(1.广东石油化工学院 a.机电工程学院 b.广东省石化装备故障诊断重点实验室,广东 茂名 525000;2.东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院,沈阳 110819)
为掌握碳纤维复合材料板在低速冲击载荷作用下的损伤规律,延缓失效破坏,对其冲击损伤的应力状态进行研究。基于ABAQUS平台,建立碳纤维复合材料层合板低速冲击有限元模型,采用Hashin失效准则和VUMAT用户子程序,对碳纤维复合材料层合板的冲击过程进行数值模拟,同时考虑层合板层内与层间失效,以此来研究低速冲击条件下复合材料的损伤机理,分析冲击损伤过程中的应力变化趋势,讨论应力的分布状态。重点研究铺层角度及铺层距离冲头远近对应力的影响。不同角度铺层的应力传播轨迹均沿着纤维方向和垂直于纤维方向同时扩展,应力均先增加至极限值而后迅速下降;铺层角度越大,板料的承载能力越弱,0°铺层的极限应力为1 432 MPa,而90°铺层的极限应力降至1 206 MPa;离冲头越远的铺层应力越小,达到峰值的时间更早且率先下降,说明远离冲头的铺层更早发生失效。揭示了碳纤维层合板在低速冲击载荷作用下的应力状态及其对损伤的影响规律,能够为复合材料层合板零件设计提供参考。
1 复合材料板失效理论
1.1 层内失效Hashin准则
1.2 层间损伤失效准则
1.3 刚度衰减理论
2 冲击过程数值模拟分析
图1 冲击模型
图2 Vumat子程序调用流程
3 结果分析与讨论
由图3可知,对于0°铺层,随着冲击过程的进行,与冲头接触的板料中心部位应力逐渐增大,并且应力沿着垂直于纤维方向扩展(图3a)。随后,应力沿着纤维方向和垂直于纤维方向同时扩展,并且扩展速度沿2个方向交替变化(图3b—c)。由图3c可知,最大应力达到了1 400 MPa以上的较高水平,此时的应力值已超过了板料的强度极限值,因此板料中心位置开始发生破裂,对应的单元被移除。接着,破裂区域向四周扩展,由于板料局部区域的失效而导致抗力下降,因此应力降低(图4d)。在图4—6中,‒45°、45°及90°铺层在低速冲击过程中的应力变化和扩展情况与0°铺层类似,不再赘述。由图3—6可知,无论哪个铺层,应力的变化都有着类似的变化轨迹,即随着冲击过程的进行,应力沿着纤维方向和垂直于纤维方向同时扩展,扩展速度交替变化,应力值开始逐渐增大,直至引起板料发生破裂时达到最大值,随后随着破裂区域的扩展而下降。同时,随着铺层角度由0°增加至90°,板料的极限应力由1 439 MPa逐渐减小至1 285 MPa,即随着铺层角度增大,板料承载能力下降。
图3 0°铺层应力云图
图4 −45°铺层应力云图
图5 45°铺层应力云图
图6 90°铺层应力云图
图7 不同铺层应力变化曲线
4 结语
2)对于所有铺层来说,应力随冲击过程的变化趋势是一致的,即先逐渐增加到达极限值后迅速减小,极限值出现在板料开始发生局部失效破坏的时刻。但铺层角度越大,板料的承载能力越弱,0°铺层的极限应力为1 432 MPa,而90°铺层的极限应力仅为1 206 MPa。
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Stress Analysis for Damage of Carbon Fiber Composite Laminates under Low Speed Impact
ZHANG Hua-wei1a,1b, SHAO Yan-tang2, XIANG Chen-shi2, WU Jia-lu1a,1b
(1. a. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, b. Guangdong Provincial Key Lab. of Petrochemical Equipment and Fault Diagnosis, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Guangdong Maoming 525000, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China)
The work aims to investigate the stress state for the impact damage in order to master the damage laws of carbon fiber composite laminates under the low speed impact and postpone the failure of parts. Based on ABAQUS platform, the finite element model of carbon fiber composite laminates under low speed impact was set up. The impact process on the carbon fiber composite laminates was simulated to study the damage mechanism under the low speed impact with the Hashin failure criterion and the user subroutine of VUMAT. The stress change trend during the impact damage process was analyzed, with both of the layer failure and the interface failure considered. The stress distribution state was discussed, and the main focus was put on the effects of the ply angle and the distance between the ply and punching head on the stress. The results indicated that the stress propagation trajectories of plies of different angles extended both in the fiber direction and in the direction perpendicular to the fiber at the same time, the stress values increased first to the limit value and then decreased quickly. However, as the ply angle increased, the loading capacity weakened. The limit stress value in 0° ply was 1 432 MPa, whereas the limit stress value in 90° ply decreased to 1 206 MPa. As the plies were further from the upper head, the stresses in the plies were smaller. The stresses in the plies far from the upper head amounted to the peak and descended earlier, which meant that the plies far from upper head failed earlier. The research results reveal the stress state of carbon fiber composite laminate under the low speed impact and the influencing laws of the stress state on damage, and can provide reference for design of the composite laminate parts.
carbon fiber composite laminate; low speed impact; damage analysis; mechanical mechanism; stress; numerical simulation
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51475086); Projects of Talents Recruitment of GDUPT (2020rc020); Science & Technology Plan Project of Maoming (2022025)
ZHANG Hua-wei (1983-), Male, Doctor, Associate professor, Research focus: composite forming and controlling.
张华伟, 邵延汤, 向陈世, 等. 碳纤维复合材料层合板低速冲击损伤应力分析[J]. 精密成形工程, 2023, 15(1): 106-112.
ZHANG Hua-wei, SHAO Yan-tang, XIANG Chen-shi, et al. Stress analysis for damage of carbon fiber composite laminates under low speed impact[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2023, 15(1): 106-112.