Robot Dogs Join the New York Fire Department机器狗加入纽约市消防局


英语世界 2023年5期

切尔西娅·罗丝·马修斯 乔虹/译

Inside a dimly1 lit tunnel along a stretch of simulated subway track, one of the New York Fire Departments new dogs showed off a few of its tricks. Lie down. Roll over. Stay.


But the most remarkable things that the two robotic dogs can do were mastered by real dogs long ago: jogging across rugged terrain, hopping over small obstacles and helping keep their masters out of harms way.


The department, which plans to deploy the robots in the months ahead, is the first fire agency in the country to purchase the 70-pound machines, which cost $75,000 each and are built and sold by Boston Dynamics, a robotics company.


The department plans to use the robots to aid in some of its most precarious search and rescue missions.


At the command of a human oper-ator, the device can provide vital information in the midst of a calamitous event. It has the ability to descend deep underground after a steam leak to collect images and data about dangerous debris. It can also be deployed moments after a building collapse to gauge structural2 integrity or measure the concentration of toxic, flammable gasses like carbon monoxide to better inform firefighters responding to the scene.


“The real-life scenarios in which the robots, known as Spot, will be used are far different from Hollywood depictions in which humanoid or animalistic machines often inflict damage and invoke fear,” said Capt. Michael Leo from the Fire Departments robotics unit.


“Our whole mission is a lifesaving one,” he added.


“In the Bronx, where 17 people were killed in an apartment fire earlier last year, using the robots to enter hazardous conditions could save the lives of firefighters and others,” Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson said.


A Fire Department spokesman said the robots would only collect data on hazardous materials situations and added that department compliance officers had been trained on confidentiality rules.


Boston Dynamics said it first made its Spot robots commercially available for lease in 2019, and began selling them in 2020.


Spot made a guest appearance in February 2022 on The Tonight Show3, and recently had a cameo role in the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett4, as a docile, sheeplike animal. The Fire Department also has plans to show the dog to school STEM5 programs across the city.


But concerns about privacy, surveillance and cybersecurity doomed the robots earlier rollout6 in New York.


The robots first came under scrutiny when the Police Department, responding to a home invasion, sent the dog in to determine whether anyone was still inside an apartment. More criticism followed after the robot was seen out with officers in the lobby of a public housing7 building in Manhattan.


At the time, John Miller, the Police Departments deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism, said the department had terminated its lease early because the device became a target for critics who he said used the robot to fuel debate over race and surveillance.


For Professor Asaro, who is a faculty member at the New School, more education and outreach are key particularly when it comes to robotics and public safety.


“The rollout of Spot by the N.Y.P.D. was very poor, ” he said. “They didnt really explain to anybody what they had used it for; it just showed up. Therere also potentially good uses of robots by police—but you have to be very careful about keeping clear that its not weaponized, and that its not collecting surveillance.”


“There are always concerns over robots capturing imagery of tragic scenes, and you do want to see strong control of that information once its collected,” he added. “Other than that, I dont really see any situations where the Fire Department could use this in a way that potentially hurts people. ”


The Fire Department first turned its attention to ground robotics almost 10 years ago, when members began to explore how these devices could assist firefighters in the field.


But older models had significant shortcomings. The department tried out several ground robots before purchasing a promising machine in 2014 called Super Droid. The bulky, red robot had caterpillar tracks that propelled it forward or backward on bands of tread like those found on military tanks, and could be used to detect some hazardous materials.

但老型号存在明显的缺点。试用了几部地面机器人后,消防局于2014年购入了一台颇有前景的机器,名为Super Droid。这台笨重的红色机器人装有履带,像军用坦克上的履带一样推动它前进或后退。该机器人可用于探测一些危险物质。

Operators, however, quickly discovered it was too cumbersome to perform some basic functions well, like maneuvering up steep stairs or over large piles of rubble. The agency soon began searching for a replacement. By the summer of 2020, when robotics became a stand alone unit within the department, the team already had its eyes on Spot.


“Its superior in every capacity. This is the most reliable technology of its kind out there,” said Captain Leo as he stood in between the three now-retired Super Droid robots—clunky compared to Spots sleek8 yellow-and-black frame.

“它在各方面都很出色,采用的是同类中最可靠的技术。”利奥中队长说,这时他站在三台退役的Super Droid机器人之间。相较于有着黄黑相间框架、造型优美的Spot,这些老机器人显得很笨重。

While his unit often deploys drones in smoky conditions to capture aerial footage of a fire, Spot is designed to take on rarer, mostly non-fire related assignments like monitoring the air for an array of hazardous materials or traversing a subway tunnel where flying drones would stir up a swirl of dust, clouding its onboard cameras.


“Its like every piece of equipment we have,” he said. “We hope to never, ever have to use it. But when we need it, its important that we have the right thing.”




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