

孔子学院 2023年6期



In September 2022, I was appointed as the fourth Chinese Dean of the Confucius Institute co-established withSun Yat-sen University at the Autonomous University of Yucatán, Mexico. The city I was stationed in is calledMérida, located on the Yucatán Peninsula, near the Gulf of Mexico. My rst impression of Mérida is that it has amodern atmosphere while cherishing its classical culture, re ecting the fusion of classical and modern times.


Compared with Guangzhou, Mérida seems particularly“small” and surprisingly “quiet”. Progreso, a port cityabout 30 minutes away from Mérida by highway,is a large cruise ship port, featured by its welldevelopedfishing and container industries, and isalso an emerging tourist resort. e scenery here isbeautiful, showcasing the unique charm of a bay area.It reminds me of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area (or “the Greater Bay Area”), and Icouldn’t help but compare the two and introduce ourbay area to my colleagues in Mérida.


e bay area is a geographical concept, an economicconcept, and even a cultural concept. With its uniqueland and sea geography, special regional geographicaladvantages, and stable development trend, the bay areaplays an important role in global economic activities. Thedevelopment of the bay area economy is of great significance inpromoting a country’s economic growth, enhancing internationalcompetitiveness, especially in terms of innovation capacity.


China’s Greater Bay Area is internationally renowned. It consists of nine cities inGuangdong Province, including Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong andMacao Special Administrative Regions. e construction of the Greater Bay Area is oneof China’s national strategies. In the future, it will be a world-class bay area hosting avibrant cluster of world-class cities.


尤卡坦自治大学孔子学院有一个优良的传统——每学年结束都要举办结业典礼,并评选出本学年优秀学员。在今年的毕业典礼上,我以徐志摩的诗歌《再别康桥》和两首中国歌曲《再回首》《明天会更好》为线索,将中国文化与孔院学习经历很好地结合起来。最后合影留念时,我问学生:“为什么喜欢中文”, 他们的回答令人感动:“中文虽难,但在今后的生活和事业发展中非常有用。”“我希望去中国留学。”“我希望与中国进行国际贸易。”我说:“广州欢迎你们,粤港澳大湾区欢迎你们。”

The Confucius Insititute at the AutonomousUniversity of Yucatán has a good tradition: At theend of each academic year, it holds a graduationceremony and honors its most outstanding students.At this year’s ceremony, I connected the rich Chineseculture and the students’ learning experience at theConfucius Insititute, using Chinese poet Xu Zhimo’spoem “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again” and twosongs known to every Chinese household, “LookingBack Again” and “Tomorrow Will Be Better”, as intros.When taking a group photo at the end, I asked thestudents, “Why do you like Chinese?” Their answerswere touching: “Although Chinese is difficult, it isvery useful for life and career development.” “Ihope to study in China.” “I hope to engage ininternational trade with China.” I said, “Welcometo Guangzhou, and to the Greater Bay Area.”


I told the students, “A first-class bay areamust be home to first-class universities. Thisis one of the experience we have drawn fromthe prestigious bay areas in the world.” I talkedabout the top universities in several famous bayareas around the world, and told them that theoverall strength of the universities in the GreaterBay Area is also remarkable. There are worldrenownedinstitutions such as the Universityof Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology, the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong,the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sun YatsenUniversity, and South China Universityof Technology. The last two are located inGuangzhou. I welcomed them to come and studyin the Greater Bay Area.


尤大孔院理事会成员路易斯· 拉米雷兹· 卡里略教授(Prof Luis Ramírez Carrillo),是尤卡坦历史学家,也是一位研究中国问题的专家。他曾到访中山大学珠海校区,那里依山傍水,非常漂亮,他很期待能再次拜访。

Professor Luis Ramírez Carrillo, amember of the council of the ConfuciusInstitute at the Autonomous University ofYucatán, is a historian specializing in Yucatánand an expert on China-related issues. He hadbeen to Sun Yat-sen University’s becautifulZhuhai campus once, which is located by themountains and sea. He is looking forward tovisiting again.


2023 年9 月16 日,戴维斯杯(Davis Cup)在梅里达举行。一位当地朋友、孔子学院学生恩里克· 莫拉莱斯(Enrique Morales)邀请我观看墨西哥队与中国队的比赛。落座后,朋友们谈起了中国的发展。莫拉莱斯说,他是做贸易的,与中国交流频繁,为了更好地发展,特意选择每周六来孔子学院学习中文。交流中,他表示孔院的中文教师特别厉害,他收获颇多。随后,他给我展示课堂视频中中国突飞猛进的基础建设,并感叹北京、上海、广州的基建水平令人震撼。紧接着,他又聊起了粤港澳大湾区。

The Davis Cup was held in Mérida on September 16,2023. A local friend and student of the Confucius Institute,Enrique Morales, invited me to watch the match betweenMexico and China. During the match, we talked aboutChina’s development. Morales said he, a tradesman, has toexchange with his Chinesecounterparts frequently. Inorder to better develop hisbusiness, he comes to theConfucius Institute everySaturday to learn Chinese.During our conversation, hementioned that the Chineseteachers at the Confucius Instituteare particularly skillful, and that he haslearned a lot from them. He then showedme videos of China’s rapid infrastructuredevelopment, which he first saw in his class,and expressed his admiration for the construction ofBeijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. He then mentionedthe Greater Bay Area.


He said he was amazed by the rapid developmentof the Greater Bay Area: The “blood vessels” of thebay area have become clearer and wider, with theHong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-Speed Railway, and theNansha Bridge open to traffic, and the constructionof the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge accelerating. TheGreater Bay Area has now created an “one-hour livingcircle” for its people. The port cluster and airportcluster have become denser, making the world andthe area more connected. High-tech innovation hubsare rising expeditiously, with over 40,000 high-techcompanies thriving...


As a member of the Confucius Institute,I am delighted to hear the stories of theGreater Bay Area in Mexico. I hope to helpmore Mexicans learn Chinese, assist moreMexicans in pursuing their dreamsin China, and further understandand learn from the construction ofinternational bay areas to promotecultural exchanges between Chinaand Mexico.


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