

城市观察 2023年4期


Spatial and Temporal Evolution and Collaborative Development Path of the Eco-efficiency of the Tourism Industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area With the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals      4

BI Doudou, ZHANG Yujia

Abstract: In order to speed up the construction of a world-class tourist destination for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), sustainable development of the tourism economy and more protection for the ecological environment are endogenous and inevitable. Based on the relevant data from 2005 to 2019, the study measures the eco-efficiency of the tourism industry in the GBA based on the calculation of carbon emissions. Results show that its eco-efficiency is on the rise, but the internal gaps are gradually expanding. The spatial correlation of the eco-efficiency distribution is far from strong, and the eco-efficiency focus of the tourism industry has been generally shifting to the west of the GBA. Based on the empirical analysis results, it is proposed that measures including industrial upgrading, spatial optimization, and institutional innovation be taken as the collaborative development path, by means of which the GBA could better implement the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and become a model for the Beautiful China initiative.

Keywords: eco-efficiency of the tourism industry; eco-civilization construction; calculation of carbon emissions; the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; green development

Analyzing the Tourism Growth Model of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area From the Perspective of Tourism Capacity: How Did Hengqin New Area Drive Zhuhais Tourism Growth? 16

PAN Yunlong, ZHONG Yan, FU Chengzhe

Abstract: The recovery and growth of the tourism industry are currently a topic of heated debate, reigniting the topic of how to deal with the dilemma of tourism capacity. This study uses the spatial panel data of the tourism industry from four of Zhuhais administrative districts, namely, Xiangzhou, Doumen, Jinwan, as well as Hengqin New Area, to study the regional impacts of the tourism development in Hengqin from the perspective of tourism capacity with the help of econometric models such as autoregression, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial autoregression. Results show that Hengqins tourism development maintains a significantly high-value agglomeration effect and a positive spillover effect on neighboring areas when the tourism capacity of Zhuhai tends to be saturated year by year. Such a result not only demonstrates the radiating empowering effect of Hengqins tourism development but also provides empirical evidence and a quantitative model. It also puts forward policy suggestions, including forging new growth momentum, building a tourism belt around Hengqin, and constructing a new tourism development pattern starting from one favorite tourist destination, in order to help the sustainable and high-quality development of the tourism industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Keywords: Hengqin; the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; tourism capacity; spatial effect; tourism growth

Research on the Development of the Duty-free Economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Under the New Development Paradigm Featuring Dual Circulation     29

LAI Weijuan

Abstract: Under the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, the development of a duty-free economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) could speed up the attraction to overseas consumption, enhance the efficiency of domestic and international circulation, promote the integration of retail industries among Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, and gather high-end consumption resources. It will further enhance the GBAs endogenous driving force for the domestic market, upgrade the level of the GBA as the hub of dual circulation, promote the merging of consumer markets within the GBA, and boost the construction of international consumption centers. On the one hand, it is advantageous for the GBA to develop a duty-free economy, but problems such as relatively simple business models, restrictions on consumption, and the weak competitiveness of business entities still exist on the other. The study puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of developing new forms and models of duty-free business, adjusting the structure of duty-free commodities, optimizing the layout of portal duty-free shops, easing market access, and facilitating departure tax refund, in order to make the most of the duty-free economy in building the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation.

Keywords: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; dual circulation; duty-free economy; duty-free policy; international consumption center city


Construction of Urban Agglomerations, Metropolitan Areas and Central Cities in China: Revitalization of Northeast China    38

SHI Jian, NING Yuemin, YAO Shujie, XIN Ge, CHEN Yang, ZHANG Huiming


Analyzing the Functional Differentiation and Structural Characteristics of Typical TOD Metro Stations in Guangzhou     63

ZHANG Qiumeng, TENG Li, CHEN Xinyu, LIN Yangle, ZHANG Jianing

Abstract: The transit-oriented development (TOD) model is regarded as an effective planning strategy to promote sustainable urban development. The paper establishes an index system for metro station spatial function and analyzes 220 metro stations in Guangzhou. Since there are station-based spatial function differentiations, the 220 metro stations were divided into three types, with three typical stations being selected for feature analysis. It is found that most of the stations are type I and II TOD stations, indicating room for substantial improvement and pointing out the necessity of combining the planning vision of TOD with high-quality development. Meanwhile, attention should be paid to the real estate built on top of metro stations to lead the overall optimization of urban structure so as to adapt to the new TOD trend.

Keywords: metro station space; functional space; spatial differentiation; land use; spatial form

Study on the Heterogeneous Effects of Rail Transit Construction on the Spatial Distribution of Urban Populations     80

MENG Jie, HE Jia

Abstract: The construction of urban rail transit, mainly subways, is of great significance in relieving the pressure of overpopulated urban downtown areas and improving the level of public services in suburban areas. Based on Tianjins spatial data at the subdistrict (township) scale from the 6th and 7th national population censuses, the paper uses the Dagum Gini coefficient to measure the degree of spatial distribution of the population and constructs a spatial metrological model to test the effect of rail transit construction on the spatial distribution of Tianjins population. Results show the following trends: (a) shifting from single-center distribution in the downtown area to multi-center distribution including the downtown area, four suburban districts around the city, and the Binhai New District; (b) rail transit construction has a diffusion effect on population distribution, whose impact varies from district to district according to distance-based econometric model; (c) different from the results of overseas studies, the population gathering effect of newly built subway stations in the four suburban districts in Tianjin is bigger than those built in the downtown area. Besides providing policy suggestions for Tianjin to speed up the integration of its downtown area and Binhai New Area, the paper also provides new examples and reflections for the megacity to improve urban rail transit construction and promote people-oriented urbanization development.

Keywords: rail transit construction; population agglomeration; polycentric spatial structure; corridor effect; Dagum Gini coefficient


The Influence of Coexistence Between Regional Spatial Sprawl and Contraction on Urban Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis of Prefecture-level Cities in Guangdong Province   96

JIANG Xiaohui

Abstract: Chinas urban development has currently entered the stage of coexistence between urban sprawl and urban contraction, with growth and contraction becoming new issues for urban transformation. Based on the panel data of prefecture-level cities in Guangdong province from 2007 to 2017, this paper establishes an econometric model that attempts to explore the impact of urban sprawl and local contraction on regional economic development against the background of the rapid urbanization process. Results show that in cities where population and land are two of its main carriers, urban sprawl, different from growth, affects regional economic development to a certain extent. The more serious the sprawl, the more fragile the economic development. Urban shrinkage also affects economic development, the degree of which varies according to regional differences. The coexistence of urban sprawl and urban shrinkage is dynamically changing, bringing uncertainties to the development of the regional economy.

Keywords: urban sprawl; urban shrinkage; economic development; prefecture-level city in Guangdong province


“Real-time Retail” Model and Reconstruction of the Modern Acquaintance Society: A Sociological Observation on Industrial Transfer     108

LI Derui

Abstract: Industrial transfer not only involves changes in economic relations and the geographical location of businesses, but also involves the major adjustment of social relations between employers and employees. In this sense, industrial transfer takes into account not only economic factors but also complicated and diversified social factors. Taking the textile and garment industry in the urban village near Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhous Haizhu District as an example, the paper analyzes the trend, influence and characteristics of the “real-time fashion” model on the garment manufacturing industry to reveal its supporting social factors, especially the production, trading, and management of small and micro enterprises based on family relatives and acquaintances,  the underlying mechanism of dream fulfillment, and enterprise development in the crowded urban villages, revealing the basic Chinese social factors different from the western industrial development path. This paper explores more possibilities of industrial transfer and upgrading, urban renewal, and transformation, as well as Chinas high-quality development path through inheritance, adaptive development, and modern reconstruction of the traditional acquaintance society.

Keywords: industrial transfer; “real-time fashion” model; urban renewal; urban village reconstruction; acquaintance society


From Spatial Manifestation to Relational Production: Community Practice in Urban Community Renewal: A Case Study Based on Community K in Shanghai    121

LIU Zhongqi, LI Xikun

Abstract: As a micro-scale urban planning practice path, urban community renewal can implicit space production practices. With the institutional shift of governance innovation towards co-construction and sharing, people-oriented urban community renewal is not only the integration of traditional urban space but also revolutionary to peoples daily lives. Based on the case study of the renewal of community K in Shanghai, this paper discusses the main practice in urban spatial production, aiming to reveal the context of community construction from spatial manifestation to relational production in the paradigm shift of urban renewal so as to continuously promote the modernization of urban governance systems, governance capacity, and the innovative trend of grassroots social governance.

Keywords: space production; community; urban renewal; community renewal; people-oriented city

Multi-Scale Synergistic Renewal and Value Activation of Urban Historic Districts in the Context of Regional Reconstruction     137

XIAO Jing, LI Heping, XIAO Wenbin, MA Chunye, CAO Ke

Abstract: With the development of urbanization and modernization, reconstruction of land use, functional structure, and social organization has been occurring in the regional environment associated with urban historic districts, resulting in functional differentiation, social isolation, and cultural alienation between the historic districts and their surrounding areas and posing new challenges for the conservation and development of urban historic districts in China. The paper attempts to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the conservation and development of urban historic districts from a regional and humanistic perspective and constructs a multi-scale synergistic renewal and value activation method to continue and activate system value, heritage value, and public service value at the spatial scale of site area, district, and block plot by means of coordination between functional elements, cultural units, and spatial demand and supply, so as to provide a reference for the sustainable development and conservation of historic districts in the bigger context of urban renewal.

Keywords: urban historic districts; regional reconstruction; synergistic renewal; value activation; Ciqikou district in Chongqing


Study on Governance Problems in the Demarcation of Urban Grass-root Baseline Boundaries    149

TAN Shuyi, SHEN Mingrui, TANG Zhongyi

Abstract: The construction, demarcation, and management of grassroots governance boundaries can facilitate the work of social governance. This paper explains the theoretical framework of urban boundary demarcation from three main aspects: definition, type, and relationship structure of urban grassroots governance boundaries. Combined with the authors research experience in Nanjing, the paper further analyzes the existing problems of grassroots governance boundaries from four aspects: boundary demarcation, boundary management, governance responsibility sharing, and boundary demarcation governance. The reference path for promoting the modernization of urban grass-roots governance is proposed from the perspective of urban demarcation and grass-roots governance.

Keywords: grass-roots governance; urban demarcation; rigid boundary line; elastic boundary; governance modernization

