

丝绸 2023年6期

严芳英 何梦秋 柯莹

摘要: 不良坐姿是导致久坐人群脊椎变形、下腰酸痛的主要原因。为调整久坐人群的坐姿,本文基于人体功效学,设计研发了一款坐姿调整背心。通过真人着装试验,对坐姿调整背心的热湿舒适性和坐姿调整功能进行性能测试与评价。研究结果表明:在溫度为23 ℃、相对湿度为60%的环境下,受试者穿着背心处于静坐状态时,衣下局部表面温度范围在30.7~32.0 ℃,局部表面湿度范围在47%~58%,无出汗现象,热湿舒适性良好,且穿戴背心后的受试者较穿戴前,后背上角减小,后背下角增大,胸椎后凸和腰椎后倾的不良体态得到显著改善,适合久坐人群长时间穿着。

关键词: 坐姿调整;久坐人群;不良坐姿;矫正带;背心设计;功能服装;服用舒适性

中图分类号: TS941.17

文献标志码: A

随着社会的发展,人们的工作方式逐渐由体力劳动向脑力劳动转变,而脑力工作者长期处于久坐状态。久坐状态是指人体保持坐立姿势日均长达6 h以上,且维持单次坐立姿势时长达30 min以上[1]。有研究指出久坐人群的脊柱机能水平低于非久坐人群,原因之一是久坐状态常常伴随着伏案前倾等不良坐姿,加重了人体脊椎、腰椎的负担[2]。因此,当人体不可避免需要保持久坐状态时,应尽量保持脊柱处于自然弯曲状态,以减小脊椎、腰椎的受力。



1 坐姿调整背心设计

1.1 款式结构设计




1) 大身约束区位于腰腹部和背部,主要功能为固定脊椎形态,防止胸椎、腰椎等过度前倾弯曲,同时为增强后背的透气性,对其肩胛骨两侧进行了打孔设计,后腰部分则设有四支仿生软骨条进行支撑,起到缓解腰部疲劳的作用,前中设有两列排扣,间距2 cm,以实现坐姿调节背心的可调节性。

2) 肩部弹性区位于左右两侧肩部,各设有两条弹力带,主要起到牵引拉伸的作用,并在一定程度上缓解约束区束缚感,借助肩部弹力带可以使人体脊椎在小范围内活动弯曲,避免长时间保持固定姿势给脊椎带来不适感。此外,靠近肩侧的弹力带由背部经过侧肩点连接至侧腰处,远离肩侧的弹力带则由背部经过侧颈点连接至前腹部,所有弹力带均避开了腋下部分,区别于传统的坐姿矫正带,能有效降低对人体的束缚感和提高穿着舒适度,靠近肩侧的弹力带两端固定,远离肩侧的弹力带与大身约束区前片通过尼龙插扣进行连接,起到固定作用并实现内部坐姿矫正带的穿脱便利性。

1.2 面辅料选择


2 坐姿调整背心性能评价

2.1 受试者选取

本试验共选取5名身体健康的女大学生作为受试者,年龄(20.2±1.3)岁;身高(162.3±2.1)cm;体重(50.3±2.0)kg;BMI(19.1±0.7)kg/m2。所有受试者均对试验目的、试验内容及试验要求知情,且在试验前24 h内作息规律,无吸烟、饮酒行为,无剧烈运动。试验过程中,受试者被要求穿着相同的合体上衣和裤子。

2.2 热湿舒适性评价

热湿舒适性评价试验在人工气候环境舱(日本ESPEC公司)内进行,环境温度为(23±0.5) ℃,相对湿度为(60±5)%,风速<0.1 m/s,试验模拟环境如图2所示。通过MSR145传感器(瑞士MSR公司),精度为温度±0.1 ℃、湿度±2%。記录指定部位的温度和湿度数据,记录时间间隔为1 min。测试部位分布在内部矫正带的后背部和后腰部,标记为A、B、C、D 4个点,标记位置如图3所示。

试验前,在环境舱内静坐15 min至热中性状态后,穿上试验提供的服装和带有传感器的坐姿调整背心。待受试者穿戴好背心且坐在模拟工位时,试验正式开始计时,受试者需要填写热湿舒适性主观评价问卷,且每隔10 min填写一次,共填写三次,分别在试验开始10、20、30 min的时间节点进行填写,主观评价指标如表3所示。在试验过程中,受试者需保持30 min的坐立状态,可进行伏案作业、使用电脑等行为。

2.3 坐姿调整性能评价



2.4 数据分析

采用IBM SPSS Statistics软件对数据进行Shapiro-Wilk检验,检验数据是否符合正态分布,对局部温湿度进行单因素重复测量方差分析(One-way repeated ANOVA),并采用配对样本T检验比较穿戴背心前后热湿舒适性主观评价及体表角度是否存在显著差异。当P<0.05,则存在显著性差异。

3 结果与分析

3.1 热湿舒适性

3.1.1 局部表面温度

受试者穿着坐姿调整背心状态下的各点局部温度随时间的变化如图5所示。试验开始5 min内,基于热传递原理,人体热量传递到皮肤表面,A、B、C、D 4个点温度迅速升高,当人体、服装、环境的热交换达到平衡后,温度逐渐趋于平稳,且维持在32.5 ℃以下,处于人体热舒适的温度范围内。其中,在5~30 min,A、B点平均温度显著高于C、D点(P<0.05),后背部平均温度比后腰部平均温度高1.12 ℃。炉庆洪等[14]研究得出正常青年女性后背部体表平均温度比后腰部高0.5 ℃,相较于体表平均温差,背心内局部表面温差更大,其原因可能是相比腰背部,坐姿调整背心的胸背部与人体表面的贴合度更高,散热相对较差,可以适当增加胸背部的透气孔,使得人体在较高环境温度下穿着坐姿调整背心仍能处于热舒适状态。

3.1.2 局部表面湿度

受试者穿着坐姿调整背心时的各点局部表面湿度随时间的变化如图6所示。从图6可以看出,A、B、C、D 4个点湿度初始值范围在55%~60%,接近于环境仓设置湿度。在试验过程中,各点的湿度随着时间的变化呈逐渐下降的趋势,局部湿度变化在6.6%~9.5%,说明背心吸湿透气性能较好,使得衣下微环境湿度明显低于室内环境湿度,且受试者无出汗现象。在5~30 min,B点和D点的表面湿度存在显著性差异(P<0.05),D点湿度比B点湿度高3.6%,考虑到受试者并未出汗,导致该差异的原因可能是D点位置的贴体度比B点差,衣下环境空间较大,从而使得D点表面湿度更接近于环境湿度。

3.1.3 热湿舒适性主观评价

坐姿调整背心的热湿舒适性主观评价分为热感、湿感及热舒适感三部分,试验过程中,受试者的主观热湿舒适性评价结果如图7所示。在0~10 min,受试者的热感、湿感与热舒适感评分均有所上涨,与客观热湿舒适性实验结果相符,其中热感存在显著性差异(P<0.05);但在10~30 min,热湿舒适性主观评分小幅波动并趋于稳定,主观评价结果范围在0~1,处于舒适范围内,说明该款背心热湿舒适性能良好,可满足久坐人群长时间穿着的需求。

3.2 坐姿调整性能

3.2.1 脊椎曲线状态


3.2.2 体表角度测量


3.2.3 坐姿调整性能主观评价


4 结 论


1) 坐姿调整背心的热湿舒适性良好,在温度为23 ℃、相对湿度为60%的环境下穿着时,背心衣下表面温度稳定在32.5 ℃以下,表面湿度逐渐下降且显著低于环境湿度,下降幅度为6.6%~9.5%,人体处于热湿舒适状态。

2) 坐姿调整背心具有较好的功能性,能有效调整胸椎后凸的不良坐姿体态,从而降低久坐人群背部的疲勞感和不舒适,适合久坐人群长时间穿着。





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Abstract: With the change of work styles, more and more people sit in front of computer desks for a long time. People who keep a sitting posture for more than six hours a day are classified as the sedentary people. For most sedentary people, it is unconscious to sit with a poor sitting posture and hard to correct. Poor sitting posture may lead to harm to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines, even to the breathing and digestion system. Therefore, sedentary people should correct their poor sitting posture to keep the spine in a natural bending state, which can avoid the injury of the spine. Wearable sitting posture correction products can effectively correct the sitting posture and relieve the fatigue of the waist and back. Currently, the main wearable sitting correction products in the market are posture correction belts. However, wearing a traditional posture correction belt with strong sense of bondage for a long period would possibly cause excessive posterior extension of the shoulder joint and lumbar spine. In addition, the development of science and technology promotes the innovation of smart sitting posture correction garments. The core of such products is a smart posture correction system, while the style, structure and correction function of the sitting posture correction garment itself are neglected.

Based on ergonomics and garment material science, we developed a sitting posture adjustment vest that can correct the sitting posture of the sedentary people. Different from traditional posture correction belts, the sitting posture adjustment vest consists of an external vest and an internal correction belt in structure. The internal correction belt is divided into the body restraint and shoulder elastic area based on specific functions. In the body restraint area, there are lots of small holes on the scapula to increase the breathability. And the bionic cartilage strip on the back waist can support the waist and relieve fatigue. In the shoulder elastic area, two elastic straps are set separately on the two sides of the shoulder and avoid the underarm part, which decreases the binding sensation of the armpit. Additionally, different functional areas are matched with different clothing fabrics to improve the wearable comfort. All of the fabrics selected have great moisture-absorbing and breathable performance. Through the use of Velcro, buckles and snaps, the sitting posture adjustment vest has a good adjustable function and is easy to put on and take off. In this study, five female subjects were invited to participate in the experiment of human wearing to test and evaluate the thermal and humidity comfort and the sitting posture reclamation function of the sitting posture adjustment vest. Measurements include physiological indicators and a subjective questionnaire. During the experiment of thermal and humidity comfort evaluation, subjects were required to keep sitting for 30 min and fill out the subjective evaluation questionnaire every 10 min. The temperature and humidity of the four marked points of the vest were recorded with an interval of 1 min. As for the evaluation of sitting posture adjustment function, we observed and measured the change in the curve of the human back and the angle of the body surface. And the subjects needed to fill out the subjective evaluation questionnaire for sitting adjustment performance. The measurement results show that the vest has favorable thermal and humidity comfort. For subjects sitting still at a temperature of 23 ℃ and a relative humidity of 60%, the local surface temperature under the clothing increases at first and stabilizes below 32.5 ℃ after 5 min while the humidity decreases with a change range of 6.6%-9.5%. The mean temperature of the back is 1.12 ℃ higher than that of the waist because of the better fit between clothing and body. And subjects are not sweating. After wearing the sitting posture adjustment vest, the poor spine shape of subjects is significantly improved and the spine curve is closer to the normal curvature of the human spine. Furthermore, the upper back angle of the subjects wearing the vest significantly decreases while the lower back angle increases. It indicates that the vest has good sitting posture correction performance. According to the results of subjective evaluation, the subjects are basically satisfied with the comfort and correction function of the sitting posture adjustment vest. The sitting posture adjustment vest can meet the needs of wearing for a long time for the sedentary people.

In recent years, there has been increasing attention on the research of smart wearable posture correction products. The sitting posture adjustment vest can provide reference for the design of smart sitting posture correction clothing. Combined with the smart posture correction system that is based on the machine learning algorithm, a smart sitting posture correction garment with both passive correction and warning correction can be developed.

Key words: sitting posture adjustment; sedentary people; poor sitting posture; correction belt; vest design; function clothing; wearing comfort