it a win-win for everyone involved8.


In 1990, even McDonalds got on board when they introduced hot wings insome of their stores. KFC followed right behind, then Dominos Pizza came along.The trajectory9 continued as each place made their own adaptations10, withbreading or some other adjustment11.

1990 年,就连麦当劳也加入了进来,他们在一些店里推出了辣翅。肯德基紧随其后,随后是达美乐比萨。随着每个地方做出自己的改变,加面包或进行其他一些调整,这一潮流仍在继续。

Many places continue to call these chicken wings “Buffalo Wings”as a nod tothe city of the original12 invention. But, these have nothing to do with the animal ofthe same name. Theres no buffalo (winged or otherwise) meat in this delicious dish.


The Mayor13 of Buffalo, New Yorkin the United States called for ChickenWing Day to be started in 1977.

1977 年,美国纽约州布法罗(水牛城)的市长呼吁庆祝鸡翅节。

It should make everyone quite happy to hear that the best way to observeNational Chicken Wing Day is simply by eating chicken wings! Many people in theUnited States go out to a favorite restaurant or bar that sells chicken wings andenjoy a bucket full.


Meanwhile, some people make chicken wings at home. Chicken Wings can beprepared in a number of ways, though they are traditionally fried. The most popularof all wings, the Buffalo Wing, sets the standard for this delicious treat: breaded,then fried, and finally tossed14 in a delicious spicy sauce.


Some Fun Facts About Chicken Wings


*The World Record for the most chicken wings eaten is 444—in just 26 minutes!

*On average, a person in America eats 90 chicken wings per year.

*Although Bleu Cheese is the standard for eating with Buffalo Wings, more people tend to prefer Ranch Dressing with their wings.

*Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day for eating chicken wings, when more than 1.25 billion wings are eaten in America on this day each year.

☆吃雞翅膀最多的世界纪录是在短短26 分钟内吃了444 只!

☆美国人平均每年吃90 个鸡翅。


☆超级碗星期天是吃鸡翅最多的一天。在美国,每年的这一天都有超过12.5 亿只鸡翅被吃掉。


1. conceivable 可想象的

2. variation 变化;变动

3. cuisine 风味;菜肴

4. spicy 加有香料的;辛辣的

5. sauce 酱;调味汁

6. bleu 含有蓝色霉菌的奶酪

7. celery 芹菜

8. involve 牵涉;涉及

9. trajectory 轨道;轨迹

10. adaptation 适应;改变

11. adjustment 调整;调节;适应

12. original 起初的;原先的

13. mayor 市长

14. toss 扔;抛;搅拌;拌匀

