主题二 文化遗产


疯狂英语·新策略 2023年10期



For one overseas student who has been in China for over a decade,learning the moves and culture associated with Chinese martial arts has been his most valuable experience.

Souleymane Hima Oumarou, a Nigerien student at Hebei University in Baoding, Hebei Province, first came to the university in 2012 as an undergraduate, not only for education, but also to achieve his dream of learning the Chinese martial art of kung fu.He became a fan of kung fu after watching movies starring famous martial artists such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

During his studies in Baoding, Oumarou joined the university's martial arts association and studied under Duan Shuxing,one of the association's instructors.Following Duan's instructions, Oumarou began to practice basic moves in 2015, including Eight Extremities Fist,orbajiquan,as well as the associated art of tai chi.

“Learning martial arts has not been easy because I was not young when I started,”the 36-year-old said, adding that he was forced to overcome difficulties and make more of an effort to learn more advanced moves.

As far as his instructor is concerned, Oumarou is hard-working and energetic.“He always trains hard and has made great progress in the past seven years,”Duan said.

So far,Oumarou has mastered multiple boxing techniques and knows how to use many traditional Chinese weapons.

Apart from the skills he's learned, martial arts have brought him more.He has made many Chinese friends through learning kung fu and has been to many places around China to participate in competitions.

Oumarou is now a doctoral student and is expected to graduate this year.In the future,he plans to open a kung fu center in Niger after he graduates, and to become an instructor and teach youngsters martial arts.He thinks that will also help him better understand the spirit of martial arts,and also become a cultural communicator between China and Niger.

1.What can we learn about Oumarou from paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

A.He went abroad to realize his dream over ten years ago.

B.He came to China only to learn Chinese martial arts.

C.He had a terrible experience travelling around China.

D.He had a passion for kung fu after becoming an actor.

2.Why is learning martial arts challenging to Oumarou?

A.He didn't set out to practice martial arts at an early age.

B.He took a negative attitude towards learning martial arts.

C.He encountered an extremely impatient instructor.

D.He had to deal with too much schoolwork every day.

3.What will Oumarou probably do after graduation?

A.He will compete in more competitions in China.

B.He will become an artist starring in action movies.

C.He will travel in China together with his friends.

D.He will instruct children in martial arts in Niger.

4.Which words can best describe Oumarou?

A.Energetic and humorous.

B.Determined and hard-working.

C.Generous and talented.

D.Selfless and positive.


If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime,you will see people,mostly men wearing T-shirts, sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade, playing a game with large round disks of wood.__1__Xiangqi dates back as early as the Warring States Period.While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess,there is no doubt that by the Tang Dynasty,Xiangqi was a popular game in China.__2__And in the 20th century both Sun Yat-sen and Zhou Enlai were big fans of the game.

And, though it may look quite a bit different than Western chess, Xiangqi is actually quite similar in what the pieces can do and how the game is played.Like Western chess,the object of the game is to capture the other player's“king”.Actually, in Xiangqi he is just a general.

__3__Another big difference between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middle of the board,which the elephants cannot cross.__4__This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war.The war was so influential that“the Chu River and the Han Boundary”has become a metaphor(隐喻) referring to any boundary between two opposing armies.When the Chinese people today see this name on the board, the battle scenes come to their mind, as though they are surrounded by thick smoke,able to hear the beating of war drums.__5__

A.Unlike Western chess, instead of placing the pieces in squares, the pieces are placed on the intersections of lines.

B.During the Qing Dynasty its popularity grew.

C.It is called“the Chu River and the Han Boundary”.

D.The game is called Xiangqi,a game for ordinary people.

E.There are many differences between Xiangqi and Western chess.

F.An intense battle is about to take place on this small chessboard.

G.Several sayings related to Xiangqi are in common use in China today.


In high school, Norman Greenstein was a productive doodler (涂鸦手), and created lots of paintings.When he__1__his works to his teacher, the teacher responded,“The problem with modern art is that you can__2__on a canvas and call it art.”Norman felt so disappointed,but he__3__parted with art over the years.

After his__4__, Norman spared no efforts to__5__his wife and three children with devotion.Although life was sometimes hard for him,it didn't ruin his__6__for creative expression.After being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease,the 65-year-old social worker decided to turn his__7__diagnosis into a positive opportunity to__8__a lifelong dream.

With the help of his son,Norman was able to start a__9__involving his whole family,in order to make his own works__10__by all people around him, as well as his__11__experience of fighting against Parkinson's disease.

In 2021, an online__12__was launched to feature the colorful canvases and he also__13__a memoir calledSpit on a Canvas:The Journey of the Parkinson's Painter.Meanwhile, Norman began selling his first paintings, with galleries exhibiting his works.The team is also ___14__releasing Norman's first digital NFT art collection.20% of the__15__has been donated to two Parkinson's research foundations.

1.A.assigned B.offered C.conveyed D.showed

2.A.set B.spit C.sneeze D.skip

3.A.still B.occasionally C.never D.frequently

4.A.retirement B.exhibition C.graduation D.marriage B.remove C.judge D.replace

6.A.calling B.praying C.longing D.waiting

7.A.unbelievable B.dark C.embarrassing D.unsolved

8.A.release B.refresh C.realize D.restore

9.A.project B.request C.competition D.reform

10.A.spotted B.recommended C.developed D.regarded

11.A.thorough B.tough C.upset D.stressful

12.A.drama B.contest C.programme

13.A.published B.copied C.revised D.examined

14.A.ending with B.working on C.relying on D.paying for

15.A.salary B.reward D.allowance


Shaanxikuaibanis a 1.________(tradition)Chinese form of storytelling in the Shaanxi local language to the strong regular repeated sound of bamboo clappers.On June 10,2021,the Ministry of Culture and Tourism 2.________(recognize)a new group of 325 national intangible(无形的)cultural heritage items in Beijing, increasing the list established in 2006 to 1,557 items.Shaanxikuaiban, 3.________can date back to the late Qing Dynasty, has been included.It can 4.________(perform)by a group or alone.With one or two pairs ofkuaibanof different sizes in hand,the performers speak in the local language while 5.________(tell)stories,which are usually about sufferers or heroes.

Shaanxikuaibanis 6.________popular that there are many professional artists and performers in China.According to its performers, the art was originally used by farmers 7.________(share)their knowledge and earn money.8.________time going by, more and more people perform Shaanxikuaibanin different particular events—for example, at festival celebrations, 9.________(party)and art shows.Supported by the government, it has been one of the 10.________(good)art forms in Shaanxi and has been introduced to local schools as part of their art education.


假定你是李华,你的外国朋友George 要来北京,其间他想参加中国传统文化方面的课程,来信希望你能推荐一个课程,请你给他回信。内容包括:













Walking across campus with every pair of eyes on you can be embarrassing,especially when you're 13 years old.I looked around me in desperate search of a friendly face, a smile, anything.I was quite disappointed, to say the least.And I, in turn, felt somewhat foolish,walking across campus with a false smile on my face.I was simply attempting to follow the advice my mother had given me years before: when things get awkward, smile.No matter where you are, a smile will always be understood.A smile is universal.At that very moment,however,I felt my mother's advice didn't work.

On top of it all, my mind was racing with questions and concerns typical of any 13-year-old on the first day of school:where would I sit at lunch? Who would I talk to? Not to mention,how would I make friends when I didn't even speak the language?My heartbeat quickened,and I felt nervous.Still,I did my best to maintain calm so as not to let my guard down and reveal to others just how scared I truly was.

When the teacher introduced me to the class as the“American girl”, 10 sets of hands immediately shot up.Some students had questions,and others wanted to practice their English with me.Because I didn't speak much Chinese yet,I communicated with the other students through hand motions mixed in with broken English and Chinese.Despite the attention, I wasn't sure how much of it was positive.It was almost as if they weren't sure what to make of me and I was being examined.Then again,who could blame them? After all,I was the first American ever to attend the school.So essentially,we were all first timers.


Paragraph 1:

Then came the first class—Chinese painting.__________________________________




Paragraph 2:

As I burnt with great embarrassment,Li Hua,who was next to me,gave me a warm smile._____________________________________________________________________





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