主题一 美德与品行


疯狂英语·新策略 2023年10期



Get up at 6 am, arrive at the hospital one hour earlier to help patients check in, and accompany patients during consultations...In recent years,“patient escort”has emerged as a new industry, and those who have taken on this career are known as“people who sell time”.26-year-old Zhang Tian is one of them.

September 4 was a lucky day for Zhang Tian.On this day, Zhang Tian saw a video about patient escort on a short video platform.The daily routine of patient escort shown in the video fascinated her and gradually inspired her to take this job as a business.She browsed through many platforms and read multiple information and found there indeed exists a certain demand for patient escort,especially for the elderly,children,and pregnant women.Since she had never engaged in this kind of work before,she spent two days in major hospitals in Wuhan, in order to familiarize herself with all the departments on different floors,as well as the processes of medical consultations and preparations for surgery.

After preliminary preparatory (预备的) work, Zhang Tian posted a video of her selfintroduction on major social platforms, talking about the help and services a patient escort provides,as well as some tips for a quick and convenient medical consultation.At first,she was a little worried that her video would go unnoticed.However, after she uploaded the video,it got over 100 likes and she received her first ever offer as a patient escort.

The memory of her first task is still alive and fresh in her mind.She received a phone call on September 9 from a man whose father was seriously ill and might need surgery.He wanted Zhang Tian to accompany his father through his consultation and treatment.Zhang Tian made full preparations before meeting her first client and did a very good job despite her nervousness.

“Later, the family expressed their gratitude to me over and over again, which warmed my heart and gave me a sense of achievement,”Zhang Tian said.

1.What do patient escorts do?

A.They assist doctors in hospitals.

B.They arrive at hospitals early to check in.

C.They make a living by selling their time.

D.They help patients get treated in hospitals.

2.September 4 was a lucky day for Zhang Tian because ________.

A.she enjoyed seeing an interesting video

B.she got inspiration for her own career

C.she found a demand for medical workers

D.she was well received on social platforms

3.How did Zhang Tian get her first client?

A.She got familiar with the routine work in hospitals.

B.She spent two days in major hospitals to meet patients.

C.Her video on social platforms attracted her first client.

D.A man's father was seriously ill and might need a surgery.

4.Which of the following words best describe Zhang Tian?

A.Hard-working and considerate.B.Humorous and careful.

C.Ambitious and imaginative.D.Talkative and positive.


When someone hurts you, it can feel good to hang onto the anger and resentment (愤恨) that may bubble up after their actions.However, forgiving others can actually benefit you both mentally and physically.__1__Forgiving yourself for hurting someone else is another tough task.With a little bit of patience,you can learn to forgive yourself or others.

Forgiving is a willingness to move on from an injustice you went through.__2__While you can consciously decide to forgive someone,it may take some time to process your emotions and actually come to terms with your situation.

__3__You yourself value the relationship with him or her, and believe that forgiving is worth it.Forgiveness is a decision that should be made thoughtfully, especially if someone did something seriously wrong.Take time to think through your feelings and your reasoning,to better understand the situation.

Avoid giving someone too many chances.__4__But if they are repeatedly and knowingly hurting you, or if they have done something extremely terrible, then you should consider protecting yourself.If someone has shown that they will mistreat you again and again, or that they are willing to do you serious harm, then you need to protect your own well-being.

Take the time to process your emotions.Sometimes,it takes a while to untangle(排解)all your feelings and figure out what to do.That's okay.Give yourself time and space to process.Helpful processing tools include: Write in a journal about it.Talk to a mentor or a trusted person about the situation.__5__

A.Think of some reasons for forgiving yourself.

B.Consider why you want to forgive this person.

C.You may choose to forgive someone once,twice,or three times.

D.Giving too many chances to people who hurt you is not a wise idea.

E.Spend some time focusing on something else,and come back later.

F.It can also help you move on from thinking about what the other person did.

G.Forgiving someone is a tough decision to make,and it doesn't happen instantly.


We have all experienced frustration and despair at various times.It may be something as__1__as trying to grow flowers or as serious as trying to develop better relationships with others.Whatever the__2__is, there comes a point when you simply feel you can't go on any further.

And yet,the secret to__3__can be found in a tube of toothpaste.Every time I come to the end of a tube of toothpaste, I'm completely__4__that just when I think it is absolutely empty,I can squeeze much more toothpaste out of it.I'm sure you have all gone through the__5__thing.

So, next time you find yourself in such a situation,__6__the“tube”.We can all recall times when success came, when we were on our__7__chance or when we were doing something for the final time.It is when you dig deep down for the last one burst of__8__that you achieve your goal.

Unfortunately, too many people quit too early—just before they could get around that final corner to success.All they__9__to do is squeeze one more drop of toothpaste from the tube.There are hundreds of__10__of successful people who kept on going in the face of adversity (逆境) and disappointment.Even the writers ofChicken Soup for the Soulwere__11__by 33 publishers before they found one who would__12__their book.

If you have the passion to go for your__13__,then keep squeezing that“inner tube of toothpaste”one more time.It is only when you__14__the“passion”that you will know whether your“tube is empty”.Just make sure that you don't__15__too soon.Success may be just around the corner.

1.A.useful B.simple C.practical D.difficult B.direction C.task D.competition

3.A.truth B.pleasure C.success D.wealth

4.A.satisfied B.amazed C.disappointed D.confused

5.A.natural B.lucky C.real D.same

6.A.remember C.carry D.find

7.A.last B.big C.equal D.full

8.A.voice B.speed C.applause

9.A.decided B.wished C.needed D.expected

10.A.examples B.types C.characters D.signs

11.A.deserted B.fired C.injured D.rejected

12.A.translate B.print C.edit D.order

13.A.dream B.reputation C.journey D.destination

14.A.make up for B.keep up with out of D.look forward to

15.A.hesitate B.return C.quit D.refuse


As the most populous nation in the world with an ancient history,China has always attracted foreigners.Even though it is a 1.________(rise) political and economic power,China still has an extensive need of volunteers in its poorer areas.

From either volunteering in a hospital 2.________teaching English, to working in a panda conservatory, volunteering in China will allow you to get involved in 3.________(meaning) ways while learning about Chinese culture.It's an exciting and 4.________(personal)inspiring experience and results in more active global citizens.

I used to have a strong 5.________(curious) about how Chinese students study in real life.Luckily, last year I 6.________(give) a voluntary chance and went to a Chinese school in a small city in Yunnan, 7.________I felt and witnessed their school life in person.This was 8.________extremely impressive experience.I made a lot of foreign friends there and learned Mandarin from them.We really had a good time there.I strongly suggest that teens all should go abroad to see their peers' life.They'll find later that this 9.________(shape)their ways of thinking and doing.10.________all aspects I think this program is definitely worth a try.


最近,你校英文报举行了主题为“My favorite fable”的英语征文活动,你想参加此次比赛。请你写一篇英语短文给赛事组委会,内容包括以下要点:







My favorite fable








My adventure story took place in Nepal, where I did the Mohare Danda trek—which was no easy feat; however, in my opinion, it is truly one of the best hiking trails in the world.The Mohare Danda trek is one of Nepal's newest treks, opened in 2010 as an eco-trek to help support and develop the Parbat and Myagdi districts.

I've always enjoyed such kind of hikes as my friends and I conquer one destination after another.As you gaze upon the mountain peaks, interact with locals, and take in what surrounds you, it's hard not to feel immense gratitude for such adventures.This is particularly true when we reached the top of Mohare Danda at 3,313 meters and realized just how far we'd come.

It was a stunning hike, though my first day got off to a difficult start as I found myself violently ill.Ascending (登高) higher and higher, sweat pouring down my face and my backpack threatening to pull me to the ground, I stopped constantly to gasp for breath and throw up quite a bit—until we reached the high-altitude tea house where we'd be staying the night.The accommodation was rough, to say the least, which was a small family-run hotel with squat toilets,spiders,and no showers.

While the group went in for tea, I laid on the ground, nearly crying from the physical pain from the challenging hike and discomfort from the sickness.At that moment, I truly didn't think I could do it.But then I opened my eyes to the beauty that surrounded me—scattered wild flowers all over the mountains, feasting yaks and buffaloes, high-altitude villages and the stunning terrain of the Annapurna Himalayas, which were the type of beauty you truly can't find anywhere else—and realized that if I gave up now I'd never forgive myself.

The hotel owner was very kind, who brought me warm water and some medicine.He also suggested that I bring some oxygen just in case,and I did so.


Paragraph 1:

After a good rest,the illness lessened and I felt eager to experience this hike.__________




Paragraph 2:

It was at the top of Mohare Danda that I felt breathless again.____________________





Adult bees teach their babies how to dance
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