The Three Goats教学设计


新课程·上旬 2023年26期



What:文本内容主要关于三只饥饿的山羊(Little Goat,Middle Goat和Big Goat)想要过桥,去桥对面的山上吃草,但是桥底有一只巨怪拦住了去路。小山羊(Little Goat)毫不畏惧,率先过桥。中山羊(Middle Goat)紧随其后,大山羊(Big Goat)由最初的害怕,慢慢变得勇敢,在桥上与巨怪搏斗,最后也顺利过桥,与同伴汇合,吃上了鲜美的青草。

Why:文本描述小山羊(Little Goat)和中山羊(Middle Goat)智斗巨怪,小山羊(Little Goat)佯称Dont eat me. Eat Middle Goat. 中山羊(Middle Goat)佯称Dont eat me. Eat Big Goat.贪婪的巨怪果然上了小山羊(Little Goat)和中山羊(Middle Goat)的当,小山羊(Little Goat)和中山羊(Middle Goat)轻而易举地过桥吃到了鲜美的嫩草。而大山羊(Big Goat)在小山羊(Little Goat)和中山羊(Middle Goat)的鼓励下,在桥上与巨怪搏斗,勇斗巨怪的大山羊(Big Goat)也顺利过桥吃到了鲜美的嫩草。三只山羊的故事告诉我们在面对困难时,要运用智慧的头脑去解决问题,要勇敢不害怕,不能轻言放弃。

How:文本主要通過描述Who,What,Where,How 四个方面来推进故事的发展,在介绍人物心理变化时,主要涉及的词汇有:hungry,scared,not scared, sleepy,交代故事发生场景涉及的词汇主要有on the bridge,on the hill,in the water,在描述三只山羊过桥与巨怪交锋的过程中使用的核心句型有:Im hungry. Dont eat me. Eat... Hes big. So what?Im not scared. Youre little. Im big.对话内容句式简单,且多次重复,利于学生理解。







hungry,scared,not scared,sleepy,on the bridge, on the hill,in the water.


Im hungry.

Dont eat me. Eat... Hes big.

So what?Im not scared.

Youre little.

Im big.


Step1 Warm up

1. Lets chant

Theres a hippo on the hill.

Theres a hippo on the hill.

So what?Im not scared.

Theres a tiger on the hill.

Theres a tiger on the hill.

So what?Im not scared.

Theres a monster on the hill.

Theres a monster on the hill.

So what?Im not scared.

Theres a spider on the hill.

Theres a spider on the hill.

Lets go home. Im scared.

2. Free talk

T: Look! Theres dog on the hill. Are you scared of it?

S: So what?Im not scared.

T: Look! Theres cat on the hill. Are you scared of it?

S: So what?Im not scared.

T: Look! There are three goats on the hill. Are you scared of them?

S: So what?Im not scared.

(设计意图:运用朗朗上口的Chant重复句式Theres a ... on the hill. So what?Im not scared.在文本阅读之前给学生输入核心句型So what?Im not scared.接着,师生在Free talk中运用Chant中的句式进行对话交流,巩固核心句型的理解和使用。)

Step 2 Before reading

1. Look at the cover and say.

T: What can you see from the cover?

2. Think and say.

T: What do you want to know about the story?

Step 3 While reading

1.Skim,find and match(快速阅读第6~9页,找到故事中主人公的名字,连一连。)

2.Read and think(阅讀第6~7页,回答三只山羊怎么了?)

T:How are the three goats?

S:The goats are hungry.

3.Read and answer(阅读第8~9页,找到三只山羊该怎么做?)

Q:The three goats are hungry. How do they solve it?

S: Lets cross the bridge(过桥)and eat the grass.


4.Listen and find(听第8~9页的对话,找到三只山羊的心情怎么样?)

S:Little Goat is not scared.

S:Big Goat and Middle Goat are scared.

5.Listen and act(听第10~11页的对话,模仿巨怪和小山羊演一演。)

Troll: Im hungry.

Little Goat:Dont eat me. Eat Middle Goat. Hes big.

Troll: OK.

6.Discuss and say(小山羊为了过桥做了什么?)

Q: What does Little Goat do to cross the bridge?

S: Little Goat says,“Eat Middle Goat.”

7.Look and answer.

Q:Where is Little Goat?

T:Hes on the hill.


8.Read and find(读第12~13页,找到中山羊和大山羊说了什么?)

Q: What do Middle Goat and Big Goat say?

S:Lets cross the bridge.(Middle Goat)

S:No. Theres a troll.(Big Goat)

S:So what?Im not scared.(Middle Goat)

9.Think and guess(猜一猜:巨怪和中山羊会说什么呢?)

Guess:What will the troll and Middle Goat say?

S: Im hungry.(Troll)

S:Dont eat me. Eat Big Goat. Hes very big.(Middle Goat)


10.Think and answer.(中山羊为了过桥做了什么?)

Q:What does Middle Goat do to cross the bridge?

S: Middle Goat says,“Eat Big Goat.”

11.Read and think.

Q:Little Goat and Middle Goat ask Big Goat to cross the bridge. How is Big Goat?

S: Hes not scared.

12.Guess and say.(猜一猜:大山羊会说什么呢?)

Q:What will Big Goat say?



S:No problem.

13.Listen and repeat: What do the troll and Big Goat say?

S:Im hungry.(Troll)

S:Im not scared. Youre little.(Big Goat)

S:Im not little. Im big.(Troll)

14.Discuss and guess.

Guess:What will the troll and Big Goat do?

S:They will fight.

Guess:Who will win?

S:Big Goat.

15.Read and complete.(读第20~21页,填一填:大山羊做了什么?)

What does Big Goat do?

He hits(撞击)the troll with his ___________.

16.Read and choose.(读第22~23页,選一选:巨怪最后在哪里?)

Where is the troll at last(最后)?

A. on the bridge.    B. in the river.

17.Read and find.(读第24-25页,找到三只山羊最后怎么样?)

Q:How are the three goats at last?

S: They are sleepy.


Step 4 After reading

1.Read and act(学生分组进行表演)


2.Discuss and judge评价故事中三只山羊的表现,并能根据故事交流分享心得体会。

3. Discuss and say.(大山羊的心情有什么变化?)

What changes happen to Big Goat?


4. Think and say.

Q:Why didnt the troll eat the goats?

T:Because the troll is greedy.

T:Because the troll is foolish.

Q:What do you learn from the story?

T:We should be brave.

T:We should not be scared.

T:We should be clever to solve problems.

T:We should help each other.


Step 5 Homework

1.Tell the story to your friends.跟你的朋友讲讲这个故事。(必做)

2.Make a poster about the story.制作一张关于这个故事的海报。(必做)

3.Make a new story The Three Sleepy Goats.编一个新故事The Three Sleepy Goats。(选做)


The Three Goats


